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The Adrián Press propounds enough qucstlons to the Coukier in its last issue to keep a lead pencil busy lorseveral minutes in making reply. These same questiois were asked and aDswered in the campaign two years ago. The Press ought to remember th:it long. Not on'y answered by the Courier but by the people at the polls. It Is useless to thrcsh over the old straw again. Tliough if necessary the old straw and the old candidate also can be dressed out in just as fine shape as they were two yeara ago. IIow is it Bro. Stearns? Ib it a go? H;is history got to repeat itself ? At the editorial convention in Saglnaw a re&olution was made and passed appoinling a committee on legislation witli special reference to amending the election law so tliat tickets might be printed in the locality, the following members belng appoinled: Junlus E. Beal, Ann Arbor Couriek, Chairman ; W. P. Nesbitt, of the Big Rnpids Herald; M. E. lirown of the Battle Creek Moon ; C. E. Baxter, of the Charlotte Hepublican; James Slocum of the Holly Advertiser. The following officers were elected for the ensuing year: Presldent-Wm. P. Nesbitt, Big Hapiils Heral(3 Vlcc Pres - Kred Slocum, Caro Advertiser. Sec' v - B. J. LiOwrey, Howard Hecord. Treas.- Jus. Sctiemmerhorn, Hudson Gazette. We last year Imported 75 mllllon dollars worth of sugar and pald OH nnlllons tarlfl' to eet it. It Is all labor. Now why not pajr out that money to American lborers, lf proteollon wlll Klve It to thera. Would It uot have niüilfi more business liere? It'sslx times what tlo platecostus. Wtiy not keep the money at home? Ann Arbor Coukier, please reply. -Adrián Press. Yes. When the Lord made tlils country he didn't make a sugar enne climate here, and Yankee ngenuity has not been able to outwit the Maker. And ttie reason the ttiriff is continued on sugar is because there are a few southerners engaged in the business, and the democratie party has so far steadily and soiidly fouglit taking off that tariflf. We would respectfully refer the Press to the Mills bill. Did you ever liear of that bill ? It was a democratie measure wasn't it? It continued the duty on southern sujjar and took it off northern wool, didn't it ? You wrote and talked for the Mills bill didn't you ? And now you ask why the duty is not taken off sugar? You don't know do you? Welast year Imponed 68 mllllon dollars wortli of woolen goods. Two-thlrds o! lt was labor. Suppose tbat amount had been patd American workmen. Would not they have been more prosperous? Why not give Uto the American laborer ir prolectlon will do lt ! -Adrián Press. Because in tliis free land of ours tliere are a lot of dudes who are Euglish you kijow - yes, you know - and wlio cannot find anytliing good enougli made in this country to cover their persons, 80 tliey buy imported goods, you know. Just as we have people here iu Aun Arbor wbo will o to Detroit and buy goods and pay more for tbem tban they would have to pay oui owa mercliHiits. You never lieard of that class of people did you 'i Wel), here s a cllppiíig from your own paper. Itead it : Look out for the clothesyou buy for 810.0 WbeD two or Ihree dollars worth of rallroad, excursión tickets, etc., are throwu In. Suoh $10. 00 liargiilns are usiüilly rolde lakes, and the purchaser gels beaullfully It-ft. Vou can't buy sometbing lor nothlng, eltber Ín Detroit oroutof it. There Isn'l a clulhlng store in M lchlgHM wbtch does not give better bargulns than the ones ofiered in Detroit Don't forget tllHt. And really you have the same class of people In Adrián, too, don't you ? But why buy anytliing at home ? Why don't you go down to Detroit and buy all your goods y Why have any factories here in the United States? Why not buy all of our clothing andfupplies in Kuropeas wodid in good oíd free trade times? Why not pay England as mucli for calleo, and steel rails, and salt, and so OH through a long list of articles, as we did before the tariff built tip these industries In our own country Will the great meeting of workmon in Sheffleld, Kng., to protest agalnst the provislons of the McKinley tanft" bill, bring tears f rom the eyes of the (ree tratle organ.-':' itouglitto. Our frienil?, the enemy, have airead y mude up their plan of campaign. It ia to ïmike a great hue and cry over the state ticket, but to sell out everything for the legislatura In other words make a slill bant for that body in order to redistrict the state on the Olilo gerrymander plan. Senator Vest, of Missouri, upheld the Mornion doctrine of polygamy iu the Senate the other day, because lie considered it a part of the Mormon's religión. ■'If the MormoDS had the absurd opinión that polygamy was right, as a religious matter they should bo allowed to enjoy opinión.'' On the same plan f reasoning the Chicago anarchist should be allowed toblow up and deslroy those opposed to their views for thnt is a part of their "religión." Oh, Sjn.itor ! Pull down your Vest ! The new pension law contalns a provisión to which the pension office calla attention. It permits applications for pensions to be executed before a notary public, a ju tice of the peace, or any oftïcer autliorized to administer oaths for general purposes, and who possesses an official seal. Heretofore this act was required to be performed before the clerk of a court of record. If the vetification is made before an oflicer who uses no official seal, the law requires that the signatnre of such offleer shall be certified by the clerk of a proper court of record. Do you want to know wliy the Adrián Press opposes tlie tariff ? It is an ensy que9tion to answer. Because Mr. Stearns is opposed to well paid labor in the United States. He is opposed to all labor organizutious and never euiploys a unión ma to work for h!m (unless of Inte- forpolitical eftect ) ín a speech at the recent editorial conveniion in Saglnaw, Mr. Stearns is credited wit'n saying: "ie (Stearns) did nol (hink that any organized body wliether secret, religieus, LABOR or any other ought to appoint committees to seek specialletjislation in their own interests."1 The leopard hasn't changed his spots yon see. it is the same spirit that has alwaya actuated him. It is the same spirit that decllned to einploy union men in hls offlce bceause they were banded together to retist oppretsion and to help e iota olher. It is the same spirit that oalled the laboring men "anarchists," and "no better than ChicaK0 bomb throwers." He does not believe that American laborers have a right to band together for their own protection and benefit, and to seek legislation in their own behalf. No, not he. Laborers should sit down quietly and take what wages ate given them and be thankful for what they ;2tIt is wrong for them to seek to better their condltion. Just the old Southern slave holders principies to a dot. Sorae way Stearns seems to have been born too late. He ought to have existed long before the war. In the same way it is wrong for this governmcnt to enact laws that protect our manufacturera and producers so that they can pay workmen better w;iges than is paid in foreigo countries. Trade should be carrled on on philanthroj I ; principie?. 'J'here should be no se fishness on our part. We should earn all the money in some raanner to pay Europeans for all the goods they desire to manufacture, and our necessities rtquire. Peter Cooper, whom even the editor of the Press must credit wi h being an nncoiiiinonly sensible man, said th-jse words in respect to the tarifl" at a con vent Ion held in New York City: " We might as well permit our enemies to direct the movement of our armies ii time of war a to permit ttiem to direct or control our manufactures and otlter industries in, time of 2eace." Don't you suppoae Peter Cooper knew wlnit bc was talktng turnt '' Editor Stearns will please roll this sweet morsel under his tongue, n o ds of John Morley, M. P., of Eogland, said before the Society of Kngineers of Englund: It is an awful fact - it is really not short of awful - Chat in this country, witti all its resource, all its power, 45 per cent - that ü to say nearly one-kalfof the persons wko reach the age of 60, are or hace been paupers. 1 say this is a most treuienduus faet, and I can not conceive any subject more worthy of the attention of the Ijjgislature, more wortliy of the attention of us all." Perhaps John Morley knew what he was talking about also. Does the editor of the Press pretend to say he didn't? And yet England, with that awful record of pauperism, with her inonied men flocking to other countrles to invest their money is the model tbat the Press and other free trade organs would have us pattern after. "If we can't have the slavery of the blacks we must have the slavery of ihe white?, and through free trade alone can that be obtained," is the principie on which the advocates of that doctrine work.


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Ann Arbor Courier