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ffdriee fco Etf epybody %ho ha3 a dltmasod Iñver Is to at onee talco prona Jnoans to euro it. Tlio functton llio Li ver Ia doelgned to perform, imd on the recular cxcoutlon ei whlch aepends not only tho moral hoalth of th fcody, but tho powers of the Stotnach, Itoxctl, Zraiu.and tho whole nerrona syntora, shows iU Vast and vital iinpoi taaco to huinaa hcaltb. NOmBEMG rtiould rnn tho risk for a clnplo üay of ncglectlng this important oran, but sboum promittly get a box of Dr. C.'n Celobratod I,lvr rlll.1. made by FLE1ON3 BBO&, Plttsbnnjh, Pa., and ose accordlng to direcliona thoy will euro jrou proraptly nnu pormannntjy. Around each box li a wrappcr giving full dcicriptioii of the nymptoms of Bdiacaacd LItit. Tlicycan behadof druggUta. ÏS"Ewaroof CoOKTKaFKiTSiuado luSt. Louia.-)1 FLEMING BROS., Pittsburgh, Pa. ÍVORY POLISH F-?ERETS.B PERFUME8 TKE BREATH. ASK FOR IT. ICAfflïtë] CURE fiel; ÏToadarho and reliovo all tbo trouljles Inddfiit tn n biliOUfl stiito of tho systom.BUch aa JDizzineiis, Nitusea, Drowsinosfl, Uistrcaa af tor eftitng. Fun Ín tho Blde, A:c. Ylnu tholrmost rciuarkublo buccuks luw buen shown iu curing SICK ITeailachc, yot Cnrtor'a Litflo Livor Pilla aro c-tjually valnablo in Constipation, cnringand proi nilnfl tliiaaiinoyiHgcorjplaint.wlnlü thoy alao correct all disonlors of t host oiü ach, fitiniwlato tho ]i( r and regulato the bowols. Eveu if they only HEAD Acho they woultl ho clinostprlcelepa to thoao who iitfjr fromthiadiaírassingcomplftintí brflfortuüatoly thcirgooduee.idoos notoud luro,atul thoso vhooucotry thomwill find thooolitdopillaTalufibloln Roiuany wayRthat thoy will iiot bo willlug to do without them. But aftor allslck head AOHE Is tho bano of bo many livea lïiat hore Is where wemakooiir (jreat boitót. Our pilla cure it whilo others do not. Cartas Litïlo LWcr Pilis aro very small and vory easy to taUo. Uno (ir two pilla makoa doso. Thoy arostrictly vogetaW#ua l not gripe or purpn, but by thcir gentío acUon vUiaseall who uso tlicm. In vialaat 25 conta ; flvofor $l. Sold by drugi83 ovoryvhT", cv (toni by mail. CARTER MEDICINE CO., New York. SMALLPILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE If You Have CONSUMPTION COUGKorCOLD BRONCHITIS Throat Affection SCROFULA WastingofFlesh Or any Dtserrse irher tli Thror.t and Lxingt ar Inflamed, l.acli of Strength or Kerv roteer, you. can ba relievcd and Cured by SCOTT'S EMULSIÓN OF PURE COD L1VER OIL With Hypophosphiteg. PALATABLE AS MILK. Ank for Scoll'i Emulsión, and lel no expTanation or loltettallon induce you to accept a eitbilüuttb Sold by all Drugglsts. 8COTT & BOWNE.Chemlsts, N.Y. To euro Kiliousncss, Siok Hcadache, Constipation, Malaria, Livcr Coaiplaints, tako the saie and certain remedy, BILE BEANS Use tlic BHAI.Ii Size (4Olittlc. npans to the botüe). Th E Y ARE the most convenient. i ültor sir.c.J'x: por Itoltle. niWVl raWMr.ile.l fO' et (co,i er, or stam,). J.F.SMITH&CO.M-.k .-:■■ . :: -llil.i'.KANS. 'SÏ.IOÜIS MO. HEADACHES Epx QJRED ( SCLÖ Bï DRUGCST' POB ra:.!: ::v ÏBERBACH & SOX, ■ AXN ;.UBOU. vtB Sx Bnbber 8hoe imlen wom Tincoinfortablj Ught, getwralij Up off Uio feeL THE "COLCHESTEE" BÜBBER CO. make all thplr ishcxw vrltb buide of heel Ilned with rubber. Thla clinea to the hou uuJ uraveuu the rubber trom llpplng ofC. Cali for the " Colchtstir " "ADHESiVE COUNTERS." FOK SALE BY WM. ALLABY, L. GRUNER, JOHN BURG, W, REINHART&CO., DOTY k FEINER, A.D.SEYLER&SON, ANIÏ ARBOR. Don't bediscouraged about that eczema till you have given Ayer's Sarsaparila a persistent trial. Six bottles of this medicine cured the eomplaint lor George S Thomas, of Ada, Oliio, wlien all other remedies failed to atl'oid any relief. Tlieie is nethlng more contnginus tlian exainple. Infernal Incniiif y Coulü scnicely ilevlse more excruclatlng lortiiri-s llian iho.M' of wlllull you seo Ihe BvlUences in Mie face of a rbeumatlcor neuralglc miflTurer. The ngonles ar the conwequence of not checklng a rhonmaticor neuralülcattack al the onteet. Hortetter'd Sbnrmch Jutters Iii-i-m imiiiil Kkinmi medical pnictionrs to posHeax not ooly remedial, but defenslveefllcacy. where theso dleeasee ezUiB, or a tcmlency to tlipin Is exlilblted. Surely iiiis palssant bul safe botanie medicine, bearItin, loo, such higti specltto Hanctlou, in better titan Uit pol.-ons olten oinployed, tut most unsafe . nolouly in c.nitii.nanc'i', lul In IkoIntrrt doseH. The blood Is depurated thoroiiKhly from the rheumatlR virus, and tlie nérvea, sllgbily Impurced upnn, Haved from ultímate and dlreful throen by thls benlRn, savintt medlclue. whlch HkewlHe exhllilts inarkid cllie.icy tor malaria, kklimv coraplalniH, ilyspep ui, constlpallon and liver roniplaint. irod's waj of hclpinx man, Is to help liini-i If. N't man ever goes willingly wlicrc hls liciri iL.cs not lead htm. A I I lie reward love ever nsks is tlie prlvilevo ofiloinj; its best. ♦♦ The well known strcn{ítlicnnr propeititsof Ihon combined with other tonic anl a most perfect nervine are found in Carter's Iron Pilis, whlch strengthen the nerves and bodjT, and mprove the blood and complex ii in.


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Ann Arbor Courier