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MighiganPTentral " The Niágara Falls Route." Time table taklng effect May 18. 18S-0 CHICAGO TO DETROIT. A.M. A..P M P.M. P. M P.M. A H. V . Cl.'o Li 70.") 9 CO 12 il 8 11) 1)010 Kaln'ioH4ü 2 17 3 ■".- 1 uo 1 18 88 7 10 Jacks'D 31 4 25 5 30 8 47. 3 3: tió 5110 9 40 Chelsua 4 02 71(1 5431J31 Deiter.. 4 18 I I... . T2S 55... . P. W.P. M. P.M. P. M. A. M A.M. A.M A.M. Anni'r 445i.S3 B 2a H 45. 745iti)4 110l TiwL'.l S02 5 47 9 56 5 13 8 05 6 28 1113 VVV Je. 5lïï 8 33 4 L)i-'i Ar (i 5 8 15 7 30 10 45 0 -' 2j 7 8U 12 ;0 DKTKOIT TO CHICAGO. IA.M. A M P M.P M. A M.P.M. P.M. DctrH....Lv go 1 60 120 4 45 'i 'J 1.1 556 WayneJuuc. lOiiO . 9 5) e 38 Vpetlaoti.... 1 22 8 4:) Ï03 5 17. 10 15 70U A.M A.M. F.M. P.M. .M. PM IP.ÍI. Ano4rbor... 10 37 8 55 2 17 Ó5.k 10 1 lo:i 7 1U Dexter 110'. . 1 5 ChulBua 1113... 8 22 7 4 Jackson.... 1155 1000 3 17 55 11 15 11 45 8 30 Kalamazoo.. 33 14 145U2 H:tul255 2 17 00 Chicago... Ar 7 &j t lö 0O. .. 4 5) 8 00 1 1 30 O. W. KUUÜL.BS, H. W. HAYKíi, G. P. T. Aircnt, Chicago. Ant., Aun Arlior. Toledo, Aun Arbor & Nortli Michigan itiillvray. TIME 8CHEDULB. TiikiiiK effect NovembtT 25th, 1889. Tralus run by Standard Time. Ooing A'arth.. ss j„ ! g ï ff '?3 STATIONS. 5 5 V. M. . M. P. ". P.H. 3 '25 6 00 Lv Toledo Ar 11 15 1 10 4 17 S 47 Dandee 10 18 14 io 4 ;a -, 0"i Mllau 9 5S 14 (M 4 16 7 16 Urania 9 45 115} UI 7 24 Piitsrteld 9 3411 44 5 07 7 8-1 Aim Arbor 9 saill 30 5 3 7 50 Lelan I il 07 11 15 5 41 8(15 Whltmore Lake 8 MiU 0) 6 2 8 45 Howell 17 10 45 7 15 9 35 Durand 7 10 9 35 "S55 ÏÏTa"l Eastlaiiiuiw. .T 5 .V 7 46 b mi io 10 Owoiu ii Tv, 9 nr, 9 071145 Ilhai 534 750 10 15 12 45 Mt. Plcasant i 3 5 6 45 3 0 radlllíic 1(180 .... 4 41 Copimleh 9 05 .... 5 40 Ar FWüWort Lv 7 50 P. M.p. M. I A. M. A M. (Joing South. South Lfon Itriiucii. NOKTIl BOTND. STATIONS. 8OUT1I BOPMU Train 18 Train 17 A. M. A. M. 6 00 Lv Ann Arbor Ar t 15 ■ 4(1 Wordena 7 35 7 00 Ar South Lyon Lv 7 15 H. W. ASHLEY, General Manawr. A. J. PAISLEY, GEO. H. HAZLKWOOD, Oen'l. I'ass. Ticket Aeent. Local Aucnt. Estáte of Charles X. Uaines. STATE OF MICHIGAN. Couuty of Waautenair _ ss. At a seesion of the Probate Courl for the Oon'j ol Washtfinaw, holden at the Probate Office, in the City ol Ann Arbor. on Thursday, the ulneieenib day of June, in the year one thonpand eifht limidred and Dinety. Present, J. Wlllard Babbitt, .ladye of Probate. In the matter of Ihe the catate of Char'e N'. Uainea deceased. Edward Troadwell. Um admln Istrator of wiid Mtate, cuinos into court and n precente, that he U iuw repurei to runtier bia flnal account il Bnch :uiminitrarir. Thoreupun lt ie urderad, Ihat Tnc sdr.y, tbe twenty-second day of July next, at 10 o'cluck 1d the forenoon, b6UBlgn6d tor examinini: and allowingsnch account and that the hdra at law ol Bsid deceaaed) and all other persona interented in said esute, are rcquired to appear at a swrioo 1 iaid Court, then to be holden at the Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, in aald Coanly, and show cause, if any there be.wtiy tlie said acrouiit should not be alluwed: And it is fnrther ordered, thiit said adminiïtraior give notice to tlie personi iutervated in said estate.ol the pendcncj if gnld account, and the hearing therent, by causing a copy of ihls order to be publisbed in tbe Ann Arnor Courier, a newspaper printed and circulated o sAid couuty, three euccessive weeks prevlous to saiil day ol hearing (Atraecopy.) J. WILLAKD BABBITT, Jude ol l'robate. WM. G. DOTY, Probate Register. Murt íiiifc Sale. On the -2r,th dav ot February, A. D., 18S4, Gottfried Jcdele and Christina li. .li-dele, hij wifc, by induntme of morlgage, mortgaüed to lleurletta K. l'laik'oo, as execnlrlx of the eftute of John J. Clarkson, deceaced, of the city ol Jtirkson, Mie! iu'HM. njl that ciTtaln pi. ce or parcol of land eltuate. liig and bciuu' in ihe townt-hip 'f Sharon, eouniy ol Wn"hienaw. aid State ot Mn lii gan, kixvn and {ieicrihcd as follows, to-wit : The sontheast qnarier of the northeast qoattei ol sction innnU-r i w (2öj, and tu tuwnthip nnmber three. eouih of THvgc nnmber three enst, MkhIgan. Thi uiotirage wit, on the üütti day of Kel. ruary, A. D., 18S4. recorded iu the office of the Keiiis'er of Decds fr eaid Washienaw Couuty, in liher 57 of mortgngen on page 510. Default has buen made iu the conditiora of thi said mongage, the pame is now duc, and upon the same there is claimed to b now due and ïiniwid the Mini nf two ibousand and thiny four aud 27-lüü dollars (20:!4.27) by the terms thercof; and no ► uit or proceeding whatevur, In law or equlty, ha been commnced or bad to recover the eain' or any pari ihereof, or on safd mortjrssc. Notlrf is therefore hereby givtn, that pursuiint to law and ihe terms of eHldniortgipe. the premtie abbve and in s iid mortgaee detcribed. or do much tht-reof as may be r.cci'ssary for thnt purpiw. will M !old at public anction, to the h'ghest bidder, 01 the 25th day of July, A. U., 1S90. at eleven o"click in the forenoon of that day. at the west front door of the court houae, in the city of Ann Artior, Washtenaw County, Michigin, (that beincr the building in which the Circuit Court for said Wachtenaw County is holden) to satisfy the aniüimt then dne on said mortgagc, the lecral cosis and cluirgee of tbc forecli sure and the sale theritaf. Date.t Aril30th, A. ., lsi. A. F. FREHMAN, Attorncy for Morii-ilgee. IIËNUIhTl'A B. CLAhKSON, fiieculrix, ef. BE AL ESTÁTE AND INSÜRAN8E A6EN6Y, OF J. A. SESSIONS, ATTORXEY AND NOTARY PUBLIC Real Estáte sold or rented and rent eollected on reasonable terms. None luit old mul nrst-clasB Insnrance Compan!e represenled- with lugurance cap! itai of SIO.inki.oiki. Hatea as luw as any other nsurance conipany and losses proniptly pald. Office No. 5 Norlh Maiii streel, Ann Arbor j Mli-li. __ . - - - ■ RINSEY & SEABOLT'S BAKERY. GROCERY, AND Flour and Feed Store. We keep constantly on hand. BREA, CKACKERS, CAKES, ETC, For Wholesale and Retail Trade. We eball aleo keep a papply of SWIFT & DEUBEL'S BEST White Wheat Flour! Oxborii' Gold Flour, Ituvkwheat Flour, Corn Meal, Foed, Etc, At Wbolesale and Ketall. A general stock ol GROCERIES and PROYISIÜNS CoDBtautly on hanl, wblcb will he sold on ae reasonable terme w at any other bouae tu the cltv. Cash paid for BUTTBR, EGGS, and COÜNTKÏ PROD0CB eenerally. Goods dellvored to anj part of the city without extra charge. KI SE Y & SE A BOLT.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier