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Mrs. Eli W. Aloore ia vislting her fathe...

Mrs. Eli W. Aloore ia vislting her fathe... image
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Mrs. Eli W. Aloore ia vislting her father, Id Adrián. Mrs. John M. Feiuer spends the weck in Chicago. Duncan McMillun, of Chicago, s in town to-day. E. R. Curtía and farally are in camp at Portage Lake. Misa Jennle L. Wlnes ís camping at Portage Lake. Mrs. K. J. Nelson and son Kaleigh have returned home. Will Conlon, of Chelsea, Isvislting relatives in the city. Chas. Vaughan has gone to Chicago for a mon th's stay. Miss Minnie Drake is spendlng a few days at Whitmore Lake. Mrs. Welles, of Chanute, Kas., is vlsiting her sister Miss Jewell. Prof. A. B. Stevens and wlfe have gone to Chautauqua, N. Y. Mrs. H. 8. Carhart and famlly have gone to Highland Park, Dl. Dr. C. G. Darling went to Petoskey Monday for two or three days. Mrs. Maria Traver, of Albion, is vlsitiag her sister Mrs. D. C. F all. Miss May Wllmet, of S. Ingalls st. is. visiting f rlends at Stony Crcek. Miss Mary Stierle went to Chicago Saturday for a two week's stay. Harry Hayler left Saturday tospend a few days wlth frienda in Toledo. Mrs. M. A. Tenny, of S. Ingalls st is at Bryon Mich., for a short stay. Miss Etta Adams, formerly of Geddei ave., has gone to Wayne to reside. Mr. and Mrs. Prof. Comstock, of Chicago, are visiting at Andrew Bell's. Mrs. O. J. Parker, of Howell is the guest of her sister, Mrs. J. R. Bach. Mrs. Oott and daughter Clara are visiting Mrs. J . Rice Miner, in Chicago. Will Baxter and family are taking a ten days vucation at Whitmore Lake. Miss Maggie Donnelly lias retnrned from a viait with her sister in Detroit. Miss Zela Ilurd who has been In Detroit for a week or so has returned home. Mrs. John Maloy, of Kalamazoo, is visiting her brother Joseph Donnellv. B. F. Buck, of S. Injfalls st., is spendinsr a few days with fiiends at Ypsilantl. Miss Mary W. Langley, of Pittsburg, Pa., is visiting Miss Whltman, on Church st. Mrs. Jenkins, of E. University ave., is visiting her sou Albert at Rldley Park, Pa. Chas. B. Woodward, ofthe Xormandie, Detroit, spent Sutulay here at his old home. Mrs. C. Buck and daughter Anna are visitlng friends and relatives at Stony Creek. Mrs. Thompson of St. Loula, Ho., and Mr. Paul oí New York, are gucsts at W. S. Hlcks. Hay and Lena Fall are spending a few duys with their uncle Wm. Latson, of Webster. Mrs. H. L. Panuelee, of Chicago, is the guest of Mrs. Austin Wood, on Washtenaw ave. Mr. and Mr?. II. Randall leave Saturday for Boston, going with G. A. R. excurflonists. l'rof. I. N. Uemmon, of Washtenaw ave., bas been In Ionia for the past week on business. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. F. HUI leave tomorrow for Bt. Clair flats for a few week's stay. Mrs. S-irah. F. Vaughan of Church st., left Fridsy last for Edlnborough, Pa., to visit friends. Dr. J. N. Martin and family left Monday for Gorton, Branch Co., to take a montli's rest. Mrs. Eastwood and her son, John Eaatwood, have returned from a month's stay at Charlevoix. Mrs. N. B. Higgins of Holland, Mlch., is the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Bullís. Mrs. Cha Hutcliinson, of Washtenaw ave., is visiting friends In Battle Creek and St. Joseph. Mrs. Fanny F. Beek with has rented her house on Church st., and will remove to Detroit soon. Misaes Ada and Bessie Stevens and Alice Ptiine are pending a few days at Wbitmore Lake. Mr8. A. Frost and family, of Detroit, are the guests of Chas. Hurd and fumily, of Washtenaw ave. Mis. Israel Hall bas aa guesta her daugliter, Mra. Sidney Eastman and Mr, Eastman, of Cliicago. Mrs. Louis P. Hall and children are spending a few days at the home of her parents on G rosse Isle. Mra. Benj. Day la apending some time at Old Mis.sion in compaDy with Mr. Kvart Scott and family. Miss Teaaie Flewellyn, of Detroit, who han been visiting at Walter Lathrop'a, returned home Monday. Dr. Esther Willoughby and family, of Church at., was returned home from a month'a viait at St. Joseph. Miss Edith Phillips, oí Toledo, is visiting Miss Nellie Kyer and other f riends in the city for a few weeks. George Sperry leiives for Washington, D. C, this evening, to attend the national conrention of photographers. C. Eberbach and wife have returned from a visit with f riends at St. Catherines, Out., and other easteru places. MUses Mollie, Mabel and Lou Carson left yesterday for their father's home in Petoskey, to be absent several weeks. Frank O'Hearn and Ed. F. Dufly roturned from their camp at Strawberry Luke Saturday, and are on duty again. Prof. E. L. Briggs and wifeofQrand Haren, are guests of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. II. Holmes, on Forest ave. Mrs. Alice Slockbower and daughter Clara Ieave to-day for a six week's trip, visiting Jackson and other points in the state. Miss Ketlie Dauiels is visiting Mrs. R. A. Beal and other frlends, before returning to San Joae Cal., again to engage in teaching. The beat carne near putting Stephen Mills, of Pittsfleld, on the sick list last week, but though 81 yearsof age he carne out aliead. Herbert A. Williams, the business manager of the Couribr, is movlng into his recently purchased resldencc on EAnn st., this week. George W. Milieu who is spending some time at Concord, with his wife, at her father's home, wu in town two or three days this week. Through the kindness of Hon. F. B. Dickerson, of Detroit, J. T. Jacobs and sou Charles are guesisatthe "Rushmere" on St. Clair Flats, this week. Among those who expect to go to Boston on the G. A. R. excursión next Saturday from tliia place, are: Col. H. S. Dean and daughter, Dr. W. F. Breakey and wife; Major YVm. C. Stevens and wife; Mrs. E. J. Knowlton, Mrs. W. W. WhedOD. Jas. E. Callaghan, of the firm of Callaghan & Co., of Chicago, who has been visltlng Joseph Donnelly and family returneil home Sunday evening. Mrs. Callaghan will reinain a few days longer. Prof. II. S. Carhart leaves to-night for Aquetuck, N. Y., where lie wlll remain until the middle of the month, when he gocs to Indianapolis, Ind., to attend the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Among the pleasant callers at the Courier office last week was Elraer Towneend, Esq , of East Saginaw. Mr. Townsend is enthusiastlc in favor of W. S. Lintoo, of Saginaw, for lieutenant governor, and Jumes M. Turner for governor. Quite a sensation wascaused in the city yesterday by the report that a couple oí boys in camp at Wliltmore Lake had been drowned. The circumstances were substantially as follows: At about 3 o'clock Tuesday Postmaster Beal whose son Rice was camping at the lake, receiyed a telegram sent from Hamburg, the nearest telegraph station, purporting to be from anotuer inember of the camping party worded as follows: "Come to Whltmorc Lake on 5 o'clock train, important." There bcing no telephone or telegraph communication wltli Wliitmore Lake, Mr. Beal proceeded to drive there, bcing accompaniedby JoeWilliams.whose brother Bert was also in camp. As the two drove up in front of the hotel at the Lake, and saw the boys sitting tliern, no one but a parent can judge of their feelings. There would probably have been no excitement had not a farmer from the vicinity of the lake come into the city shortly after these gentlemen left, and reported that two of the boys In camp had been taken out of the lake, one of them dead, the other just allve. This, taken together with the dispatch, made it look pretty certain that there had been a serious accident. As may be imagined there was considerable anxious suspense among the relatives and friends bere until telegrama were recel ved from Messrs. Beal and Williams announcing that the boys were all alright. Wliy the dispatcli was sent has not yet been accountcd for, as the young man whose name was signed to it had that afternoon gone to Portage Lake. It is charitable to suy that its import to a parent was not fully realized by the boy, and should he ever have occasion to send another telegram he would no doubt be more careful about its wording.


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Ann Arbor Courier