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B'aiiic vs. Glathtoue. Blaine's famnns reply to Gladstone lias juat been issued in pamphlet fonn. Tliis is one of the ablest presentatlons of tlie benelits of Protection yet published, and sliould be widely read. Se.nd tor a copy to the American ProtectiveTartff Longue, 23 West Twenty-tliird street, New York, iuolosing a two cent stamp. Xcw Pension Law. The new Pension Bill lias boeome a law and Newton F. Kirk, U. S. Pension Attorney will be at the county cleik's office, Ann Arbor, MIch., Mondny and Tuosday July 14-15, to take your claims and g'we them his personal uttention. Twelve year8 experienee in tho business witli great auccess. Tliis bill allows from six to twelve dollars per month to soldiers now disabled,(not nece3snry to show dlpabiliry incurred in the service,) eight dollars to widows of soldiers wlio died from any cause, with two dollars addltional for eacti cliild under 10 years of age, and twelve dollars to parents {now cUjKndent) of to - diers wlio (lied leavlng neithur widow or children. No fee nnless suocessfu1, and then only the lerHl fee of ten dollars. Come and see me if vou liave a claim, or write me at Albion, Mlch., endose stamp for prompt reply. Advice tree. Tliosft wlio tile thelr claims tirst will be tl e i'r t to receive their money. Card of Thanks. The undersigned deslres to return hls slncre thanks to thoae cltlzsns aitd student In Ann Arbur wtio so kludly lendered their syjnpathy and aid to tiim tn connection wilh the lillies and deutli of hls son. Tlie reracnibrance will ever be gratefutly cheridbed amongthe reliëfs of a sad provldentlal vlsitatlon . A. B., Jersey Ulty, N. J. Excursión Knies. The Toledo, Ann Arboi &. Nonli M cli. R'y will place tickets on sale as follows: Annual meeting Maccabces at Hay City Augl'2: One fare round trip. Selllug dates Aug. 11-12 llmlled to Aug. 15. Emanclpation Day Aug. Ist, one fare round trip. Helling date Auit. lsl rciurnlng Aug2d. O. A. 11. Aleetlns BusIoq, oue lare round trip. llth Mich cavalry reunión at Hudson Oct üd. IW fare, certlflfate plan. ■2d Mlch. Infautry reunión at Adrián Sept. 9 V3 fare certifícale plan. Herman Methodist camp meeting at Lanslng AusustSlIi to lOth. I', lar round trip. CryRtal Lake camp-meeting July 7th to Aug. 6lh. y fare round trip. Miiton liapidscamp-ineettng, Eaton Kaplds July -.2, to AuguiilS. 1% fare round trip. Continental cantonment and Trlennlal pnniilu of Patriarch Militant, and I. O. O. F. at (,'blcago Aug 'I, lo 10. Une fare for rouud trip.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier