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Tlie 6. A. I!, Meeting: at Boston. From circular number I, issned to the departtnent of Mfebfffan, we take Iba following thüt may be of interest to mmiy of our readers: A special train of flrst-class luy and sleepliig coaches wlll leave Detroit Salurdny, Aug. 9th, about noon, over the Michigan Central, anil Boston and Albany rallroads. This train wlll be fltted up and properly deslgnatttd as a Michigan train of the Grand Array of the republlc. At lenst two liours stop wlll be made at Niágara Falls, givlnit a flne opportunlty to see Ibis greatest of American wonders. The arrival In Boston wlll be at an early hour on the arternoon of the lOlh of August, euubllug all who accompany thls train to become scttled iu thelr quarters before dark. Oue iare for the round trip has been agreed upon by the Michigan Central from üetrolt, and should a break In ibat rate occur upon any olher flrst-class line, the lower rate wlll be glveu by our dcpartinent train. The Michigan Passenger Agenta Associatlon at thelr recent meeting held In Saginaw, declded to make the rate one fare froin potnui on the r roads to Boston for the round trip for the Natlonat Encampment oí the G. A. K. tíleoplnií car accomodallons In the Wagner palace car to a llmited exlent have been cliartered by the cornmlllpe lor this train, thus reduclng the rate for berths from Ihe regular prlce. This wlll euablecomradeKtiml ttieir frlends to avall themselves of coinforlable rest the entlre route at a sllght alvance OVM the rullroad fare, aud at less charge than on olher routes where cars have not been cuartered for Michigan use. To secure sleeplug car accomodallons, you should wi Ite at once to C.V.B. Pond, Coldwater, Mlcli., ( 'hairinan of the commlttee on transportatlon, to whom tl-o should be addresped al] inqulrles pertulnlng to trausportatloa of Uiik departmeut to Boston. Attpntion Pla9lerer8 - I urn novv ready to reci-ivi; the lowet bid lor lttlliiiir and plaaterlng iuy new house on Forect avenue, elther in Lirae mortar or Adammit. PlitUI and spi'cilications at the honso or with Huuson T. Mokton, 40 South University avei ue. The Fruit Sliipments. TIn' co i inittee on transporta! ion nppolnUxl by lh pomologic il society has made salitactory BrftMlJWneilU wilh the MicliiH'i Central. At this eml of the ro id Mr lliyi-a will see to the ahlpilieol of our fruit without any other ag'iicy. At Detroit the saine man we h ui lüt is As aoon as we have 200 hushelg Of berries ready we wlll hav(; a fruit car, bilt 50 l)Uihl8 or over are sliipped by freiyht as usual itnd .Mr. Hayes will telefiiaph eiwh liim!nt tree of oliarge The Toledo, Aun Arbor and N. R. K. was uot ready with their , table. Tue Committee.


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Ann Arbor Courier