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f CAN 1 GEÏ throngh my vork to-dayT I feel miserable, headtchy, tirod, pain in niy back, my food won't digest, my vhole body seenis out of order. We answer Uut it is do wonder you are in such a broken down condition,nml you will keep gcíting worse unlesa tou can curo your LIVER. This important organ Is out of order and you must euro It by promptly oslug those never fallí ngSBBMBfllHMHBBi Dr. C. McLane'sCelebrated Liver Pilis. Ihey rill restore you and giro vigor and hcalth to rour whole ey&tem, making you strong and wolU I)nly25 cents a box, and tlicymsy sayo your Ufe. &Lk yourdiuggist lor tho genuino iDr. O. 3VEoXj-A.]XrS'J3 DELEBRA TED LIVER PILLS - luns bt - FLEMING BROS., Pittsburgh, Pa. Ï-Look out for Covmï kkfkit. made in St Louis. ÜS?IVORYPO5SH ftereTÍÍ? 1 PERFUM1CS THE BKKATU. ICARTER'SI CURE Bick IToadacho and relie va all tho tronblfts incident to a bilious stato f tho systom, such as PizzlDGSs, Nausea, Drowslnose. Distress nftor eating.rait.iu the Sido, kc. Whilo tlieirxuoat remarkablö success has boen ehowu iu curing SICK Ilcadacho, yet Cartor's Litilo Livor Pilla aro cqually vahiablo Ín Constipatioii, ruringaud pro ventiug thiaanuoyiiiECOMplaint.wIiilo tluiy alao correct all disorders of thostomaoh,stiniulnto tho liver and regúlate tho bowels. Even if they only HEAD Ache thoy would be almost prlcolona to those who euffor f rom this distressing coniplaiut; brfl t ortuuately thcirgoodnC8fldoi9 notond hero.aml thoso whooncotry themwill flnd theeolittlo pillsvaluable In Bomany waysthatthey will not bo witllng to do without tuom. But after allsick head ACHE Is tho bane of eo many Uves that here Is whora we make our great boast. Our pilla cure it whilo othera do not. Carters Little Liver Pilla aro very small and Tcry easy to talie. Ono or two pilla inakea doso. They aré strictly vegetable and do aot gripe or purfro, butby thcir gentío artion pienso all who nsatnem. Invlalsat25cents; flvofor$l. Sold by drugyiats ovorywhero, or sent by mail. CARTER MEDICiNE CO., New York. SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PR1CE If You Have C0N8UMPTI0N COUGHorCOLD BRONCHITIS Throat Affectlcn SCROFULA WastingofFlesh Or any Dlsente tejiere the Throat and Zung ar Xnflamcd, Lade of Sirength or A'erv Towcr, you can ba rclicvcd and Curcd by SCOTT'S EMULSIÓN ff OF PURE COD LIVER OIL Wlth Hypophosphltes. PALATABLE AS MILK. Ask for Scott'ë EmuJiton, and let no expXanatlon or êolicltatlon Induce you ta accept a mhatltute, Sold by all Drugglsts. 8COTT &. BCWNE. Chemlsts, N.Y. SCVCN SEVEHTEEtl SEVEMTV To cure Uiliousness, Sick Hcadache, Constipation, Malaria, Liver Complaints, take tho saio and certain rcmedy, SMITH'S BILE BEANS (fee the BJtAXIi Size (JOIittlc Reans to the bOtlle). TlIEV ARE THE MOST CONVBSIENT. Suitnble tor 11 Vkcm. Prlcc of etthcr siac, ggc. per Uottle. ■■ WIIUMaileJror4cts. (copperaorIsnsl. J.F.SMITH4,C0.Mi.kerof BILE BKAXS. ST. LOUIS MO. HEADAGHES l: GiJRED ( SOtü BY.ORUKJtëTi&Z V91GGS'_MEDICINE Wfff ro:t sBa iiv EBERBACH & SON, ■ A AIMIOR. - .' B fiA JB Bnbber Shoea rnilos wom uncomiortablj Usbt general ly Uy olT Uia loeC THE "COLCHESTEE" BUBBER CO. mmke aU ailr hof wlth tnrtde of heel llned wlth rubber. ThU cllnn to th shutt aad praveou tb rubber trom ltpplng off. CU for the - Colehester " "ADHESIVE COUNTERS." OR SALE BY WM. ALLABY, L. GRUNER, JOHN BURG, W. REINHART&CO., DOTY & FEINER, A.D.SEYLER&SON. AWW ARBOR.


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Ann Arbor Courier