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JHA8OHIC DIBECTORf. íN ARitoR flOJiMANDÏRY. No. IS meetn first rtu'Mday ol aacb monlh. I!. F. Wut's. K. O.; Jolni R. Mlnt-r, Recorder. Wasiitknaw Chaptkk, No. 6, R. A. M - vteuls flrsi Hoaday eaota month. L. C. Qoodrlob, a. P.; Z. Boath. Secretary. BUSINESS CARDS. D. A. MacLachlan, M. D. DISBASES oh' T1IK EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THEOAT. OFFiCE ARO RESIDENCE, 26 SOUTH ÜI7ISI0H STREET HOURS: 1 to I, and :.! to7:30 P. M. D1ALSB IN ALL KINDS OP FRESH AND SALT MEATS Poullry, Lard, etc. EVERYTHING NEAT and CLEAN No. O I'.. A mi Ht„ V nu Arbor. Y. . NICIIOLS, DE1TTIST. Koums Over Ann Arbor Savlngs Bank, ; Opp. Court House Square. VZTALZZED AIB. AdminlBtcred. It la agrueable and easy to take, and üo prostraltng ettects follow, whlle teeth are extracted without pain. WILL.IAH IIERZ, House, Sig-n Ornamental and FRESCO PAINTER! Papering, Qlazing, Gilding, and ('alcimininir, and work of every descriptlon done ín the beet Htylu, and warniiitud to give eatUfaction. Shop, No. 4 W. Washington St., Ann Arbor, O. dZ-ITIlÑr, ; DKA I.KK IN CLOTH CASKETS, METALIC And Common Cofflns. Calis attented to Day or Klglit. Rmbalmlng a speoialty. Storeroom on E. Washington Street. Kualdenoe (Jor. Liberty and Flftn. ■n MACKHMAC. Summer Tours. Palace Steamers. Low Rates. Tova Trips pr Woek Btwen DETROIT, MACKINAC ISLAND issa?assriiA!Isft &" flt. Clair, Oakland IIoubo. Manna City, Every Weolc Dy Between DETROIT AND CLEVELAND Special Sunday Trips durine July nd Auimi. OUR ILLUSTRATED PAMPHLETS Hatea and Hxourlon Tioket will b fumlJi84 byyourTloltet Agent, or diri E. B. WHITCOMB, Gn'l Pw. Agsnt, Detroit &. Cleveland Steam Nav. Co. DETROIT. MICH. ANN ARBOR FRUIT FARMI BERRT PLASTS, FRUIT AND ORNAOIEITTAL TREEB Pears and Grapevines a Specialty! HYRUP3 AND HOME MADE WINE. Hvrups of Ra-ipberry and of Bartlett Pears. BonMett. Dundellon and Kaspberry Wlnes imd Hlirubs. Sweet Red and White Concord, and Murthaampe Wlnes, especlally prepared ror Invalida. Order trees and planta early as we get most of them from the beet Eaatern Nurserles. K. BAlll. WKST Hl.' KOK HTBEKT. KJhe Greatest Blood PurifierJ I Tlils (irent Ocrraan Medicine 1 theL. III I i'licMiít and best. 128doscsof SVl,-W i II IH PUUlt BITTERS for $1.00, lC88tliau# J III Hl mn cent a dose. It wlll cure Üiem Q worst cases of skin dieeasc, tvomW M a cnmiiKin pimplo on the t&ceM ( g Irlto that awful dfseasfl Scrofula. si;i.rinit itriTKKS is the# Hl best mciticlne to use lu &m Hl cases of gucli stubliorn .'iii'l#yoiir Kiil I II diii seated diaeabee. lo#ney8areoutll III uot ever Uike #oforder. I'selU BLUE PILLS f.VUKg n or morcury, they are dcad" lirjES _ ' In II the imrest and be8t#}'ou U8 UmediciBe ever "ie. g„lp],or BlttrS 1 III ö wltli a ycllowdtlckyDont walt nntll yon U Irobstanc6? Isyourare unabletowalk,url breatta fuul 'amlWare flat on your back, offensive? Your#butget aome at once, U III stomach 18 out#will cure you. Öuliihurlll of en Ier. U3e#Uitters is SULPHUB #Tho Tnvnli'fl'a Vrivnñ S! E'S ' I )"1' I ' I; " M Xlliiliiu s iri( luit rn iimiiieilialelyriieyoiinff,theagel aii'! tot-M Is yuur l'r-#teringaie Boon madewell by l ine thickfits nse. Kemomber what you ropy, clo-iread herc, it may save yournl Udy, oriflife, it lias savvu i;indrcds. I II & ffVoti't wait uutil to -morruw, I & Try a Bottle To-day ! l U o" m Are you lowsplrlted and weak,]l II 3 Mot suffeVlnir from the excesses ol III II #youth? Jf so. SLLPUÜK BITTEESI II ' Wwlll cure you. II m Send 3 2-cent stampa to A. I'. Onlway ft Co., Uoston.Mass. for best medical work publlshed? J. J. GOODYEAR No. :. s. II il M(. iill II L■&■ ■■ - DRÜGGIST lt wlll be to your advantugc to cali upon hl in before pnrchnslng WRUGS, CHEMICALS, MEDICIJVES. PRESCRIPTIONSI aeourately and carefully prepared by the most competent Pbarmuclsts. The 11 net li lic of eoodn In all dopartiiii-n l , to be i'oiiiui in a drug store. THIS PAPER are i ui v i nr bil ïtowELi. & coa Hewgpaper Aavertlslng Bureau (10 Spruca Street),wberoadver. aiaiiai ■■# tlslngeontractsmay II EW Vil 11 K ; ha toado Un I iuliCiff IUnl PRE ADFUL PSORIASIS Covering Kntlre wilh White Mt-alet. HufTering Pearful. Cured Catlcurl. Mv dlseaae ipnorlaai) flret broke ont on my lelt cheek, spreadlng across my none, and almoet covering my face. ft ran inro my eyes, and the physlcian waa afraid I wonld lose my eyeeight altogether. It spread all over my head, and my halr all lell ont, nntil I was enJ0fÊfl!B&. tirl''y bald-headed; lt then jKfwmnESIjk broke out on my arms and rJn fhouldera, nutil my arma were jjyj h just one sore. lt covered my WaT __, J entlre body, my face, naad, SMr fS fM an shoulders being tbe woret. ï7 if ] The white scabs feil constantly V wj from my head, ehoulders. and "1 arms ; the skin wonld thicken 1 T and be red and verr itcby, and #■ 1 , wonld crack and bleed if ík "Mj, scratched. Alter spendlnirmany fJi'W9t hundred of dollars, I waa ftí5y pronounced incurable. I heard Wisjir f "ie Cotiouha Kemiuiu, and after uuing two bottle Cuticuri KE8OLVRNT, I could 9oe change and after I bad taken fonr bottle, I waa alinoHt cnred; and when I had ueil aix bottlea of Curicuka Hk.soi.vent and one box of Cuticuba, and one case of Cuticüba Soap, I was cnred of the dreadful dlseage frum which I had suffered for flve years. 1 caunot expresa with a pen what I suffered before uaing the Cuticoba Kkmeni kh. Tbey aaved my life, and I feel lt my duty to recommend them. My halr Is ruitored as good as ever, and ho is my eyeaipht. Mus. ROSA KELLY, Rockwell City, Iowa. Cuticura Resolvent The new Blood PuriHer, internallr, (to cleanse the blood of all impurities and polsonons element ) andCüTicuRA.the great Skin Cnre, and Cimcum Soaf, an exquisita Skin Beautifier, externally, (to ciear the skin and sealp and restore the halr,) have tbnuRandsof cae wuere the ahedding of acales cured measnred a qnart daily, the skin cracked, blecdlng, bnrnine, and ttchlngalmont Iwyond hnman endnrance, hair llfeless or all gone. sufferlng terrible. What othcr remedies have made auch cures f Sold everywhere. Price Cuticuba, SOc.: Soap, 25c.; Hesolvïkt, Í1. Prepared by the Pottkr Dbuo and ChküicalCorporation, Boston. 0f Send lor How to Cure Skin Diseases." M pages, 50 illulrations, and 100 testimoniáis. PI IWIPLK8,h,laek hea('.roagh,chapped,and 1 I IV! olly tkin cnred by Cuticuba Soap. m m IT STOPS THE PAIN. Lfr Backache, kidney palns, weakness, Wjfi rheumatism and muscular pains resTJsWlr lleved in one mínate by the ICV iillour Anti l'ali. Pla.ter.


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