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In the Sniiatc bilis wem reported fuvora...

In the Sniiatc bilis wem reported fuvora... image
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In the Sniiatc bilis wem reported fuvorably on the .'.''i tö pension widows of (ioneral John C. Ffemont and General CínorRC U. McClellan at the ruta of fc!,000 per annmn oach. The Indian appropriation bill vras disiussed and conslderation of the ürst half of lt was eompleted In the Houso the substituto for tha Sonate original paclcage bill was passed by vote of 113 to 97. It provides that any articla tmpurU'il i rito a State and solil thirc shall ba amenablc to the laws of that Stato. In the Scnate the Indlan appropriation bill was further discussod on the 2.1d, bvit no action was taken In the House the bankruptcj bill wad considered. In the contosted election case of James II. McGinijis vs. John B. AlderoB, from the Tliinl district of Weit Virginia, ti reported tn favor of séatlng McQloDis (Rep.) IN the Scnate on the 34th th Indiun appro priation bill was passed and bilis were introduccd to rlx Mie limit of valué and to próvida for the free colnage of sllver, and to pay to Dr. Mary K. Walker 110,000 for her services as ai(tstant surcon in the United Stiltes anny dur ing the late war.. ..In tke lídusa the Torrey bwkruptcy bill was pss.icd by a vote of 117 toM. Thb session of the Senate on the25th wal ooeupied in dcbatlng the tariff bill .... In the House the sundry civil appropriation bill wlth Senata amendments was debati-rt. the chicf discussion bcing on the subject of the appropriation for lrrigation survey. DOMESTIC. The Centropolis Car & Machine Company of Contropolis, Mo., failod on th ïlst ior $100,000. John Springer fc Co. 's saw-mill and sasb, aoor and blind factory at Brush Creok, Cal., ivas burnod on the 31st. Loss, $100,000. Tue enfjineer and two unknown men wero killed and twulve passenger injured on the 22d by a Chicago i. Rock lsland train runnin into a creek near Limdon, Col. At a small village in Williamson County, Tex., a Moxiean named Milona, his wifo and dauguter were murdered by unknown partie.s on the 22d. It.t.ixois O. A. R. posts decided on the Í2d to erect a memorial hall at Springfield in honor of IJ. F. Stephensnn, the founder of the ordor. In a collision between two freight trains on the 22d at Antigo. Wis., two flremen and two brakemen were killed and one ehgineer was fatally and another dangerously hurt. A CYcr.oxK pissod over Ghent, Minn., on the 22d. killing two persons and doing great damape to property. Bradlky fe Co. 's woiblèn milis at Allegheny, Pa., were destroyed by fire on the 22d, causing a loss of 8100,000. Wii.i.tam V. Cohi.ktt, mgei 48 years, a leading member of the Wyoming bar, and for tvventy-throe years a rfisident of Cheyenne, died at that place on the 22d. Ho was a member of the Forty-sixth Congress. A CLouD-nuitsT in Clear Creek canyon in Colorado on the 22d caused great damage to property, and two vvomen and a child were drowned. Al-oxzo Skk, aged 80 years, of Asbury Park, N. 'S:, wa fleecod of $5,000 by card sharperü on the 2:id. Vance, of Löndon, O., dled of hydrophobia at the tUnion station in Columbu, O., on the iJd. Bt the falling of a scaffold on the 22d at Lyons, N. Y., Lewis Pfleffer and Fred LoniWock ware fatally hurt. Tiik official correspondenco betwoen the English and United States Governments on tho Iiehriu sea flsheries dispute was presented to Conress on the 23d. The barden of the lottors of Lord Salisbury is bascd on the old "Throomile limit" argument;, wbile Mr. Iilaine holds that the rigbts of the United States to the' fisheries is private and absoluto. Nkai: Adanis, N'. Y., William and Asa Morrill were drowned on tho 23d by the capsizing of thoir boat while tryinjf to land a pickerel. Thiicvks in Weoping Water, Neb., took the niifht-watchman of tho town to a grove and tiod him to a trpe on tho 23d and then robbed the Commercial Bank of $1,100. A CYCi.oNK demolisfaed tho buildings oí three farmers noar Marshall, Minn., on tlie "J.'iil, and several womon and children wero sovercly injnrad. In a yacht race át Dulúth, Minn., on the -od two boats were capsized ly a squall and two men of one crew were drowned. The National Association of Amateur Journalists beean its annual conrention at Indianapolis on the 33d with delégate frora all parts of the Union present. The formal celebration of Wyoming's admission to Statebood was observed at Cheyenne on the 2Sd by imposing ceremonies. An incendiai'y lire on the 2i!d at Spokano Faüs, Wash., caused a loss of 5200,000. Aui.t, driven insane by the death of bis child and by sickness, shot and killed hls wife and then hanged himself at Centervillo, O., on tbe 23d. It was reported on the 2Xd that th Columbia Har & Ruffet Company, with a capital of $1,500,000, bad been organizad by English capitalists for the purchase of liquor saloons in Chicago. Ai.i, tho express companies on the23d notified their agents at Atchison, Kan., and other points to taKe nó more beer or other liquor for Kansas points. The Illinois Lejrislature met in extra sessioa at Springfield on the 23d to consider world's fair matters. William G. Cochrane, of Moultrie County, was elected Speaker of the House. Lieutenant-Governor Ray cal led the Sena te to order. After transactlnjf routine business both houses adjourned for the day. A waterspwt formei on the 2th on the bay oé Escanabá, Mich., lastinff flfteen minutes. It was 200 feet in diameter at it base, extended ínlo the clouds and made a noise audible at ft distance of two miles. B. B., candidato for Goternor on the Alliance ticket in Louisiana, ref used to speak at the Democratie mass-meeting at New Orlear.s on the Q4th for fear of assassination.


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