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CET THE BEST FIRE INSURANCE I $29,000,000. Security held for the protection of the policy holdcre. CHRISTIAN MACK Represente the followinfc firet-clasa cornpunlet, of whlch ono, tbe Etna, hae alone paid i5,OOU,UOOllre loases ín alxty-fi vu yeare : .Jïtna, of Hartford $ 9,]92,t44 Franklin of Philailelplmi 3,118,713 Germania, N. Y 2,700,729 Germán American, N. Y 4,065,968 London Assurance, Louilon.. . 1,416,788 Michigan F. & M., Detroit. . . 287,608 N. Y. Underwriters, N. Y 2,096,676 National, Hartford 1,774,505 Phcenix, Brooklyn 3,759,030 ïosses liberally adjusted and promptly paid. Policies issucd at the lowest rates ol premium. 119HÍ nVP2J IQÏ"I?Q orothers.whowish ?d orsmlni MU1CH I IwCnU MiU papo., or obtam eslimatej on advertising tpace whon in Chicago, w.ll find rt on file at 45 1O49 Randülph St., flBfk A TUOESttC UwAüvortiwngAgencjol LUllU M 1 líuíEtliKW!Fargo's Shoes Fami'ly Igg f "Box Tip" School Shoes iS%VV tor Bys and Girls. M p% Heeled or Wedfle HeeL m 'Aas Sizes-atoio'j 1.25 H -.'"WtÍdT toi3j4 1.60 Tllru ito3 1.75 r FARCO'S ]h $2.50 Calf Shoe AïJravijiv 'or Gentlemen, kVQ 1 Uneqtialed by any p]uh i ■ZÍF Sttj r Anu'iica at tho sauio gf l'=pHUt' Lprüv. In Conirrcpipt, ItutmX "Tifj ton unci Luce, ileu'auud Boy"s : Cl FARGO'S fk ($2.50 LADIES' BOOT OÈL X Congola or Goat, Button, : hSs Opera, or Common Sense. f ÉCnrSLe Tackles and Flexible. ttXÍrLAK?&ffi Warranlod thfí most WB 'n Ladleaaad Ukan? OUR NAME IS ON THE BOTTOM OF EVERY SHOE. Aak vour doaler for Fartro'n shp. If he dui-i ,,„t k,p Üicin send to m and ivo will furi isí y, i" i ,Tit 'ÜJ rocjhjt of Kjofc 8d portal rur doKripUva ilt. O. H. FAKGO & CO., Chicago. I1L DOTY & FEINER, AGENTS, - ANX ABBOR. C. H. MILLEN, INSURANCE AGENT! No. 4 South Main St., Ann Arbor. The oldest aseuey In the city. Establlshed )ver a quarter of a oentury ago. Represen tlng he followlng flrst-class companles, wlth over 60,000,000 Capital and Atiftcte. HOME INS. CO., of New York. CONTINENTAL IN8. CO., of Nw Yor. NIAUARA IN8. CO., of New York. QIRARD INS. CO., of Pklladelpbia. ORIËNT INS. CO., of Hartford. COMMERCIAL, ÜNION, of London. LIVERPOOL, LONDON and GLOBK. WA8HINUTON FIRE and MARINE, of Boston. Rates Lovr as the Lowest, Losges Liber ally Adjustcd and prompt ly I'nid. C. H. MILLEN. Michigan (Tentral " The Niágara Falls Route." Timo table takins effect My 18. 180. CHICAGO TO DETROIT. á.M. A.lfl.lP M P. M. P. M. F.M.A.M. A. Ch'o Lv 7 05 ! CO 12 20 3 10 9 00 10 10 50 Kala'.mlUS 217 85 1 00 1 1 3 "■ 7 10 Jaoks'l 3 ( 4 2-5 6 35 8 47 3 35 6 M5 o 00 40 i'hpl,'n íi 7(17 5 481131 bSxter. 1 w::::::::r .::.:.'.. . íS 55 P. .P. M. F.M. P. M. .M A. M. i.M. A.M. Ann'r 4 45l S a i 3U 46 4 5'. 7 45 14 1100 Yiirl.'ii 5 0.! 5 4:j 56 5 13 8 05 '28 11U Vf"eJc 5ü7 8! De'i At 8-5 0 45j 7 W 10 4.- " 2 9 ' 7 3U 12 10 DETROIT TO CHICAGO. A M. A.a P. M.IPM. A M. P.M. P.M. Detroit. ..Lv 9O;ltB0 120 4 l' a 23 ÍS 5 55 WajneJnnc. WM S1 . i SI :w Ypailanti.... 122 8 I SOS 5 48. 10 15 7 00 a.m a.m.Ip.m. p.M. .m. pmiP.m. Ann Arhor.. ID 37 8 5& 2 17 555 10 1 lOSOl 7 l( Hxt.-r 11 0 .... I 7 Chelee 11 18 1 ' .lackHo U66 1000 11 i. 55 11 15 11 45 8 W Kalamawjo.. ÍS8 1SH 502 80 1265 2 17 I Uiiicaw.-.Ar 75.3 1 15 ti O.l 4 5'Jj 8 US . ... O. W. KUUOLBS, U. W. HAYKS, I G. P. & T. Agent, Chicairo. Att.. Aun Arbor. Tolwlo, Aun Arbor & Nortli Mlcliltrun Kuilway. TIME SCHKDULB. Tuking effect November 25tli, 1839. Train ron by Standard Time. Guing Nntih. Sí! J !_. 81 f 3 STATIONS. Í gÜW O" O ÜH P. M.!A. M. P.M.tF.JI. 3 25 la 00 Lv Toledo Ar 11 15 1 10 4 17 ti 47 Dundee 10 18 14 20 4 35 7 0") Milán 9 58 12 04 4H. 7 l Urania 45Ü1 ES (SI 7 22 rMltetield 9 3411 42 5 07 7 3-; Ann Arhor 9 22111 ai 58 7 Til Leían u OT 11 1 5 47 8 I '5 Whitinore Lake 8 55 11 (W 6 8 15 Howell 8 17 105 7 15 9 :ii Duraiid 7 10 9 35 8 óü 10 51 Bast Saginnw 5 .v 7 45 8 Otilio 10 ..Owono....'. "tTSB "iTür, 9 07 1145 Ilhaa 5 82 7 60 0 15 12 45 Mt. Pleaíant 4 a:, 6 45 .... 8 0 Callll!io 1(180 .... 4 4) Copminh 9 05 .... 5 40 Ar Fnmkfort Lv 7 50 P. . P. U. A. M. í. X. tío ing South. Soutli Lyou Branch. NonTii BOTTBDi STATIONS. foutii bound. Train 18 Truln 17 6 Oo' Lv Ann Arbor Ar 8 15 6 40 Wordcne 7 :K 7 00 Ar South Lyon Lv 7 15 H. W. ASHLEY, Oeneral Munteer. A. J. PAISLEY, GEO. II. HAZLKWOOD, Oen'l. Pags. fc Ticket Aeent. Local Asent. ICE. CE ICE. Keep cöol during the coming summer by contra et ing wit A E. V. H. for ice at the following rates: 25 Ibs. daily, except Sunday, $4.00 per mo. " " 4 times a week, $3.50 " 11 " 3 " " $3.50 " " " 2 " " $2.00 " E. V. HANGSTERFER 3O S. MT-A-ÜKT ST. To Restaurants, Hotels, etc in 500 Tb. lots, 40c per Jnmdred. Less quantity, 50c. TARiFF LITERATURE FOR ALL The American Protective Taripf Le aqttb is publislüng B must vulmible series of Tariff (lnt'tjnieiits. These ure preparo! with a view to state the facta and argumente for tion, whether in the interest of farmers, laborera, merchante or professional men. Kuch issue of the series appeals to those enKnged in separate industries, and presentsindispuiublu facts - coraparisons of wage, eost of living, and other argumenta sbowiüg1 the benetitsof Protection. Auy snurk one will be sent on receipt of 2 cents in sttimps exeept M Wagcs, Living and Tariff," whicn will besent for 4 cents. Tbe whole list will be sent for 30 oents or any tweïve for 2U eents. or any live forlü cents, pOBtagfl puid. Oi-dcrby uumber. N". Ï'AOKS. l- "Wges,LIvlD:i aiul Tariff." E. A. HakthHOHK 104 S- "The AlvaiiUr:( í of ft Pmtt-ctlve TaillT tü the l.a.-i' autl Industries of the United States." Klist Pttae Ewur. Iö87. CrawFORD D. IlKNNIN'Ü 33 3- " Hume Prodiu-tloii Indispensable to a Supply, at Ijjw Prloea, of the Manufacturad Commoditieá requlrwl fur the feople of the United States, and Adequate Home Productlun of these ('ommomtles Impotislble without a l'rotctlve Tariff.' Firut Príze Kasay, 1S8S. C. D. Toüd 32 1 - " Whac are Haw Materials ? Would Free Raw Materials be Adautageous tu the Labor and Industries uf the United States." First I'rize Essay, 1SM. Humkk 13. Diislu. 32 B- "Fallaeies of Free Trade." E. P. Miujíh 3i O- "Sume Views ou the TarfiT by au Olü ituuliicas Man." Cuco. Drai'üií 32 7- "The Protective TarltT : lts Advuutafs for the South." CL. kdwards 32 8 - " The Wool Interest." Judge Wu. Lwbkho 24 l- "i'roteotlou va. Kreelt-ade."- A Hlutoricul RevifW. D. (Í. IlAKKlMAK 20 10-" The Farmer and the Tartff " " Col. Thomas H. Duulkv 16 11- "l'rntectluu usa Public ltUcy." GeorokS. BOUTWKU 10 12- "Keply to tht f rt-.shU'iit'sFree-Trade Message." R. P. l'OKTKlt 8 i:ï- " WurkinfiiiH'ii and tne ïarlff." 8 U- " ïhv Viuil yuestion : Shall Amoriran ludustries be A baiulúued and Americun .Markets Surrenderel ? 8 16 s,iiiit in Qennao, with Addltion 8 1Ü - "The Progress of one Hundred Years." KOBERT P. PORTKR 8 17- "Protet'iii.m f(ir American shippliig.". ... 8 ifi- ''The Taritf Nota Tx." Homkuk, Dibell. 8 lit- " Why Irishmen ShovUd üe ProtectionlbtH." 8 20- "Prowctin.w E. K. Ammidown 4 -i- What isa Tariff?" Auswertitoa Workiugnmn's íuostiou 4 22- "The American Wool Industry." E.H. AmM1DOWN 8 ■?3- "WuKesaudCostof i.ivinK." J. D. Weeks. 1 .1- "Southern Farmlng Industries." 4 -hort Talk to Worklntfraen." 3 tí-" Protoctlon and the Fanner." Senator S. M. Cl 1 LOM 13 TM Amvrktan BoomMOR, weekly.devoted to the aiscütfüton of all phast-suf tlie Tariff questlon. $2 s free Atl!rt's4 Anierieau Pro■ . -:: W. 23d St.. New York. Is the oldesl and mo&t popular tteientíflc nná ineclMiilcul pnper piíMi.-hcd and has the Inruilt circulntlon of any paper of lis olass in the world. hully lllustrated. Best class of Wood Kneraïliurs. Published wceklT. seml for ipeolmeo fffiïiw i".3!11 'Om """l""1' trial. 1. ARCHITECTS & BUILDERO Edition of Scientiflc American. O A Rreat ineens. Each Issue contalns ciilored IHhoKriipIiic platiïS of country and city rosult-nces (ir public builriiUfis. Numeruus envravInKS and f uil plan nnd pei-ltlrationa for the ui! of suchas t-ontoruplate InnUiini;. Prloe í.ijo a yeur 2i cis. a copy. MUNNJkjCO.. PuüLlsUKll. ■ 40 yoars' experience ml nado otar ■ Iiíi.lM) applicatinns for AiiiurUnn utid h,r dun patente. 8end for Elandbook. Corras pundeacc strietly coniUlentliil. TRADE MARKS. In case your nmrk Is not retcisiereti (n the P-ttent ottlci', apply to Mi n.v a Co., iuhI pruuura Lmmediate prutectloii. Seml fur llundbouk. COPYRKJHTS for bpoks, charts, map, etc. quiekiy procured. AddlfQM JI1UNN A CU., Putent .Soliclcora. ÜXMHAL OFV1CK. SCI ilHUAmVAY. N.


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