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Charles S. Crossman formerly In the Jewelry trade in Ann Arbor nnnounces bis oíd frlends and acqnatntances that he he is nnw located at 23 Malden Lañe Xew York City, where he carries a full line of Watches, Diamonds and Jewelry. Drop In aud seo kim when you are in the city. 6. A. B. Encampment at Boston. The Mich. Central Ry. "The Niágara Palls route" will sell round trip tickets to Boston August 8, 9 & 10 good to return until Aug. 20th at $18.60. Arrangement have beeñ made that these tickets raay be made good to return until Sept 30. 1890. by depositing thein vvlth the Joint Agent at Boston until the purchaser is ready to undertake the return journey. Thls is the only direct and flrst class route from Ann Arbor. H. W. Hayks, Agent. CflUPOONO EXTUCT wast] The lmportance of purlfylng the blood cannot be oyerestlmated, (or without pure blood you cinnot enjoy good health. At this season nearly every one needs a good medicine to purify, vitalize, and enricb the blood, and we ask you to try Hood's n... , I J o y Sarsaparilla. It strengthens reuUllai jnd bulld8 up the gystem, creitej an appetite, and tonei the digestión, wbile it eradlcates disease. The peculiar comblnation, proportion, and preparatlon of tho regetable remedies used gire to Hood's Sarsaparilla "T" 1-rcct If lar curatlT power. Ko ' I loc 11 other medicine has such a record of wonderful cures. If yon hare made up your mlnd to buy Hood's Sarsaparilla do not be induced to take any other lnstead. It Is a Peculiar Medicine, and is worthy your confidence. Hood's Sarsaparilla is sold by all druggists. frepared by C. I. Hood 6 Co., Lowell, Mass. OO Doses One Dollar Insurance, Real Estáte aai Loan Agencj OF HAMILTON & GREEN. OFFICES : NO. 1 AND 2 HAMILTON BLOCK FIRST II. OOK. Partles ileslrlng to buy or sell Real Estáte wlll finü It to their advantage to cali u uh. we represent tbe followlug tlrst-olasB Flre Insurance Corapnnlefl. havlng and atcgreeate capital of over $8,000,000: The Grand Rápida Ftre Ins. '., The O'iio Farnirn' Ins. Co., (Jouuren ouly d veiling), The Germai Firn lug. '.., The Peoule'g Flre Int.. Co., The CKIzen' Flre Ins. o., The Wi-itcli.-Mi, r Vire ín. Co., The mtlwaukee KIeclianICH Vire lúa. í'o., The New Hampahlre Flre ín. Co., The ortliH intern Flre Ín. Co. Rales Low. Loases libcrally adjusted and pald promptly. We also iKHiie Life and Investment Pollcle In the Conn. Mutual Life Insuraue Company. Assets Í55,OUO,OOO. Persono dealrlng AocidenL Insurance, can have yearly Pollcles wrltten for them or Traveler's Coupon Insurance Tickets issued at low ratea Ín tbe Standard Accident Insurance Company oí Detroit, Mlch. Moncy to loan at eurrent rates. Office hours from 8 a. ín. to 12 na. and 2 to 6 p. m HAMILTON & CREEN. Je.rome Freeman ! F'OSTOFFICE BARÍBER SHOP ! EATH BOOMS. W WMëEWlV. Valuadle - Rsal - Estáis ! FOB SALE. The tollowlne property belonglng to Lyraan t. James: The Franklin Honse. The "Monitor" property. Six Lote on the comer of Fouriu and Washington sts. House and Lot on Liberty st. APPLY TO E U GENE E. BE AL, AQEKT. Now we are ready wlth a new Brick Storehoute for the storage of Household Qooüü, Piano's üooks. Stoven, etc. PIANOS ASO HOUSEHOLD -:- GOODS Carofvilly 3o-sráLAll kinds of heavy and llght Draylng. FREIGHT "WORK C. E. GODFREY. 'Phone 82. Bes. and Office 4ti N. Fourth Ave.


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Ann Arbor Courier