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Republican County Convention

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Republlcan County Convention to elect twenty-one delégales lo a State Con ventton, to be Held at Detroit, August 27 and 28; also to elect twenty-one delegates to attend tbe 2d congressloual district convention, to be held at Adrián on Sept. 2d ; to elect a CliairniHn and Hecretary, and new county committee, and to transad auch otlier business as muy come before it. will be held at lbo court house, in the city of Ann Arbor, on TInirsday, Aug. 2Ut, 1890, at 11 o'clock a. ra. The varlous wards and townshlps will be entttled to delegates as iollows: Ann Arbor City - Northfleld „...6 First Ward 5 Plttefleld 4 Second Ward 4 Salem 4 Thlrd Ward 4 Saline 7 Kourtli Ward 5 Scio ......7 Fifth Ward 3 Sharon 4 Sixth Ward „3 Superior 4 Aon Arbor Town 4 Sjrlvan S Augusta 5 Webster ..4 Bridgewater 4 York 7 Deiter 3 Ypailanti Town 5 Freedom 4 Ypsilanti City, Int w 4 Lima 4 Second Ward „ 3 Lodi 4 Thlrd Ward 4 Lyndon 3 Fourlh Ward„ 8 Mancheeter 8 Fifth Ward 4 By order of tbe Uommlt tee. P. W. Carpüntek, Scc'y. W. M. OSBAKD. Chairn. Is or Is not the farmer a big fooi- ha tbat votes a protectlon ticket and for a sil ver bil 1 wbich makes dear money ? For several years after the war, wtien money was cheap nd the public debt was i,7O0,0OJ,000, lt could be pald wlih 6,750,000,000 pouudu of butter wblob sold 40 cents per pound. At present, with $1,100,UO0.UO0 of debt. when butter Is telling at 15 cents, lt would take 7,400,000,000 pound to pay lt. So the debt Is grealer for tbe butur farmer now than lt was Uien - ErenlDg News. But free trade will make everything cbeaper you argue, do you not, Mr. News? and of course butter will be cheaper too, will it not? Free trade will not reduce the nutional debt any, will it! So by your own oleagenous argument the butter farmer is much better otf now than he would be under free trade. Then again, the public debt is not $1,100,000,000. It is only something over $900,000,000, belngreduced tothat amount by republican financering from upwards of $2,000,000,000 when the war closed. Besides, it is not the butter faimer who buys imported broadcloths, champagne, etc, the tariífon which mises the revenue ttiat pays the debt. It is the city chap who does that, and he uses such greasy arguments as the above to try and bel'uddle the farmer for his own benefit. But the farmer is too threwd to be eaught by such oleomargurine as that. The New York World, in its attenipt to prove that the Aun Arbor Agricultural Works charged U. S. citizens doublé the price that Bpanlsh Americans and otlier forelgners had to pay, laid ltself liable to prosecution and ought to be prosecuted. The act was on a par with the attempts of that side to prove thelr cape. They cannot lind legitímate and truthful arguinents so they manufacture them. As we have before stated, the price of farm im. plemcnts at this factory is the same to all people whether they come from Michigan, New York, South America, Japan or China. And the price of every farm implement manufactured i from 25 to 100 per cent. dieaver now than when ttie tariff was placed on tlieir importoUion. Put tbat in your pipe and smoke it Mr. Free Trader. The purpose of thls side, of the republicana representing the liberty-loving people of the country, is that under the Constitution, and according to the Supreme Court's lnterpretation theroof, every elector, North and South, rich or poor, powerful or weak, shall be protected in his right to cast the ballot of hls cholee ut Federal elections, and that bis, our, and tbe nation's rights to have that ballot counted shall be enforced. Tluit is all there is of lt. Is that unreasonable, iinpatriotic, unconstitutional, or revolutionary ? - Reprcsentalive Sweney. üne of the usual deaths at the state encampment occurred Sunday, amember of the Jackson company, private Chas. E. Styles being drowned while In bathlng. A rlot also took place Saturday eveiiing and five companies were ordered out to quell it. The cause of it is clalmed to have been an Insult offered by a soldier to the wit'e of one of the mechanics who compo6ed the mob. The feeling exlting between the citizens and militia is sald to be not vcry pleasunt. The government bas ordered the census tuken over agatn at Minneapolis and St. Paul, believing that the returns were "padded." Poor Detroit, where half the population was skipped, cannot get a recount.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier