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'Mili i III WK I I I IIIHÜMfc ffdidce to Everybody trho bas a dlscaaod Utot Is to at cnco tato propet tncans to curo iU Tho fuoction lïio Liver is doeiened to perform, nd on the reputar exeeutioa i which dependa not only tho general healthof thi fcody, but tne powers of tho Stotnach, Bo%oelst Jtrain.p.nd tho whuio nervouft synem. shows iti Vast and vital iuiportanco to human hcalíh, NOIÜBEING ïhould rnn tho risV for a singlo dny of noglectlng thls Important org:in, but phouM nromptly get a box cf Dr. C. HdanD! Celebrated I.iver l'UI. nada by f LEMING UROS., Vittsbiirgb, Pa., and uso flecording to directions they wlll curo yon promptly ana pyrrnanently. Arouud each box u a wrapper gíving full dc3cription of tito symptoma of 6 discaaou Livcr. Thcycan bo had of dr'uggiats. 4Ü9Boware of Coüx ierfkits m Je i u SL Louli-S FLEMING BROS., Pittsburgh, Pa. IVORY POLISH f-?ereTH.b Perfumes the Breath. Ask for it. CARTER'SI I V LK SB CURE Fiel; TTuftdacho and rellovo all tho tronóles incident to a bilious statoof tlio synteiu, such aa Dizziiioss, Kausca, Drowsinoas, Dtatreu aftor tUo Sido, kc. Whilo thuir zuost romarkablo Bureóte bas boen shown in c uring SICK Ilcadacho, yot Cnrtor's Littlo LIver Pilla aro ctiually valuablo in Constipat ion, oaring ftud proTantÍDfi tiiianiiuoyinjícoiaijlaínt.whilü they also correct all list trilcrs of t líos tuuiOi:htimulnto tho livor and reguLUo the bowela. Even if they only HEAD Acho they would bö almoflt pricelosa to those who euffor from thisclistrefisinoomplaiut; biflfortucately thcirgoodueHfldocs uotondhere.andthosa whooncotry thoniwill flnd thosu littlo pilla valuablo Ín so niauy wayathat they wiU not bo wüling tu do without thom. But aftor allslck ho&d ACHE ís tho bañe of so many lives that horo ia whera we make our great boast. Our pilla curo it whilo othera do not. Carter's Littlo Livor Pilis aro vnry amall and vory eaay to take. Ouo or two pilla makoa doao. They are strictly vegetable and do not gripo or pursc, bntby thüir gentío actiou pleanoall who UKethein. Iuvialsat 25 cents; üvcfor$l. Sold by tlruggisU evorywhí-re, or Fout by mail. CARTER MEDICINE CO., New York. SMALLPILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE If You Have CONSUMPTiON COUGHorCOLD BRONCHITIS Throat AffocÜcn SCROFULA Wasting of Plesh Or any Distase tchere the Thtrout and Zungt are Inflameá, I.ack of Strength or Xerv l'ower, you can be relieved and Cured by SCOTTS EMULSIÓN OP PURE COD LIVER OIL Wltn Hypophosphltes. PALATABLE AS MILK. A j7c for Scott'i BmuJHon. and let no expXanatlon or tollcUatlon induce you to meetpt a mlistitute. Sold by all Drugglsts. SCOTT A BOWNE.Chemlsts, N.V. SCVIH SEVCWTCEH SgVEHTV To cure Biliousness, Sick Hcadache, Constipation, Malaria, Livor Coraplaints, take the safe and certain remedy, SMITH'S BILE BEANS Csc llio SH.UL Sizc (40 littlc Heans to the bUtlle). TUEY AltE THE HOST CONVENIENT. Suitablo nll Agos. Price f oi:li r size, ggc. cr Bottle. ■%■ W 1 11 M Vlnikil for 4 ets. Koppen or stamps). J.F.SMITHitCO.Mukersol-Iill.KliKASS, 'ST.IOUIS MO. ociiirotnsTi CREAM OW PRUNES A very [.-leasant Laxritivi-, nmdc fiom the julce Of lutsh i'runtis combinad v.iili : . uariiiless v-t(etabl inretJi-nts of wctl-known and highly Utcdiciniil (unlitics, put np in the fort of CREAM DROPS, Making a wry vaJtuable preparation FOR INFANTS andCHILOREN, Asslmllating the food and Regulating tha Stomacn ünd I 'UW IS. lt Pron.otes Digestión, Cheerfulness and Rest IT IS A WOHDERFUL REMEOY ForC. NSTIPATION, SiUft 8TOMACH. CONVULSIONS, LOSS Ci? SLEEP WORMS, FE ERISHNE"S, Etc. P ce, 25 Certs. m:i(;:s MüiiicH;: 'o., 1. . nl-ëth, N. A FOR SALE . EBERBACH & SOX, - AXX AKBOR. 'JHB HtÏa Babber Shopfl nnless worn uucomfortably ULbt genarally lllp off tbo ieet. THE "COLCHESTER" RUBBER CO. nuke all thelr hoes wlth lMldo of heel llncvl with rubber. Thl clliws to tbo boa iuid prevent Uie rubber trom Upplng off. CaU for the "Colcherter" "ADHESIVE COUNTERS." SOR fiAt.K Bï WM. ALLABY, L. GRUNER, JOHN BURG, W. REINHART&CO. DOTY & FEINER, A.D.SEYLER&SON ANK ARBOR. r - i r Ayer's Catliartlc Pilleare rrcominemled by the best physichms, beca use they nre free from calomel and other Injurlous drugs, belng componed of purely vegetable ingrediente. Wliilo ttiorough in Ihelr action, they stimulate and strengtlien tlie bowels und secretory orgiuis. Mus-kets in the stack never kill anybody. Infernal Ibgenuity ('oulil Kern ct'ly devise more excruciatlng torluri's thiin iliDue of whleh yoa see the evldencefl In the face of a rheumaMeor neurnttc suíferer. The agonles are the consequence of not checftlug a rlniimotlcor neurulK'c iittack at the outi-ot. Hostetter's Htnmacu Blttera ha been fouud by Hklllml medical practioners to posscNs iut only remedial, hut dehnsi ve -lïic;icy. where these dlcascs t'ilslH, oratemiency to tliem )h exhlbtted. Surely i puUxant luit vHff boianlo medicine, hearIuk, too, Kuch high dpeclfic sancllon. Is better thau ihe poUfns ofteu ernployed, hut most unsafe. nol only In continuante, bul in Iholated dones. The blood Is deporwted thoronghly from the rheumatlc virus, and the nerven, Bllff litfy lmpufged trpon, fmved from ultímate and dlreful 1 hroi-s by thls benlgn, saviDK medicine, whlch llkewlse exhlbltü [iiiirkcd emcDey for malaria, kldney complalntK, dypepslft, eonsilpatloiï and llver complalul. ♦♦ The dcvil ahvuys paints in tukiug colors. Iliiih.n-dVs Rheuinaiic and Lirer I'ills. These Pilis are scientlfically compounded, and uniform in action. No gripiiijr pain ao coininonly following the UítutPillf!. They are adiipted to both adulta and cliildreu with perfect sufcty. We gurantee th!y huve no equal in the cure of Sick Ileadache, Coostipation, Uyspcpxia mal Hiliousneas; and as an appetizer, they excel any other prepuration. Every tlasue of tlie body, every nerve, hom: nul tuuscle is minie strontrer hik] more healthy ty tukiug HoodV Sursnpnrilta. The man who is alwayg looking fOr mud generally finds it. No man knows how to live DR ti) lie has learned liow to die. A Miníele uf the Xineteeiith ('iiiitury. Oin; to :i bad state of the blood, I have been iifliicted with rlieumatism for twenty years and liave used orutelies for ten year8. I have expended Urge sunis of inoney for remedies recommpnded to me, and from tisiuj: powerful liniments to {jet a little sleep, my hip Hnd knee had loil nearly all strength. When I commt-nced to talte Uibbards Rlieumatic Syiup I could nut take one step without the iiid of a enne, or turn tnygelf in bed without assistance. 1 cun nmv move witli perfect ease and wiilk without my cane from my house to my ( fflee evrry day. I am relleved from a terrible affliction, and wisli I might herald to all attlicted with rheumatj8m and otber blood dlseasep, the merits of this wonderful medicine. S. S. Conovkr, Agt. Nortliwestern Mutual Life Insurance Co., Mauistee, Mich. Prepared only by The Charles Wriirht Medicine Company, Detroit, Mich. For aale by all druggi8ta.


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