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Republican State Convention

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Headquakters Republican State i CENTKAL COMMITTEE. V Detroit, July 12, I8W. ) A State Convention of the Republicana of Michigan wlll be lield at the Detroit rlnk, Detroit besinning at 2 o'ciock, p. m. Wednesday, August 27, and conitnuing Thursday, August 28, 1890, for the purpose of nominatlng candidates for state omces and for Jusllceof theSupreme Court, to flll vacancy; also for the purpose of selectlng a chalrmau of the State Central Commlttee and two meinbers thereof from each eoneressloual district, and the transad ion of auoh othcr business as may properly come before lt. In accordance wlth a resolutlon adopted at Grand Kapids May 10, 1876. every county wlll be entltled to one delégate for each 5iu of the total vote cast for Governor at the last State election (November 1X88). and one addltional delégate for evcry fraction amountlng to 300, but each organized couuty wlll be entltled lo at least one dele;tt'. Under a renolution ofl85Xnodelegale willbe enlltled to a seat In the convention who doe not reside In the county he proposei to represent. The delcgates from each congressional district are requested to meet in caucus at 12 o'ciock noon, Wednesday, Aug. 27, and select candidates as follows, to be presented to thir State Convention for conflrmation: Two members of the State Central Committee, one Vloe-Presldent, one Asslstaut Secretary and ooe member for eacb ot the Coniinilteea on "Credentlals," "Kesolutlons." "Permanent Organlzation and order of Business." In compliance wlth a resolution adopted in Detroit June 23, 1830, the secrelary of each county convention 1 requested lo forwnrd to thesecretary of the State Central Commlttee (No. 84 Grlwold Street, Detroit), by the earllest mail after the deleaates to the State Conventlonarechosen.acertined list of such delegales as are entltled to seats In the State Convention from their respective counties; and also the names and address of the cbalrman, secretary, and members of their county commlttee. H. C. Tillman, Secretary. Wa8htenaw county Is entitled to 21 delegates.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier