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The United States Indian Agent At

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tho Sisseton Agency in South Dakota reportad on the lTtli that the Indians on that reservatlon were entirely destitute of food. Tjik fc'ajjjral Bridge pi;operty in Virjinia was y.old on tho 1Tlli ina MassacQUetts and Virginia syndicale forS'JOO.OOO. Rain, thunder and bail-storma swept over parta oí New Jersey and Pennsylvania on Uk1 lTtli. cauaing heavy damage. Llghtnln-r killed snveral persons and causrd iiian.v dgstrucjAre flro. Tuk sclifinc to amalgámate into a trust and sell to Hnglish capitalista the soda water and beer apparatus interests of tho United States collapsed on tho 17th. Pkesidknt IIaüjmsox on the 17th appointed O. L. Spaulding, of Michigan, AssistantSeeretary of tlie Troasury, vice Goorjfe C. Tichenor, resigned. The stoamer St Lawrenco ran into the yacht Cathorino on the St Lawronco rivor noar Alexandria Hay, N. Y., on tho 17th, and out of a party of twclvo on tho yacht five woro drowned. They were all from Bradford, Pa. Two cov.vtkhfeitkks, mombers of a gang that had been flooding the country with an excellent two-dollar sil ver certificato, were captured by the New York pólice on tho I7th. A uojik for soldiers' wives and mothers was dedicated on the 17th at Madison, O., by tho National Woman's Relief Corps. I'i'.ask Vii.i.kbmax, secretary of tho Germán and Centennial Building and Loan associations at Donver, Col., was on the 17th said to be short in his accounts about S8O,C3O. The three little sons of Otto Golden, at Monroeville, O., woro struuk by lightning and killed on the 17th, and Bonjamin Morton and his son Rufus mot a liko fate noar Paris, 111. In the Federal Court at Paris, Tex., on tho 18th nino men wnre sentenced to behanged for murdor. Tue robbery of $10,000 from the United States Express Company in Chi cago last March was virtually cleared up on the 18th by theconfessionof John Ehret, the drivor of thodelivery wagon, who took the monoy. Louis PlPPKB and David Walker were killed by catbonic acid gas while digging a well on the lSth at Franklin, Ind. There woro 207 business failures in the United Statos during the seven days ended on tho ISth, against 1U7 the previous sevon days. The upper floors of tho Wostorn Union Telegraph building at New York wero destroyed by fire on the 18th, together with valuable books, files and records that can not bo duplicated. Loss, 8500,000. Neootiatioxs were completed on the 18th between the Cheyenne and Arapahoe Indians and the Cherokoe commissioners by which 4,000,000 acres of land in Indian Territoiy wlll be thrown open to settlement. Ne au Harlingen, Ñ. .1. , George Duffield, ar. aged farmer, shot and fatally wounded his grandson. Oscar Bodine, on the 18th and then cut his own throat. Eiohty-six Swedish-Amoricans were naturalized in Chicago on tho 18th and 112 were granted (irse papers. DUBING a fracas on the 18th at Tuscumbia, Ala.. Mayor Steele was shot dead and John Goodwin and W. 1'. Challón were probablv fatally wounded. Aftku an illness of twonty-fourhours Mrs. W. K. Iiishop died at Atchison, Kan., on tho lSth, and physicians united in declaring that Asiatic cholera caused herdeath. Green Jacksos (colored) was lynched at Fort White, Fla., on the 18th by neighbors of Mrs. llobort Pritcliard, a white woman whom he had assaulted. Thievks 011 the lSth took $10,000 worth of jewelry from the Biiss cottage at Siratoga Spring, N. Y. , occupicd by the families of Vice-Presldent Morton and Mr. Hliss. Ax UBSUCQSSBiul attompt was made on tho 18th to rob a train on thG Cincinnati, Jnckson & Michig-an road near Enterprise, O. Kng-ineer Vandevcndoi- was killed and tho fireman fatally woundud by the robbers, who made their escape without seouring any plunder. Mus. LoriSA Bendbb, of Peoria, 111., became so enraged in the course of a dispute wlth her son-in-law on the 18th that she choked to death. In a quarrel over a mulé trade on the 18th at Guyton, (Ja., R. U. Norton, Jr., shot and killed Willio and John Bird (brotbers). All wore young boys. At Pittsburgh, Pa., the prophecy of a fortune-teller that Jennie McDowell's weddinp dress wou ld bo her shroud was iulfilled by the girl's suicide on the 18th. Cyrus CbaIO, of Marysville, Mo., local agent for liartle Uros., extensiva brokers and rt-al-ostate dealers in St. Joseph, Mo., was on the 18th charged with hoving defraudad liis employers 3fi others out of 8125,000.


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