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Republican State Contention

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Headquarters Repcblii'&k State 1 Central Committee. v Dktroit, July 12, 181K). ) A State Convention of tbe Kepubllcans of Michigan wlll be beid at the Detroit rlnk, Detroit begtuning at 2 o'clock, p. m. Weduesiliiy, August 27, and conUnumg Thursday, August 23, 1890, for the parpose of ooralnating oiuulidates for state oftices and for Justtce of the Supreme Court, to ftll vacancy ; alao for tbe purpose of selectlng a chalrman of the State Central Commlltee and two members thereof from each congresslonal district, and the transncllou of auch other business as may properly come before it. In accordance wlth a resolutton adopted at Grand Raplds May 10, 1876. every county wlll be en Ut led to one delégate for eacb 500 of the total vote cast for Uovernor at the last State electlon (November 1888), and one additlonal delégate for every fraction amountlng to 300, but each organlzed oounty wlll be entltled to at least one delégate. V nder a resoluiion of 1858 no delégate wlll be entitled to a seat in the oonventlon who doe not reside in the county he proposej to represent. The delegates from each congresslonal district are requetted to meet in caucus at 12 o'clock noou, Wednesday , Aug. 27, and select camlldates as follows, to be presen ted to the state Convention for conflrmation: Two members of the state Central Commlttee, one Vlce-Presldent, one Assistant Secretary and one member for eaob ol the Committeer on "Credentlals," "Resolutlons," "Permaneut Organlzatlon and order of Business." In compliancc wlth a resolution adopted In Detroit June 23, 1880, the secretary of each eouuty convention is requested to forward to the secretary of the State Central Committee (No. 84 Grlwold Street, Detroit), by tbe earllest mail after the deleuates to the State Convention are chosen, a certifled Hst of sucb delegates as are entitled to seats In tbe State Cunventlon from ttieir respective counlles; aad ulso the uamea and address of the chalrman, secretary, and members of their couaty comnilUee. H. C. TiLLMAN.Secrelary. Washtenaw cuunty Is entltled to 21 delegates.


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Ann Arbor Courier