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At Michigan City, Ind., Mrs. Caroline

At Michigan City, Ind., Mrs. Caroline image
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Stork, agm 73 years, cominitted suicido on the 9th by taking rat poison. Family trouble wa the cause. Dukixo a storm on tho 9th at Ball's liliiIT. N. Y., niño men were drowned. Dukinu a quaHrel on the 9th in Chicago W. Uittainul fatally sliot liis wifu and was In umi fatully jiot "uy his son. O. tho Oth the judlciary Rommittoo of the Louisiuna Senate doelared that "Uio (iovernoi-'s velo of thfl lotti'ry bill was witliout rirht or mthority. The' report was adoptod and the Sonate returned tho 1 i. 1 1 lo Uie House. Ik a race riot at Starr's mill-pond in Fayette County, (.i., on the lOth four negroes were killed and six wounded, two fatally. Eiglit white men were alsoshot, one fatally. A CABREAOS was struck by a train at a railway crossing near Owego, N. Y., on the lOth, and Mrs. Clevoland, widow of ex-SherifT Cloveland, of Tioga County, Mrs. Jamos Sha; Mftl Mrs Avory Whitmarsh wero killed. At Concordia, Kan., some laborors while digging a cellar on the lüth ox] cavated several pieces of sandstone which upon oxamination were found to ba filled with veins of virgin gold. Iv tho Louisiana Legislature on tho lOth the House adopted tho rosolution of the Senato declaring that the Governor had no power to voto tho lottery bilí by a vote of (il to '27, and the promulgation of tho bill was intrusted to the Seoretary of State. The Legislaturo then adjourned ttne die. Pkksidknt IlAiutiso.v on tho afternoon of tho lüth approved the act for the admission of Wyoming as a State of tho Union. The National erop report on the lOth gave the condition of wheat as 76.2, against 78.1 last month. AT Warsaw, Ind., Mrs. William C. Gordon, a wealthy widow, and William C. Evers, a younjr man about the house wero fatally burned on the lCth by an explosión of a gasolino stove. Os the lOth l'JO Moimons arrived in New York on route for Utah. Ojíe of Brooks, Wutorfleld & Co. 's tobacco warehouses at Cincinnati was burned on the lOth, causing a loss of 8135,000. Kvery business house excopt one at Calloa, Mo., was destroyed by fire on the lOth. At a meeting of the suprome lodge of the Knig-hts of I'ythias in Milwaukee on the lOth (eorjfo V. Sbaw, of Eau Claire, Wis., was elected SupreineChan cellor. The Navy Department at Washington on the lOth ordered two war vessels to proceed to Central America to protect American intorosts and subjects in the evont of war botwoen Salvador and Guatemala. TilK centennial anniveisary of Mothodism in Hoston was celebrated on the llth. lilCNJAMI.V itrTTKKWOKTIf, of OhiO, was on the llth eloctod secrotary of the World's Columbian Exposition. At Kirminrfham, Ala., Alf Cooper (eolored) was hange! on the llth for the murderof Jeff (tooger, and Edward D. Gallagher was exocuted at Vancouvor, Wash., for the murder of Louis Mar last November. The vilhifie of Ithaea, Mich., was visitod by a disastrous ftro on the llth, twenty-eight houses being dostroyed. Nkar West Milton, N. H., Edwin Holt beCame suddonly insane on the llth and killnd liis fathor and fatally injurod his motlior. A ltATrr.K took place on the llth between Mexicans and nativos at Ysteta, Tex., in which over a dozen persons wore killed. Ax explosión on the big freight steamshipTioga on tlio river in Chicago on the llth killed fifteen men and injured eight Thkkk were V. lmsiness failures in tlie Unitod StaUis uring the sevon days endod on the llili. ugainst 178 the previous sevon das. Tlie total number of failures in the United States from January 1 to date is 5,703, against 0,255 in a like portion of 1889. Tuk thirty-fourth annual convention of the N itional Educational Association in s ssion on the llth at St. Paul elected W. R. Garrett president and adjournod die. Wiiii.k insano on the llth Mrs. James Williams, living near Fair Haven, Vt., murdorod hor two children - a girl of 17 and a boy of il -sot üio to the houso and cut her own throat. Ilorhusband wa3 killed in his slate quarry two weeks ago. The brewery of the Henry Miller Brewing Company at Philadelphia was burned on the 11 tb. Loss, $100,000. Tuk roflnery of tho Southern cottonseed oil milis near Atlanta, Ga., was burned on the llth. Loss, $100,000. FlKE dsstroyod thu businoss portion of Lamar, Col., on the llth. Tijk American Institute of Instruotlon in session on th llth at Sara toga Springs, N. Y. , paxsod resol utions favoring an educational exposition at Chicago at the time of the Columbian Exposition.


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