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The Local Board Of Directors Of The

The Local Board Of Directors Of The image
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world's fair voted on tho lst to recommend to the National oommlssioaera the lake front and Jackson Park as a site for tlu oxposition. Müs.' and Miss Mary Helmut wore drowned on the lst in thti Alleghony rivcr at 'ravuntum, Pa., by the capsiziiiiT of a skiff. A Fimo on the lst at Soattlo, Wash., caused a loss of Y100,000. Oveu 9,000 boiler-makers and helpers at Pittsburgh, I'a.. struck on the lst for a nino-hour day with ton houvs' pay. The statemont of tho public debt issued on the lst showed the total debt to be $1,605,686,880; cash in the treasury, $55,409,748; debt less cash in treasury, $988,175,172. Decrease during June, $20,083,725. Docrease since June 80, 1889. $88, 471, 448. Tiif. Government receipts from all sources during June last amountod to $37,540,892, against $32,757,907 in June a year ago; and for the fiscal yeartherevenuo ajrijregatod 8402,083,979, which is groater than in any year since 1881-82, when it reached $408,525,250. Duriner tho proceding fiscal year the revenuo from all sources was 8887, 050, 058. The imports of tjold to the United States durin the fiscal year closed on the 30th uit. was 812,878,732, and the exports 817,098,920, or a net loss of gold by export during the year of $4,220,188. During the precoding fiscal yoar the imports of gold wore $10,372,145, whilo the exports reached 800,033,236, a net loss of 849,061,101. It was ascertained beyond a doubt on the lst that the thirty-one iraprisoned minors in the Ilill Farm mine near Dunbar, Pa., wero dead, and the search for thi'ir bodies was abandoned. Thk bill oxtendingf tho charter of the Louisiana Lottery Coinpany was passed by the Senate of that State on tho lst by a vote of 24 to 12. The bilí has alrcady passed the House. A montmkxt to the memory of Thomas A. Hendricks was unvailod at dianapolis on the lst in the presonco of a great throng. Speeches were made by Senator Turpie, of Indiana, and Governors HUI (N. Y.), Francis (Mo.) and Campboll (O.). A POBTioN of Zanesville, O., was inundated by a heavy storm on the lst, and many bridges in the vicinity were washed away. The storage warehouse in connection with the cotton-mül of George Brown at Mount Joy, O., was bnrnt'd on the lst, and Mrs. Samuel Miller, who resided near the fire, dropped doad from fright. DuBIITO an encountor botween revenue officers and moonshiners in Kowan County, Ky., on the Í3d three men ware killed. Sour Chicago dressed beef houses in Boston, Swift, Armour, Hammond and Morris, sufte red an agg regate loss of S100.000 on the 30" by fire. Tuf. l'eahody Institution at Dan vers, Mass., was burned to the ground on tho 2d. Loss, 875,000. Gkain shippers met at Topeka, Kan., on the id and formod the Kansas and Nebraska Grain and Klovator Men's Association for the protection of mombers. By a lamp explosión on the 2d in the house of Adam Steinler at JJradenville, Pa., his little son and daughter were burned to death and Mr. Steinler was fatally burned. A. &. T. Lxk, dealers in wools ín West Manayunk, Pa., f ai led on the 2d for 8100,000 You.N' Wal lace and his accomplice, who robbod his unclo, John il. Wallaco, of $50,000, was on tho '2d sentonced in New York to eight yoara hard labor in State prison. A ST.uteii trust was orsfanizod in New York on tho Jd under the name of the National Staroli Manufacturing Company with a capital of $10,500,000. Nijïkty two cars of coal belonging to the Reading C'ompany wero lost on the ad at Ellzabeth, N'. J., by tho collapse of a pier. The Standard OU Company's warehouse at New Orloans was burned on the 2d. loss, S100,00a Ji.'Din: K. va.n.vuoh, of the district court, sittinsf at Des Moines, Ia., decided on the 'M that ulions could not inherit land in Iowa. Ox the -2J lluvorhill, Mass., colobrated the 2"0th anniversary of its settlement, a poem by Whittier being the feature. A ei-oim-DUfssT over Coshocton County. O., on the 2d caused the loss of thousands of dollars. The National commissioners of the World's Columbian Exposition voted on the 2d (78 to 11) to accept the lako front and Jackson I'ark site as proposed by the local directors. A TKitHiiti.K storm prevailed on the 2d along the Ohio river and Muskingum valley. The big Government dara at Marietta, O., which has cost the Government alroady ovor .W.OUO, was torn to pieces and carried away. At Churchville, O., the wholo vülnjje was badly damaged. Crops over a wido area were ruined. Pkksident Hahkisox signed the act for the admission of Idaho as a State of tho Union at 10 o'clock on the morning of the 3d. The entire business portion of Pullman, Wash., was burned on the 8d. The annual rejnion of veterans of the Army of the Potomac commonced at Portland, Me., on tho 8d with over 1,000 members of the association in attendance. Samuei. Black, an aeronaut, mado a balloon ascensión on the 4th at Beardstown, 111., and the air-ship took üre when at a height of 400 feet and lilack feil and was killed. At Iluffalo, N. Y., on the Sd Kemmler was to dio by electricíty during the wook beglnning August 4. The corner-stone of the new capitol of Colorado was laid at Denver on the 4th by tho Masonic fraternity. Thk first general reunión of Confedérate veterans commenced at Chattanooga, Tenn., on the 3d. The National Columbian Commission appointed committees on tltle and judiciary in Chicago on tho Sd and adjournod to moet on October 8 noxt in that city. Ad vicks of the 3d say that the railway track built up to July 1 in the United States was 1,9(10 miles, as compared with 1,450 miles in the ürst half of 1889.


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Ann Arbor Courier