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Thk House amondmonts to tho orijftnal pa...

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Thk House amondmonts to tho orijftnal package bill wore non-concurred in by the United Statos Senate on tho 36th and a conforence was ordered, ISills wero passed granting ponsions of 82,000 a ycar each to tho widowsof General Fremont, Gonoral McClellan and General Crook. In tho House the Senate amendments to the sundry civil bilĂ­ wore oonsiderod and many of thcm were non-concurred in. Tho charges made some time ago by Mr. Cooper (Ind. ) against Pensioner Commissioner Raum wore ordcrod to bo invostigated. Mus. Ei.izaiikth Larne died at Central Kalls, R. I., on the 27th, aged 101 yeara. Jon.v Soloman, of Indianapolis, aged 65 years, and his wifo, aged CO years, quarreled on the 'Jiith, and Solomou struck his wife with an ironpin, fatally injuring her. The town of Wallace, Idaho, was destroyed by flre on the 27th, only two buildings escaping tho flamea. Rkv. Rohkht Laikd Coi.meu, the well-known Unitarian divino, diod on the 27th at his country home near Salisbury, N. J., of paralysis, aged 55 years. A CYCI.ONF. struck South Lawrence, Mass., on the 36th and made a sweep 400 feet wide aloug the Merrimac river for a distance of four miles. In the spaco of three minutes it destroyed seventy dwellings, rendered homoless 000 people, killed eight outright, fatally injured eleven more and severely and slightly injured sixty others. Dispatchks of the 27th from Buenos Ayres state that a rovolution had been commencedby the Union Civica, assisted by two battalions of tho garrison. President Colman had declarod the whole republic in a state of siege and the National Guard had boon called to arms. The revolutionists had libcrated General Campus, who was awaiting trial as a conspirator, and he had placed hlmsolf at the liead of the revolutionary party. The Norwejian bark Lloyd, which sailod from Cuba Juno 14 for New York with a crow of fourteen men, was given up as lost on the 2(lth. Fon the week ended on the 2Cth th percentages of the base-ball clubs in the Playera' League were: Boston, .613; Krooklyn, .098; New York, .551; Chicago, .538; Philadclpliia, .537; Cleveland, .446; Pittsburgli, .4-14; Ifuffalo, .250. Tho clubs in the National Loague stood: Philadelphia, .675; Brooklyn, .f48; Boston. .6-29; Cincinnati, .002; Chicago, .519; New York, .415; Cleveland, .273; Pittsbui-gh, .281.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier