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AH liorsemen sliould know the vulue of sunflower seed. Je Is not only one of the best remedies for lieave?, but a hotst which has recently foundered can be entlrely cured by belDg jjiven half a pint twice u duy for a while in liia feed. The man wlio would be a leader must never keep the procession waiting. Tliose unhappy persons who suffer trom nervousuess and dyapepsia should use Carter's Little Nerve Pilis, which are made expressly for sleepless, nervous, dyspeptic suflerers. Price 25 cents. Be wllling to do good, and you will be surprised at how much you can do. Hlch Harvest for a Michigan Farmer I liave suffured for years with rheuraatism, loss of appetite und disorded blood, and after great expendltare of time ani money had iltnost given up all hope ol relief. Hearing of Hibbard's Kheuinatic Syrup, I grasped it as as a last resort, and at ter usinj? six bottles found almost entire relief. I am now able to work on my farm with ease, which I hare not done in years, and I advise all persons sufferlng with rheumatiam and other blood troubles, to try thls medicine. Harwick Perrt. Tliurnian, Micll. Sold by all drugrgists. Prepared only by The Charles Wright Medicine Corapany, Detroit, Mich. Pkau's Soap secures a beautlful complexIon. Hibbnrd's Rheumatic and Li ver Pilis. Tlifse Pilis are scientlfically compounded, and uniform in action. No gripinr pain so commonly following the use of Pilis. They are adapted to both adults and children with perfect safuty. We gurantee they have no equal in the cure of Sick Headache, Constipation, üyspepsia and Biliousnesü; and as an appetizer, tbey excel any other preparation. The smile of a sleeping child may nerve a man to do desperate ttiings. Bucklen's Árnica Salve. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Te? ter, Chapped Hands, Chllblains, Corns, atul all Skin Kruptions, and positlvely cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to glve perfect satisfaction, or inoney refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For Sale bv Eberbacli & Son. Play is what a boy don't have to do. Bj


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Ann Arbor Courier