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Wanted- A good rail of rain. Bound to be...

Wanted- A good rail of rain. Bound to be... image
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Wanted- A good rail of rain. Bound to be a booiner- Hamilton park. The early apple is getting in its work. Sheriff Dwyer makes t mighty hot for liorse thiercs. In about three weeks the slimmer tourlst will homeward Ily. Not wnnted- So much water frotn garden hose on the sidcwalks. About forty or flfty Ann Arborltes were at Kush and Strawberry Lnkes Sunday. Union service next Sunday evening at the Methodist church. Preachinu by Rev. Dr. Studley. Premium offered - For a Street sprinkler that will sprtnkle the Street and leave the cross walks drv. Four persons met by chance at a frlend's house the otlier day whose comblned ages footed up 31S years. Welch Post G. A. R. is to have a special meeting Thursday evenin. Couirades will please make a note of this. At Chas. Binder'í last Saturday, a llttle sou of Mrs. Samuel Hinder, of üutte City, Montana, feil down stairs and broke bis collar bone. Dr. W. W. Nichols says that peaches hare been sold in Chicago as lililí as $12 per bushei, and that men stand ready to contract for $-1 per bushel. Wm. F. Stimson's fine nesv residence oo E. Liberty st., Is fast approaching completion. He expects to move In about the muidle of next month. Monüay Justlce Pond sent Thos. liehr, a 13year old boy, to the Reform Scbool at Lunsing. Tommie has been a very bad boy that nobody could control. Several of Ann Aibor's liorse fanclers will attend the match race between Palo Alto and Jack, at tlio Detroit Dilving Park Suturday, for a purse of $5,000. The Aun Arbor Browns go to Owosso Thursday and to Corunna Friday. As the club has been recently reorganized they have yet to meet their first defeat. Ed. Kent, of the 5th ward, bought a mustang yesterday, and It took three men to get it home, and tlirce times three to get it in the barn. lint wheu tamed he will be a dandy. Again and agaln It bccomes necessary to say that nu communicutlons can be published without the name of the writer being known to the office. This U a rule that cancot be deriated froin. On Saturday p. m., while Albert MeCollum was wrestling wlth Fred Bowen in the 5th ward, he feil in such a manner as to dislócate hls left elbow and broke one of the bones of the forearm. A horso was stolen from George McOormick, of Salem last Sunilay night. A reward of $50 for the arrest of the thlef, and $25 for the liorse has been offered. There are three men in jail now for liorse eteallDg. An attcmpt was mado to burn the old building owned by L. D. James on S. Fourth 8t. and occupied by Fred Scklanderer, last Saturday night. Uut lt failed. The building will be torn down in a short time. A pleasant home wedding was tliat of Charles Horton Cooley and Miss Elsie Jones, on Thursday last, at the home of the bride's parents cor. Fackard st. and Fourth ave. The couple left for Washington, D. C, their future home. Monthly meeting of Washtenaw pomological society next Saturday 2 p. in. in the court house. Topics: Return of berrles by commission men. "Were black raspberries plenty? Damages by the grape rot. Outlook for peaches, pears and apples. The f airs. Just as soon as a street is graded and flxed up along comes a gang of pipe lajera or sometían? and the surface of the same is destroyed. There is a way to Ieare the street? in good conditions after laying these pipes, butthat way bas ncver been learned here. The present comnüttee of the board of supervisors on buildings and grounds, of which Supervisor John W. Bennett is chainnan, is making some of the most substantial and excellent improvements in and about the conrt house, tliat have been made in a long time. Ann Arbor Cantón Patriarchs Militant have entered the lists in the grand prize drill to be held In Chicago, Aiig. 7th, during the Triennial Cuntonment, whlcli lasts fiom Aug. 3d to the lOth. The canton here are in excellent condition, and under command of Capt. Manly are quite Hable to brlng back some prize3 and glory. They will probably leavo here next Thursday, on the M. C. E. K. When Regent Whitmau returned home yesterday he found a big surprise in store and one Uut was not at all a happy one During the abience of the family some thief h:id entered the house and stolen all the silver -vare, some $G0O or $700 wortli, Including several pieces tliat were family lieir looms, wedding presents, etc. The plated goods were all left. It must have been taken In the day time, as a young man occuples the house at night. Moore & Taber will commonce to move Ang. lst. sure. A sale of mustangs at Kittredge's barns yesterday congreaated quite a crowd. A new cement walk is being lald on the soutli side of Bach, Abel & Co's store. Elijah Artis lias applied for a divorce from Irena Artis on account of desertion. Tpsilanti parties. Charlie Parshall paid for 50 aparrow heads and 37 woodchuck scalps last Saturday, for Ann Arbor town. Foar members of the family of Mrs. Allee Donegan, of Northfield are eick with typhold fcver, some being very serlous. N. E. Sutton of Northfleld, threshed 18ö bushels of wheat from seven acres, an average of 26 4-7 bushels to the acre. Pretty good. We understand that the republican congressional convention for thls district will be called to meet in Adrián on Tuesday, Sept. 2d. George Apfel lias returned to Ann Arbor from Butler, Ind., permanently, and 11 liereafter be found in hls old place at A. L. Noble's. Experimenta are being made in several ways witli the clay at the A. A. Brlck & Tile Co.'s yards, some of which will certainly prove successtul. A big liglit in the nortli west at about 10 o'clock last niirht, told of a fíre somewbere in the región of Birkett, but we have not learned what burned. Members of Welcb Post G. A. R. are requested to be at the hall promptly at r o'clock p. m. Thursday, to attend the funeral of Comrade L. J. Taylor. The Ad vanee Refrigerator Co. bas bougln about six acres of land on Packard st., near Hallock's mili, and will at once proceed to put up buildings. Our cliurches are now occupied with iiuraerous nies. Do our janltors permit them to remain for the laudable purpose of keeping sleepy hearers a wake? In endeavoring to lussoe one of the mustangs for a customer yesterday the animal was thrown in such a way as to break lts leg, and it liad to be killed. During the late heated term one thermometer on Washington st. Indicated 100 In the shade. But then, thermometers, like horses, sometimes run away. Mrs. L. R. Wright has sold her residence on corner of Ann & Thayer streets to Mrs. Prof. Olney, who expects, after the present year to make It her residence. Eugene Donegan, of Xortlifield, aged 2C years, died Monday evening of typhoid fever. He was a member of the Anclent Order of Hiberinans, of thisclty. Eiiticing pictures of Burnum & Balley's circus at Detroit, for Monday, August llth are posted iu town. $1.05 wilt take you to Detroit and back and give you admission to the show. Stephen Jacobs, the oíd colored veteran wlio is a member ot Welch Post O. A. R., ha received an increase of pension. He will take care of his money, and it will be used for good purposes. The Arlington house property has been improved by extending the lawn and building the coping on the south side from Fourth to Fifth ave., and removing a good portion of the old fence. George Frederick Uenkchler, who Iived at the corner of E. Washington st. and Fourth ave , died Monday July 2öth, from chronic Hver trouble, aged 53 years 7 months. He leaves a widow and five childrcn. Funeral this p. m.,from Zion's cliurch, at 2 o'clock. Tü kill the carpet bug wkich has put ia au appearancc in this city, take hot flat irons and i rot) tlie parts of the curpet infected. If the iron is hot enough and the work well done, it will kill the peste, wlilch fatten on all insect powder, kerosene oil, naptha, carbolic acid, etc. Mrs. EHzabetli Mogk, one of the old pioneers.who lived on the corner of Packard and Fiftii sts., died on Mooday evening July 28th,very suddenly from heart disease, aged 78 years. Funeral services Thursday from Bethlehem church. She leaves one son August Mogk, and one daughter Mrs. Bruegel. McClellan Mogk, wlth L. Grnner, is a grandson. There are over 50,000 census enumerators to pay, and they come in alphabetical order. Ours are quite fortúnate. Bennett, Come, Dodsley, Donovan, and Braun, of Ann Arbor town, are all well up in the alpbabet, white Schmidt and Terry will have to wait longer for their pay. Those whose names commence with Y or Z, will have to wait untll the spring time comes, evidently. The Soldier boys returueJ home last evening with battle scarred arm? and sunburncd faces. Hut tlicy all carne back ngain who went avvay. Not oue was captured by the encmy or feil as a target by the way side. The return brought to mind an old war song: When Johnnle comes marchlng home agaln, Uurrah! Hurrah! We'll glve hlm a hearty weloome theu, Hurrati! llurrah! The men wlll clieer, the boya will shout! The ladies tliey wlll all turn out! We'll all feel gay wlien Johnle comes marchlng home. The Annual Union Sunday School Excursión, always the greatest excursión of the soason, uuiting the Baptist, Methodist, Presbyteriim and Congregational churches, takes place on Thursday Aug. 7th, to Detroit with a boat ride of four liours on the rlver lor those who want to go. Passengers on the boat will be landed at Belle Isle or in the city as desired. It Is needless to say that there wlll be acrowdFare $1.00 for the round trip. Children under 12 years, 50 cents. Yesterday a man obtained $4 50 each from two dressmakers at Dexter, as subscriptions for forms or patterns that he pretended to be canvasing for. He also obtained a gold watch from another lady for the purpose of engraving her monogram thereon, and tlicn skipped outHe was traced to Delhi where he took the 6 o'clock train east, and upon reaching Ann Albor, Sheriff Dwyer was on hand to take him into custody. He gave his name as John Gilbert, and is now in Jail. The money and watch were recovered. It is understood that the liegen ts of the N'orthwestefti Unlversity, of Evunston, III. have under consideration the name of Prof. Henry Wade Rogers, of this city as President of that institution, with a strong probabillty that he will be chosen and accept the same, though nothing has been decided upon as yet. The regenta will make no mistake in choosing Prof. Hogers but the Universlty of Michigan will meet with a loss by his departure that It can III ufford. Wlille the entire community will rejoice to see so worthy a acholar and gentleman promoted, yet there will be universal regret over the departure of Prof. Rogers and hls admirable wife from this city, if they shall be called away.


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Ann Arbor Courier