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Therc is noone articlc in tlic lino ol medicines that givos so hirjre u return for the money s :i l'oocI porous xtrengtbeninfr plaeter, s icli :a Cnrter's Bmarl Weed and Beladonna Hackache Piaster?. P""" HE Grain-Saving, Time-Say p ing, Moncy-Saving Thres.her pS. of this day and age. M AS More Points of Exclusive i Superiority than all others SLmM combined. 3V E R Y Thresherman and Farmer is delightcd rith its marvelous worlc. ÏOT only Superior for all kinds I I of Qrain, but the only suciifiW cessful handler of all Sccds. HNTIRE Thrcshing Expenses (often3to5 times that amount) made by extra Grain Saved. rïTTjORKMANSHIP, Material, 1 J and Finish beyond all comL&l parison. al B R A T O R owners get the best jobs and make the most nNCOMPARABLE for Simplicity, Efficiency, and Durability. TEYOND all rivalry for Rapid .4 Work, Perfect Cleaning, and I ■■■f for Saving Grain. QEQUIRES no attachments or rebuilding to change from Grain to Sceds. 0BROAD and ampie Warranty given on all our machincry. ÖRACTION Engines Unrivaled in Material, Safety, Power and Durability. 0UR Pamphlet giving full information, sent Free. It tells about this great QEVOLUTION in Threshing Machinery. Send for pamphlet. Address Morí gagc Sale. On the Sfith day of Febrnary, A. T., JS-i, Gottfricd -ledele and Otofetlnfl K. J edele, ni wife by mdenture of mortgage, mortgaged to Hcnrietta E. Clarkon, as excrotrix (f the eetite of Jobn J, ClarJisoDi deceaned, of the city i JckBon, Michigan, all that certain piece or parce! dl land ltuaie, ljrlög and being iti the towuehlpoj Bharon, county 01 Wa-h'enaw. and State ot Michipnn( known wid dcncritu-d as follOWs, to-wit : The sonlhoast quarier of the northeaet quaiter ol'aect ion nuinbur r wenty-flve (25), ai;d In luwnship numbcr three. soudi oíranc nuinber three eaflt, Michigan, Thla raortcagc wiw, on the 28th day of feb. ruary, A. D , 1S1, recorded la tne office of the Register of Doeds for paid Washfeuaw County, in liber 57 of mortgngen on page 610, pefanlt has buen made in the conditionp of thlp gaid morigagc, the ftimo is qow duo, and upon ïhe sume iherc Ia claimed to bï now dae and unpjiid ttie Bom of two tbonsand and thïr'y fonr and 27-KX] (iollurs ($2034.37) bytho terms thertof: flnd no unit or proooedlng whatever, in law or oqnity has been commenced or had to recover the pame or any part tbereof, or on taid mortgatre. Notice ie therefore hereby fflven, tbat pnrtDant to law and tbe terms of said iDOiigure, tht premies above and in a Id mortgage decnbed. r ?o mocb thrreof as tasy be Lceieary for tliat parpóse, will be Bold at public auctlon, to th" higaent bidder, on the 2Sth day of Jal y , A. )., 1890. at eleven o"c)ock Ín the foronoon of ihat day, at the woct fnmr door of the conrt honae, in the city of Ann Arbor, Waahtenaw Con n tv, Michigin, (that befni: the buiMin? in which tne Circuit Courl for ouid Wash tenaw County is holden) to putlfy the ainount til en ilue on siii] m rtgage. tlie ]eanï costa and charffee of the forecli uure jiimI thcali' thereof D.-Ut-.i April 30lh, A. I)., 1890. A. I'. PRERMAN, Attnrney for Mort? agpe. UBNlilBTlA, E. OLAliKSON, Bxe utrix, etrr. Shoes as for the Family ft FARCO'S 5 ( "BoxTip" School Shoes ra$ for Boys and Girls. É V-%c " Heelöd or Wedge Heel. Ë SaSvSN Slzc-i5-8tol0i4 SI. 35 i-. ■"vPttiqFX ntoiax i.5o MÈè4 ' '"Mr lto3 i-75 WBPj-i y3io 5-4 .üo if FARCO'S )MV $2.50 Calf Shce Wlvv for Gentlemen, E wAJifcsV' jNs__ Uiiwiuali-d by atiy sttuo WülT p -tTTÏ T in America aï Mío Rimo gHO&jlHl.r. In mero, HulclT] FARCO'S ft ($2.50 LADIES' BOOT I %1?O V Dongola or Goal, Button, : ftvc v Opera, or Common Sonce. f 4Cn&s : . Tatkless 'n1 Flexible. feClr LASTí'2_ v.nrmnted the most totsP BBOff' -"■ ré y l 851 '"'-' ''■ ■"-';- ■■ OUR N AME S DN TKE BOTTOM OF EVERY SHOE. Askyourdcnlerfor FureoVi Kliuo. ir ha dorniai DOTY & FEINER, AGENTS, ANX AJRBOR. ' C. H. MILLEN, INSURANCE AGENT! Xo. 4 Sonili Main SU, Aun Arbor. Theolilest agency In therlty. KstabllHhed ver aqnarter of acontury ago. Represoutlug lie rollowliig lirst-elass cumpauiuK. wlth ver $60,000,000 'apltul an! AMWt. 1OME INS. ('O., o! New Vork. CONTINENTAL INS. (X)., nf New Vork, NIÁGARA INS. CO., of New Yorfc. UIRARD INS. CO., of PUllaUnlpiíla KIENT INS. CO., of Hartford. COMMERCIAL UNION, of Lon!on. LIVERPOOL, LONDON and GLOlili. WASHINGTON FIRE and MAK1NK, of Boston. ates Low as the Lowest, Losses Liberally ildjusliMl and promptly l'aid. O. H. MILLEN. j Michigan CTenie " The Niágara Falls Boute." Time table taklne effect May 18. 18TOCUICAGO TO DETROIT. " '■ S e . . a . 7; -'- g S fi ll.Üll AM AM PM P M. F. F.M. A.M. A M Ch-oLv 7 05 9 00 12. 3 10 9 00 10 10 4 60 Kala'nolUS 217 855 7 01) 118 3 '....... I j Jacks'n 300 425 5 35 8 17 335 05 500 40 ChclBea 402 707 Sltl Deïter.. 418 7 2 5 W 10 43 P.M. P. M.lP.M.lP. M. A.M. A.M. A.MJa.II. AlmVr 445 529 30 45 45. 7 45 b 14 1 OJ TptilMi 5 02 5 43 9 58 5 13 8 06 l WV ! 1V7 8 33 tl 4 Ai 6 5 45 Ti O - " -' & 7 :iul2 1U DETROIT TO CHICAGO. AM A.M P. M.IP.M. A M. P.M. P.W. Detroit. ,.Lv lio. 7 50 120 4 45 25 9 15 555 Wnj-ne June. 10 00 .} ?í ,"? Yueilanti.... M22 8 43 4 0-5 543. ... 10 15 7 00 A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. Í.M. P.M.lP.M. Ann Arbor. . . 10 oi 2 17 5 SS 10 1 10 80 7 1B Doxtur 11 0' I.J Chüliea 1113 6 1 i 4S Jackrtou .... 1155 10 00 8 17 55 II 15 II 45 8 30 Kaiamaücio.. Í 33 12 14 5 02 880 1265 2 17 8 39 Chicago.. .Ar 7 .V i 15 0u 4 5Ü 805. ... O. W. RUGÓLES, H. W. HAYKS, G. P. St T. Aeent, Chlcaiio. Aut.. Ann Atbor. Toledo, Aun Arbor & orth Mlclilan Hallway. TIME SCHEDULB. Takintr elVt-ct November 25tli, 1889. Tralns nm by Standard Time. Ootng North, g 8TAT1ONS. p 1'. M.A.M. P. V.l P. M. 3 25 6 00 Lv Toledo Ar 11 15 1 10 4 17 47 Dnndee 10 18 140 4 35 !0'i Mllan 9 58 IS 04 4 46 7 10 Urania 9 45 116 4 53 7 22 PlttsÜeld 9 34 1143 5 07 7 33 Ann Arbor 9 8ïll :i :,:! T fjii Lelanrt 9 07 1115 5 47 8 Whitmore I,ke S 55 tl 01 6 -is 8 J5 Howell 8 17 10 25 7 15 9 35 Diirand 7 10 9 35 8 55 10 ft7.! Baat Snginaw. 55 7 45 8 ooiliTïó .T..ou8io.....77777 IT: 9 05 9071114.-. Ilhai-a 5 32 7 50 0 15 12 4'. Mt. 1'leaBant 4 35 B 45 .... 3 0... Caillllae 10 .10 .... 14) Cop.mlsh 9 05 .... 5 40 Ar Frankfort Lv 7 50 p. m. p. M.i a. . á m. (Joing South. South Lyoii Branch. noktii noi-Nii. STATIONS. pouth miran Train 18 Train 17 A. M. A. M. ti W Lv Anii Arbor Ar 8 15 ti 40 Wordens 7 : 7 00 Ar South Lyon Lv 7 15 H. W. A811LEY. General Mnnawr. A. J. PAISLEY, OEO. II. HAZLEWOOD, Gun'l. Va. & Ticket Aeent. Local Auent. ICE. ICE. ICE. Keep cool during iJie coming summer iij cmtracting loith E. V. 11. for ice at the following rates: 25 Ibs. daily, except Sunday, $4.00 per mo. " " 4 times a week, $3.50 " " " 3 " " $3.50 " ii ii 2 " " $2.00 " E. V. HANGSTERFER 3O S. JVT-IlNr ST. To Restaurants, Hotels, etc,, in 500 Ib. lots, 40c per Jiundred. Less quantity, 50c. TARIFF LITERATURE FOR ALL TIipAmericanProtective Tariff Leaou is publishing a most valuable series of Tariff documenta. These are prepared with a view to state the facts and arguments for Protection, whether in the interest of farmers, laborera, merchante or professional men. Baub issue of the series uppeals to toost engaKed in separate industries, and presenta in-i il ispu table facts-coraparisons of watjes, cost of living, and othcr argumenta sbowimr tho benellts of Protection. Any sinifle one will bo eent on receipt of 2 cents in stamps except " Wages, Living und Tariff," which will be sent for 4 cents. Tliu whole list will be sent for 30 oents or any twulvc for 20 cents, or any Uve for lü cents, postale puid. Orderby number. ÑOta 1'AOïS 1-" Wages, LJvlag nad Tarifr." E. A. Harts B 'l:v 104 Z- "The Ailviu,ia,.t'S of l'rutoctire Tariff to the Lal.or and Industries of the United Stau-s." First i'rize Essay, 17. CtAWFOHDD. IlKNMNu 3J 8-" Home Produciiou Iudihix:usable ut a Supplj , at Iw l'rleis, of the Mauufactured CoininiHiltles requlred for the Feople of the L'nlted Statt-s. and Adequate Rome 1'nMluctlou oí these Comnuidltle linposBible without a l'rotectlve TarUT." irst frlzn Essay. 1ÜÜ8. C. 1). Todd 32 4 - " Wliat are Raw Materials ? Would Free Huw Material be AdvautUKeous U the Labor and Iudustrli-s of the United States." First I 'rlze F.ssuy , 1KM. IIomek Iï. Ijihkj.i. 33 6-"Fallaeles of Kree-Trade. " E. 1'. JIiixer... at t- "Sonie Views ou the Tariff by an üld BuuluessSIan." Gko. ÜitAi'Eit . 32 7- "The Protittlvo TorlIT : lts Ailvumaired f'or theyouth." C. L. kdwarus 32 P- "TheWool luteri-sr." JudtfeWa. LawkiÚícÍ 'l 'J- " Pnitection ra. Free-Traíle."- A Hlstoricul KevliW. D . IIAI1KIMA.V 20 10-" The Farmer and the Tariff " Col. Tiiumas H. Uo-ULEY 18 11-" I'ruUH'tlou usa l'ubllc Policj'." üeouuk s BOUTWEU ' u 12- "Rtply to the lresiOent's Free-Trado ilesiiKe." R. 1". l'OKTKB g 1' - vVorklngnien and the Tariff ." g H- "The Vital vu. r i.. n : Shall American Imluatrlea be Abandoned and American Markets Surreodered ? g 1". Siiiiit In Ucrman, wlth Addltlon... '...'.'.'. g lü- "The l'niress of One Hundred Ycara." ROBERT 1'. POKTF.R 8 I"-" Protection for American ShlpplnK." g IS ■ The Tariff Nota Tax." HOHKRl). Jjjbkix.. g 1- "Why Irlahmen Mhould He I'roteetlonlat " 8 ÏO- "Protection." E. H. ammidown Jl- ' Wht is a Tariff ? " Aaswers to a Wortlmtmuu's (uestlun 4 22- "The American Wool Industry." E. H. AkM1UOWN o 2rj- " Wases and Cost of Living." J. b.' wüc', 4 21- "Southern Farwlug Industries." 4 hort Talk to workiuunieu." i rotectlOB and the Farmer." ííeuauír S. M CUIXOM 13 Tne Amkkicax Ecohomist, weekly, deyoted to the alscuMlön of all phases of the Tariff quegtlon 3 year Sample eoplei f roe. Aildreos American Protectlve T;inu League. 83 W. 23d St.. New York. 18 the oldcsl and moat populiw srienUHu nnd mechanica! pnper publlshed .irnl Ims the Inruest OlroulsUon (ny (mi per (f lts clim in tlie World. Jnilly Illiutrated. Best clsaa of Wood Kiiutut. Inga. t'ublished weekly. .end for pëSman ARCHITECTS & BUILDERO Edition of Scientific American. 0 A great success. Ench Issue contalns coldretl coa or public bullillnsa. NDmeroua Miirravlni and full plans un.1 peclOctloin lor thtwao! ■poli in contemplóte Balldlne. PrlcnÏ0a íe ■o ets. a cop-. il UN.V A CO.. í'ublisbeÚm DATENTCpl Bi0,?1;?'''1' experlenco and hTe tnadeuTer ■ ÏUÜ.UUI nppllcutiuna for AnjerlOM iin.l Ki.rpundenceaiiicily opqMenMJ. -urr. TRADE MARKS. In caje your nuirk 1 not roglutored In tho Patent Offli-e. apily to Mi nn .v Co., nnd pr„nti luimedUte prutectioD. 8end for liaudbuuk COI'YRICIITS for bonk, charl n,i,u. te, quickly procured. Address ' """ flll.'NS il: CO.! l'iitinl Sulicllura. Ui.nxual Oricï: sul BKOiDwár.N, T.


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