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Harry Pond Is visiting frlends In Caro. ...

Harry Pond Is visiting frlends In Caro. ... image
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Harry Pond Is visiting frlends In Caro. ' Rev. Max Hein spent Monday In Detroit. Dr. Vaughan is home from Old Mission Beacli. A. J. Robison, of Manchester, was in the city Satúrela y. Mrs. A. W. Ames and Miss Helen apent last Sabbath in Chelsea. Mrs. Dr. McLachlan has been spending the week in Detroit. "Jack" Frost will spend the coming week at Cavanaugli Lake. J. A. Keitb, late of the Caro Democrat, was in the city yesterday. J. C. Knowiton left this a. ra. for Cliarlevoix to recrult his health. Rev. J. W. Bradshaw left Monday for a vacation trip up the lakes. Miss Kinina Hayley is at Bay City spenilinj a couple of weeks. Dr. Angelí ezpeets to leave the city next week for a short vacation. Miss Alta Parker, of E. F. Mills & Co's 8 taking a two weeks vacation. Judge Kinuc and Rev. Mr. Tatlock returncd from the north Monday. Miss Grace Moore returued Monday from a week's stay In Ypsilanti. Chas Oruner, of Delaware, Oüio, lias been visiting friends in the city. Mrs. Arthur Stalker is vlsitiog lier parents Hev. and Mrs. Hcndrickaon. Miss S. Jennle F reeman of Newton, Ma88 , is visiting at Prof. PetteeV. Prof. Perry lef t the city laat Tuesday to vleit lus brother in Otsego N. T. E. K. Frueauff spent Thursday last in Detroit, (but didn't go to the races). Miss Xettle Case, of Ann Arbor, il vlsiting her mother's home, in Scio. John and James Duffy vlsited;the boys in camp at Strawberry Lake Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Grey, of Detroit spent the Sabbath at her father's, Dr. Studley. Fred A. Maynard, of Grand Rapids, is liis parents on N. División 8t. Cha. S. Crossman, of New York City, has been in the city during tbe week. John Moore is expected home to-day from a visit to Port Hurón and Toledo. D. F. Schairer and famlly go to more Lake today for a two week's stay. Miss Lizzle Dignan expects to o to Port Austin next week, for a few weeks. Mrs. II. M. Pack Is Tisitiiig her sister Mrs. W. E. Boyden fora couple of weeks. James M. Uook and family, of E. Uuiversity ave., are visiting f rienda at Muncie, Ind. Mr. and Mrs. Prof. Thompson of Albion, are guest of Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Mills. Mrs. Duncan. fortnerly Miss Fannie DeVaney, ia visiting her mother, on K. Ann st. Kegent Whitiuati carne lióme from Charlevoix Mouday to attend tlie recenta meeting. M. M. Green and family returned from a trip to Toledo and the Lake Erie Isles Monday. Jonothan Statiger, of Detroit, is spending a couple of weeks with nis parenti in thia city. Mrg. 8. W. Beakea left Monday for Bloomingburgh, N. Y., to vlslt relatires and friends. Barney Johnson, of Tpsilanti, ha been shaking bands with old friends here durinjr the week. Dr. Martin has moreel into hls residence on N. State st. receutly purchased of Mre. Olney. Mrs. Prof. M. E. Cooley and children leave this p. m. on the North Shore Limited for the cast. Mrs. Nettie Cochran, nee Moore, rejoices in the advent of a boy at tbeir home in Toledo. Mrs. Horace G. Fry, of Howell, bas been visiting her f riend Miss A. A. Pond, during the week. Evart II. Scott and family left yesterday morning for Old Mlssion Beach, to remain some time. Prof. H. S. Curliart and ftttnily expect to leave about Aug. Ist, for Kviinstoc, III., to vUIt frienüs. Prof. Taylor, and family, of Alblou, are guests of Mrs. Taylor's fatlier, Benj. Brown, on S. State at. Mr. and Mrs. Jame L. Callaghan, of Chicago are visiting Mrs. C's parents Mr. and Mrs. C. Donnelly. C. B. Davlson, wife, and daughten hare been enjoying the beauties of Portage Lake during the week. Dr. Collins, who has been vislting at Judge Cheevcr's for a couple of week, has returned to Detroit. John Dowdigan, of the lat National Bank, has gone to the Lake ihore for two weeks, killing dear. Ex-Alderman A. D. Beslmer.of Detroit, was in the city yesterday. "McGregor on his nativo heath again." Mrs. Steiger and daughter Kmma, of Michigan City, Ind., are guests of J. J. Koch, on E. Washington gt. Miss Abble A. Pond and little nlece Besslo Pond, expect to leave next Friday for a two week's stay in Flint. Hon. John V. N. Gregory, of Lima, was in the city Saturday, moring around among his friends, the enemy. Win. G. Henne, of Koch & Hunne, has been pending a week or so wltii friends in Marshall and Chicago. Patrick Sullivan, D. D. S., '87, who is practicing dentistry in Eaton Kapid, is Tlsiting bis father T. J. Sullivan. John Koch, of the firm of Koch & Henne, and family leave to-day for a two weeks stay at Wuitmore Lake. Dr. E. L. Drake, of Marquette, is expected in the city to-day, the guest of Mrs. Morris Gregg, on Fountain t. John Shadford, Will Bush, Ed. Hatch and Kobert Milieu went lnto camp Monday at Rush Lake, for a wcek's stay. Mrs. J. E. Kockwell left on Friday for Chelsea, to go wlth friends to Cavenaugh lake, aftervrard visiting friends In Jackson. Mrs. Sophia Hutzel, of W. Huron st., and daughter Mrs. Eugene K. Frueauff spent Sunday In Chelsea, vislting Mrs. Chas. Steinbach. Miss Clara Mack, and brother Edwin F. Mack, of the Citlzens Saving Bank, Detroit, leave for Charlevolx Saturday, for a short stay. Richard Kearns, who has a run from Cleveland to Syracuse, as mail clerk, is spending the week at the home of his father la the 3d waru. Mr. and Mra. Theo. Royer are enjoying a visit from several of thsir grandchildren. A son is also passing a few days witli them in the home. John Stiickler an innocent viclim of the circus men 's nielee last spring, Iim recovered at last and Is at hls old post again at Stlmson & Hurlburt'. Miss Joan Kempf 3 her vacation at her home in tbis city. She will return to Sault Ste. Marie again as teacher next September, for the year. Mrs. Sue Getchell, who graduated in the law department tbls year, Miss Anna ISt. John aud Clarence Monoghan, also law '90, left last evening for California. Georgia M. Saunders returned Tuesday kfternoon from her three weeks visit at Grand Rnpids. Lake View, Ottawa Beacli, and otlicr points along Lake Michigan. While riding horseback on his way home frora Strawberry Lake Sunday evening, Fred Macomber carne near haring his eycs blinded by running into a limb of a tree. A. B. Smith, of the Milan Leader, wlio accompanled the editorial excursión as far as St. Paul, was a picasant callcr last Saturday. He reports an immense time for the cntire party. W. K. Childs, wife and sou spent Saturday and Sunday at Whitmore Lake. As there are no whales now left in the lake W. K. modestly refrains from telling any flsh stories. Editor Geakes, of the Argus, has been raging over a decaying molar for a few days, and his usually placid countenance has assumed a melancholy aspect that no one can appreciate but one who has had the toothache himself. Bert Wllliam, Cari Rose, Will Parker, and Rice Beal went to Whitmore Lake Monday and inaugurated Staryation Camp. They are all members of the S. S. Society, and wiil be joined this week by Cash. Wakefield, of Morenci, another member of the S. S"s. Alvin H. Dodsley, who is teller and bookkceper in the National Bank at Fargo, Dakota, happily surprised his parents and friends Monday morning by returning home for 8 two week 's vacation. "Al" is prosperlng in his new home, and Is belng rapidly promoted. John Martin Kim aues for divorce from Anna Kirn on the ground of crueliy, etc. Albert F. Allen, a brotlierof Congressman Kihvard P. Allen, of tbis district, has been nominated for Congress In Kansas, as a candidate of the Farmer's Alliance. Charles Kalmbach, of Ann Arbor town, wa9 quite seriously injurod last Frlday by being thrown from the rear end of a wagon and striking on his head and shouHlcrs. The annual meeting of the Michigan división of the League of American wheeliueii will be held in Detroit, Aug. 16-18. Under the new constitution a commlttee on improvement of highways has been constituted, and the chief consul has appointed to serve in that capacity the following gentlemen: Junius E. Beal, Ann Arbor; C. H. Smith, Detroit; Jacob Jessen, Muskegon. C. L. Tuomey, famillarly known as "Con," who Uves a mile or so east of the city, in Ann Arbor town, while drlving three horaes attached to a reaper last Friday, was quite seriously injured. The horses becoming unmanageable in golng down a hill, Mr. Tuomey attempted to jump off the machine, and in so doing had two ribs broken, besides being otherwlse badly bruised, which will lay him up for some time.


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