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IIAMIMC DIKECTOKY. W Arbor Commandery. No. IS meets flrRt Tuesday of each month. I!. F. Watts, E. C; John R. Miner, Recorder. Washtesaw Chaptkk, Xo. 6, R. A. M - Ments flrst Monday each month. L. C. Qoodrleh, H. P.: Z. Roath. Secretary. BUSINESS CARD8. D. A. MacLachlan, M. D. DISKASB8 OF TUK EYE, EAU, NOSE AND THEOAT. OFFICE AHD RESIDENCE, 26 SOUTH DIVISIÓN STREET BOURS : 1 to 4, and G:SO to 7:30 P. M. vogel & ic:E:R,:isr DKAI.KK IN ALL KINDS OF FRESH AND SALT MEATS Poultry, hard, etc. EVERYTHING NEAT and CLEAN No. 9 K. Aun si., Ann Arltor. W. W. MCIIOLS DBNTIST. Rooms Over Ann Arbor Savlngs Bank, Opp. Court House Square. VITALIZED A1B. AdrainiBtered. It is agrecable and easy to take, and do proetrallng cilcctn follow, whlle teeth are extractcd without pain. Hll.l.nn IIERZ, Houao, 3ifn Ornamental and FRESCO PAINTER! Paperlng, Qlazing, Gilding, and Calcimtnlng, and work of every duscrlptiou done in the best style, and warranted to give eutisfaction. Shop, No. 4 W. Washington St„ Ann Arbor. O. 'M!. JLJRTXlr, 'DEALER IN CLOTiï CÁSKETS, METALIC And Coramon CofHns. Calis attented to Day or Nlght. Kmbalmlng a specialty. Storeroom on E. Washington street. Residence Cor. Liberty and Fiah. ■Jk wê& I U MACKINAC. Summer Tours. Palace SteamerB. Low Bates. Tour Trip pr ?eek Between DETROIT, MACKINAC ISLAND fit. CUir. bakl.nd House, Mrme City. Bvery Week Day Between DETROIT AND CLEVELAND Bpoll BiinUy Trip durlpg July nJ Aut. OUR ILLUSTRATED PAMPHLETS ÜMMt ind ïiourmlon Tiokete will b f urnUhed by y our Ticket Agent, orddris E. B. WHITCOMB, Gen'l Pit. Agnt, Detroit &, Cleveland Steam Nav. Co. DETROIT. MICH. ANN ARBOR FRUIT FARM! BERRY PLANTS, FRUIT AND ORRAIIBIITAX. TREEB Pears and Grapevines a Specialty! 8YRUP3 AND HOME MADE WINE. Syrops of Raspberry and of Bartlett Peara. Bonenett, Dandellon and Raspberry Wlnen and Shrübs. Sweet Red and White Concord, and MarthaOrapeWlnes.especlallyprepared for Invalida. Order trees and plant early as we get most of them iroin the best Eastern NurBerles. K. B I 11. WEST HUBOM 8TKKKT. B ' EVER MADE. XJtïll drive the Humorfrnm ynurl I %- Lhvn 'ii, and mako yuur skiiil I ■■■! &3kclcim and smooth. Tlios.1 I 'iTVLrimplea Bnd Blotche _ ■, 'v, " ' 4L whirh mar your bvnutym Q V„ & i VvLare caused by lmpureM I0r, . i, AtKLblood, and can belll . % .Wjfclremovedinashortl I % v„ %j " V JLk.wiseand uscl I fá Tho Doee lf.'V5i X % 'S 1 1 small-only a te&y%; , ö o,,t II llbUüouful. ItUthuf. % "o % ■ . I Ibost and cheaicÉ5} o . 1 1 I Inutdicliie. Try ft, and,oX' „ I youwilllc8atlsflcd. %'H jj Ciet lt of your Druggist. %% E3 If yon aro suffer-Ing from KUl III III ncv I)l8cae, and wfth to toX III oíd age, uae BÜLPHÜB BITTEUS: I Hl Xüey neverlallto cure. 1! Bend 3 ïsent stamjis to A. P. Ordway '4 Co., BoBton.Mass.. for best medical work published? The Farmers' Mui Bank CAPITAL $50,000. SÏÏBPLUS $10,000. Adöiüonal Liatilities of Stocüolflers $50,000. Report of the conditlon of tho FARMERS' AND MECHAN1CS' B.NK at Ann Arbor, M iclilgan, at the close ol business J uly 18, ÏSÜO KE8OUKCES. Ijans and discount ? 213,981 72 Stocks, bonds, raortgages, etc 72.2(11 51 Overdrafts 1,359 08 Due from luniks in reserve cltles.... 19,íW:j tí Due from Washtenaw County 11.601 76 Bills In transit Ü.5G0 23 Furnlture and flxtures _ 3,0 0 on Current expenses and taxes pald.... 'i 38 Intereut pald _ 43a 18 ('ln-cks iillil c:ish i teiUS _..- 1677 Nickels and pennlus 68 öl Gold 8 VU 70 811 ver 2,912 15 U. S. and National Bank Notes 14,358 00 Total Í 331,682 39 LIABILITIKS. Capital stock pald In $ 50,000 00 Surplus futid 10.000 00 Undlvided proflts 8,259 85 Dlvldends unpaid 315 00 Commercial deposite 242.557 53 Savlngs deposlUi 45,5,0 01 Total ÍSJ1.682 39 STATE OF MICHIGAN, 1 County of Wiishieiniw. J ■ I, F. II. UIOLSUK, Cashier, of the above named l!;ink, do lolemnly swenr that the above statement is true, to the best of xuy knowledge and belief. F.H. BELSER, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 29tb day of July, W.M. W. VVHEDON, Notary Public. Corrf.ct- : A tnbrose Kearney, Chas. E. Greene, D. F, Schairer, Directora. The Farmers' & Mechanics' Brt having flled thelr cerlifleate wlth the State Ijankiug Department are now authorized to do business as a Savlngs Bank, and in pur suance tbercol have opened a Savings Department! Interest allowed in the savlngs department on all deposita or 81 and upwards. Interest pald June lst and Dec. lst, of each year. The savlngs department Is open Saturday nlghts from 7 untll 8 o'clock. Mouey to loan In sums of 25 to $5,000 secured by unencumbered real estáte or approved securliies. li K ECTORM Kempf. í'Iiiih. K. (.rcnii', B Kuilj , A mbroiie Kearn-y, Wm. O. Steven, W. F. Brrakeyi J. r.. Ui ui, .lol, n itiiru, 0. F. Nihuirrr. K. K I-.1I1M', I'i-.-h. K. UIIFFV, Vlop-Pre. F. H. IIKIAIIl, (ah.lil.-r Self-Protectlon a Patrlotlc Duty. Saglnaw Courler-Uerald. (Dein,) A reciprocal treaty with England, if guch were possible, would oeily amount to free trade with our most formidable industrial rival. It would not extend the market for any American product, Imt it would break down our manufacturing interests. We doo't want it. The most agreeable people in the world are those who agree wlth us. jTscrofulous Tboy iiuiiii inn SurcH Covered il t Body and Il.a.l. BoneH Affected. (urwl i Cotlcnra Remedie. Wbcn f lx nnnttia old, the lelt hand of our little granachild brgan to swell, and bad every appearance of a lar?e boil. We poaltlced itt but all to no parpóse. ADout live months after It became a running ore. Boon otlier sores formed. He tben J- had two of ihemon eacbhand, jj2SIO and as hls blood became aESMP more und mare impurr, it L"W took lesa time for them to T lifl break out. A sore carne on m - M e cnl11 beneatb. the upper W V vé wt 'UJ) wliich was very oflensive. %f 'f] HU head was oue nolid ecah, %y dlBChaiKingagrcatdeal. Thl A - J- was his condition at twenty y f two xnonths old, when I unVV__ XV ('ertoo'c &e cir t btm, his f iPH mother having died when he J aiS was a "ttIe '"'""e than a year ■'■ mm old, of consumptlon tscrofula. ofcourse.) He cuuld walk a little, but could not getuplfhe feil down, and could not move whea in bed, bavlng no use of bis bands. I lmmcdiately commenced wlth the Citticura Kemediks, uslng all Ireely. One sore after another bealed, a bony nutter foriuing In each one of those flve deep ones Juut before healing, whlch would flnally grow loose and were teken out; tben they would healrapldly. One of these ugly bone formations I preserved. All' r takiiiK a dozen and a balf boules be was complete!}' cured, and Is now, at the age of siz yenrs, a stroug and healthy child. Mbs E. S.DRIüGS, Mt 9, 1885. 612 B. Cly St., Bloomington, 111. My iirnnilson remóles perfectly wcll. No signs of vcrofula and no sores. Miu. E. 8. DK1GUS. FEB. 7, 1890. Bloomlngton, 111. Cuticura Resolvent The new Blood Puriüer, lnternilly, (to cloanse the blood of all impurities and polnonoas element, and thus remove tbe cause) and Cuticira, the ereat Skin Cure, and Cuticuba Soap, an exquislte Skin Iieautiier, externally, (to clear the nkin and scalpand restore Ihe hair,)cure every dlsease and humor of tüe ekin and blood, from pimple to scrofula. Sold everywhere. Price Coticuha, 50c.; Soap, 2Tc.; Kksolvent, 81. Prepared by the Potter Dhuii and UhehicalCokporation, Boston. 1&. Send for "Uow to Cure Blood Dlsease." DARV'Q skl'"l Scalp purlfled and neauDnD I O tifiad by Cuticura Soap. Absolutely Duru. M RHEUMATIC PAINS IVJ in one minute Calleara fn Antl-Paln Planter relierea rheu IXmatc. sclatlc, hip, kidney, chet, and JL yuurcular Pa'ne and weaknessea.


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Ann Arbor Courier