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Prof. VVlnchelI has gone to Milwauker Wis. N. J. Kycr and famüy are In camp a Zukey Lake. Bertha Hosc is enjoying the cool hreczes at Charlevoix. Mrs. Loss, of Wilmot 8t., is visiting at Flat Hoek, Mich. Mrs.tT. E. Beal is passing the week witti her parents. John B. Geelde, forrnerly a resident of the city, is iu town. Aug. B. Iloelim, of Euton Rápida is in town for a few days. Prof. Dcnison bas gone (o Royaltoo, Vt., for the 8Uinmer. Theo. O. Roelirn, of Ottamwa, Iowa,ls home tor a few days. John Randolpli Hogers has returned home to Koine, Italy. E D. Walker and wife have removed to Saline from tuis city. Dr. V. C. Vaughan spends the month at Old Mission Beacli. Miss Mulle Hepfer, of Cheleen, Is visiting friends in the o.ity. Thos. J. Cavanaugh has gone to Portland, Mlch., on a visit. Evart öcott expects to leave to-morrow for old Mission Beach. Mis3 Huttie Haviland will spend the summer at Alma, Mich. George Sperry, wlth H. Ramlall, has been visiting in Chicago. Miss Adilie Huddlcston has gone to Cleveland on a short visit. Mrs. Otis who has been visiting Mrs. Warden has returned home. Dr. Ford aud family have gone to Weque-ton-sing for the summer. Mrs. A. Johnson of Washtenaw ave., has moved to Stratnroy, Ont. Mrs. C. P. Stone, of S. Fifth st , lefc for Grayling during the last week. Miss Mattle Harriman has gone to St. Johnsbury, Vt. for the summer. A. O. Walker and wife of Monroe st., have gone to Cannndalgua, N. Y. lí. D. Giles'and wife, of Detroit, gpent tlie 4th in the city with relatives. Miss Nellie Brooks of Ilowell, is vUiting Mrs. S. Green, on Fourth st. Mrs. O. A. Wright of E. Jeffcrson st. leít for Marquette on the 7th inst. Mrs. James Bonnell, of Lawrence st., s very ill trom abscess in tbroat. Hrs. C. 1'. Hertel and son Cari, have gone to Bay View for the summer. Mis. II. M. Joy and son Harry, of S. )vision st. liave pone to Bay View. George F. Kobison, of Detroit, spcnt bunday with his paren ts in this citj'. Hiss Lillie Condón is stopping with rienda at Grosse Isle for a few weeks. Miss Nellie Bulcomb is spending the nmmer wltli friends at Grand Itapids. Elmer K. Beal left Saturday eveningfor everal day's stay with friends in Flint. Hon. Chas. lt. Whltman and fainily iave gone to Charlevoix for the summer. Mrs. Anna E. Warden, of División st„ s spending a week or two in Grand ida. Prof. W. J. Hassy, of E. Jeffurson st., ]g spencling a short lime in Obio and Illinois. Mrs. Taylor and family of S. University uve. have gone to Fenton for che sumnier. Miss Mary A. Tenny, of S. Ingalls st., left last Friday to visit friends iu Chicago. -Mis. J. J. Goodyear and mother, Mrs. Comstock, were in Detroit Thursday and Friday. Miss Josie Ilannaa of E. Unlvcrsity ave., is spending the summer at New lludson, Mich. Mis. Geo. Buss, of Siierman, N. Y. has been spending a fcw days with Mrs. W. K. Childs. Prof. Frank C. Smith is visiting C. A. Howell near Adrián. The P. O. iscalled Pentecost. Miss Jessie Orees; went to Albio:i last Saturday eveniug for a vlsit with friends a few days. Mis. M. J. Doge and daiighter Edi.tb have moved from E. Univensity ave. to Put-in-Bay. Dr. Esther Willoughby and fanrly, of CUurch st , have gone to St. Joseph for the summer. Jamio Handy has gone to Kalamazoo to spend a few weeks with his sister, Mrs. W. R. Clark. D. O. Douglass, of Toledo, has been visitlng his home here for several days during the week. Ok. Button of the Chicago Steel and Iro'n works, is visitlng his mother, on Thompson at. Mrs. C. M. Traub and son Willie, of Detroit, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. G. Josenhans. Dr. McLachlan of York, was In the city Monday, putting up souie of his fences for county clerk. Mrs. V. F. Miller has as her guest3 her two daughters, Misses Lizzie and May Miller, of Chicago. Mrs. S. Mi Spence and family, of Jefferson st., are to spend the summer at Naubinway, Mich. Mr. Francis II. De Puy, of Mnynard st., has returned to the city after a year's absence in Dakota. Frank E. LeSeur and Will Shoemaker, of Toledo, spent Sunday with C. B. Davison and family. Oicar G. Burleigh with Moore & Taberf is going to Hochester, N. Y., to-day, on pleasure and business. W. B. Slickney, who has been spending a few days with his family, returned to Sast Saginaw Moriduy. Ed. Muck, cashier of the Citizeus' Sav)gs Bank, of Detroit, spent Sunday with lis parents in tliis city. Miss Kebecca Jolinson, wlio hu been pending a few weeks liere, has retumed ome :o Duluth, Minu. Mrs. Forest Beckwitb, of Iouiü, with ïer four cliildren, are visiting Mrs. F. F. ieckwilh on Cliurcb st. Mrs. R. M. Barker, of Flint, who bas een visiting relatives in the city returned lome Saturday evening. Drs. Nancrede and Darling were called o Coldwa'.er last Tliursday and Friday a professional business. Mr?. Julia Pitldn, who lias beeu visitaz her boq, Gillie S. Pitkiti, at Petrolia, Ont., has returned lióme. Editor A. H. Herion, of the South jyon Picket, was a pleasant caller at the Coürier ofllce yeslerday. Ralph McAllaster who is now located t Waupacii, Vs., 3 home for a visit witli is párente, on S. State s'. Will P. Stimson with liis fainlly are iking i" the beauties of Zukey Lakc, at ie Keystone Club house. Mif. Gicpii, who has been yisiting Mrs. E. B. Lewis for some time, has returned borne to Newberry, Mlch. Col. J.W. Ohlldí of Washington, D.C, is expected ut the home of hls brother, W. K. Chiltls, for a visit soon. Kev. Mr. Tatlock and Judge Klnne expect to leave Friday morning for a tour of the northeru Michigan sumnicr resorts, to be absent a couplc of weeks or so. Prof. A. B. Prcscottand family returned liorae last evening from a visit with friends in Itihvaukee, Wte. Mrs. M. C. Cole, daughter Lucy, and son Prof. Ross G. Colc, have gone to Orcliard Lake for the sumncer. Mr?. II. A. Harwood Ieaves to moriow for Bay City, to reniain several weeks with lier daughter, Mrs. E. B. Perry. Mrs. Miry Gensley, of Collegevllle, Ark., is visiting her sister, Mrs. G. Josenhans, and othcr rclatives in the city. Gov. A. Felch, daughter, Mrs. Cole, and grand-daughter Lilian Cole, leftyestcnliiy for a tour of northeru Michigan. Win. Case, wife ani'. daughter Oertir, of South Lyon, were )u tliecitj7 over Sunday, and are now visiting friends in Lima. Chris. T. Donnelly and family celebrated the 3d birthday of the twins at Chelsea, with Mrs. Huffb Sherry, thelr aunt. ilrs. Heimer and daiiLliter Faith are to remove to Chicago soon. Miss lh'1mer has a position in the schools at La Grange, 111. Miss Belle Deming, who has been tlie guest of Miss Zella Huid, on Washtenaw aye., has returned to her home in Michigan City, Ind. Prof. George W. Renwick and wife, of Muskegon, are guests at D. C. Fall's' Mr. Itenwick speaks very highly of the nortliern country. Chns. W. Wagner and family will leave to-morrow for We que-ton-sing. Mr. Wagner will return in a fewdays, but hb family will remain during the stnmmer. Miss Iva Gregg, of the P. O. force, is taking a vacation of two weeks, which she is spending in Albion, in company witli her mother, Mts. Gregg, and sister ilri. Drake. Mrs. E. I. Hyde, who has been out of tlic city for a year, has returiied to her home at 28 S. División st., and lier daughter Sarah, a teacher in Brooklyn, N. Y., is visiting her. Oommissioner Jacobs has been appointed to arrange witli the Meuominee tribe of Iudians about the sile of sotne of tlieir tiniber land. He left Sund'iy for Wisconsin on tliat business. Miss Grnce títanton, of Grand Rápida, who has been visiting in this city for the past few weeks, rcturned home Monday, accompanied by her cousin, Miss Georgia 41. Saunders, who intends to reinaiti inonth visiting relatives and sight-seeing. A party cousisting of Dr. Darling and family, D. C. Fall and family, Prof. Geo. W. Benwlck and family, Prof. L. D. Wines and family, are all going lisliing out to Wliitmore Lake to morrow. Look out for stories - never mind watching for the Dab, Baclii Abel & Co. have had a new design sketched for a fine front to tlieir store. Judge J. N. Lucas, lale of Nebraska, law gradúate class of 'G7, has removed to Lansing and occupies the office lately occupied by Judge Cahill. James J. Parshall tells about a Germán woman who plcks 94 quarts of raspberries in eifrht hours for hiin, and then doesn't consider it much of a day's work. The lirst stone sidewalk that was laid n tlic city of Arm Arbor, was in front of Wack & Schmid's store. It is novv belng taken up to be roplaccd with the long stone slabs that reach the entire lengtb of ,he walk. It lias been suggested that the county fair authorities would do well to oü'er a premium for lady bicycle riders. Not for racing, but for grace of movement, ease in mountina; and dismounting, etc. It would be a good attraction. William Henry Harrison Boylan was baptized at the M. E. church last Sunday, F. F. Newcombe, a former teacher in the deaf mute school at Flint.translating the service in to the sign langunge for the candidate, who Is deaf. The report of the letters and parcela regiï-tered at the Ann Arbor postoflice, for the quarter ending June 30th is as follows: Domestic letters, 281 ; domestic pareéis 25; foreign letters 41; foreign pareéis 2 ; official matter 53, total 402. Saai Uregory caught a pickerel In Strawberry lake last Friday that was o heavy that they had no scales that would weigh him. A man from Dundee paid lilin $5 spot cash for the fish. JT. 15.- This is no fish story. Look out for a lish story from Dundee, however. The followlng societies formed the procession that marched to Relief park last Friday for the celebration of the 4th: Ann Arbor Workingmen 's Aid Society 50 strong, the Germán A. O. U. W. 39 strong, the Schwabian Aid Society 35, Landwehr Aid Society 25, the Harugari 15, the Detroit Aid Society 35, the Toledo Society 15. P. G. Suekey delivered the oration, which from all accounts was a highly colored political effort. "As happy as a boy wlth a new top" Is the boy- old or yonng- who han control of u liydraut aad lis belonglngs. But tliere can be too much even of a aood thiug; for instance, water lialfan inch deepou ttiusidewalks and mud twlce that depth on the oroulngc Whatshali a lady do? Wear rubbers In July on the hot flagx, or run tbe risk of wet and muddy feet every time she passes certaln premlses? Keally, good friends, there Is a happy mean tbat keeps fresh and cool, and yel does not guggest tbe deluge.- Ypsllautluu. Before the summer is over that boy- oldoryoung - will be tired of the hose and hydrant, and if he goes near it it will be by force. The yards will dry up and streets go dusty for all htm, and the poor mother, already too olteu overworked, will add sprinkllng the lawu to her other duties. Such is history. It will rt'peat itself at Ypsilanti probably.


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Ann Arbor Courier