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IwcanW throngh my worlc to-day? I fcel miserable, heaóV chy, t ired, pain in my back, my food won'l digost, my wholo body 6eema out of ordor. We answer that it is no wonder yon aro in eucta a brokcn down condition, and you "will keep cetting wors unless you can curo your IJVE1C Tuis important organ is out of ordor and you auist cure it bjpromptly using thoso neycr iaiüiigasdMaHBOBHBiHM Dr. C, McLane'sCciebrated üver Pilis. they irill restore you and Rlve vigor and health to rour whole eystem, makinz you strong and weU. Dnly25 cents a box, and they mayaave your Ufe. tok yourdrugglst lortho genuine ÜELEBRA TEDLIVER PILLS - MADE I1Y - FLEMING BROS., Pittsburgh, Pá. la-Look out for Cocnthefeits made in St Louis. üsflEIV0RT"P0LÍSH ftereÏH.b 1 PERFUMES TIIK BKEATH. ICARTER'SI __ CURE Bick nealarbo and roliovo all tho troubles inddont to a bilious etato of tho systom, such O8 Pizzincss Nausea, Drowsiness, Difltreaa aftor oatiiitf, Pair in the Sido, kc. Whilo tbiririnost roiaurkablo buccoss has boon Bhowu iu curlug SICK IIcadr.che, yot Carter's Littlo Livor Pillo ara i i )y v::lual'lo in Confltipation, curing aud provouüug thl8annojinRcoiaplaint, whilo tliuy aluo cori-ectalUUsoriltirsof thoBiouiatïUtimulatethe livrr una regukuo tho bowols. Even if they only HEAD Acbo they wonld boalmostpricoiosfi to thoao who euffor fromthiadiatreasingconiplaint; biftfortuïiatoly tUeirgooduossdoi'H i:(tonlhfro,audthoi who oncotrythem will find thoso littlo pilla valuabloln Roniany waj'sthat thoy will not bo willing lodo without ttiom. But aftor ailsick hoad ACHE Ia tlio bane of so many liveg thst horo Is where we mako our great boast. Our pillu curo it white olhera do not. Carter" I,ittlo Livor Pilla are very small ana very easy to lalio. Ono or two pilln mako a done. Thoy aro Btrlotly vegetable nd do not grip or pnr(% but by tbcir gentío aetion plüaso all who ueoüiem. Iiivialsat25couts; flvofur$l. Sold by drugnota overywhero, or Bent by maiL CARTER MEDICINE CO., New York. SMALL FILL, SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE If You Have CDNSUMPT10N COUGHorCOLD BRONCHITIS Throat Affection SCROFULA WastingofFlesh Or cmy Diseerse tthere the Tlire&t and Zivng are Inflamcd, Lach of Strength or Kervm Power, you can be relieved and Cured by SCOTT'S EMULSIÓN OP PURE COD LIVER OIL With Hypophosphltes. PALATABLE AS MILK. Athfor Scott'ë BmuXtUm. and let no explanatlon or eolloitation induce you to accept a mbstitute ■ Sold by all Drugglsts. 8COTT & BOWNE.Chemlste. N.Y. To cure Biliousness, Sick Ileadachc, Constipation, Malaria, Liver Complaints, take the safe and cortain remedy, SMITH'S BILE BEANS TTse the SM.VI.T. Sizc (40littlcBcanto the LjOUle). TlIEY AKE THE MOST COSVENIKNT. Suitablo tor All Agen. Frico of citlior alzo. 25c. per JBottle. [J3SIÍÍSbT '■'"" PANEL SIZE. J.F.SMITK&C0.1!-ikvrsof"BiI.KBKAN3, ST.IOUIS MO. C5C;IVI2PC3XT3SrX3 CREAM PRUNES A vcry plearatt Laxnüve, mndo from tho juic of Frosh Pruneï combinad vh i , armless M infiïdinta of wcil kii'.wn .-uid liighly nicdicinal qualitics, pul up in tlic for of CREAM DROPS, Makïng a very valuable preparation FOR tNFANTS and CHILDREN, AssïmUatinK the food and Rcgnlating the Siomach ünd :'uw Is. It Pron.otes Digestión, Cheerfulness and Fiest IT IS A WÖHOERFUL REMEOY ForCC MSTIPATION, S 2UR STOMACH, CONVULSIONS, LOSS Cl" SLEEP ViORMS, ' FE ERISHNES, Etc. P ce 2C Certs. ItltlGUS MEDICI T ;O., J.' N. J. FOR SALIi . I BKIii; ACH & SOX, - AJÍX AKHOR. generaUy illp off tho loet. THE "COLCHESTEE" RUBBER CO. mske all Oielr dioea wlth tímido of heel llned with rubber, 'l'his cIItiks to the boo uid prevouU th rubber iroru AUpplng off. CH tot the "Oolchertor" "ADHESIVE COUNTERS." rol! SAI.K BY- WM. ALLABY, L. GRUNER, JOHN BURG, W. REINHART&CO., DOTY & FEINER, A.D.SEYLER &SON. yviMIvr ARBOR.


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