Allmendinger Piano And Organ Company
BARGAINS PIAMOS! During the present month our line oi rented Pianos are returned until the opening of college this FALL. Thcre are 27 of them, consisting ot 00000000 Q 00000000 HAINES BROS., C f PEASE, IVERS & POND, ifSfeir OPERA, NEWBY& EVANS, Bfl and several emerson, jjnjgro allmendincers NEW ENCLAND, %J y) nearly ncw. OOOOOOOO TWDEjÖMAHK OOOOOOOO These will all be refinished and put in first class shape and sold at prices to move them. We would rather have the money than the Pianos lying idle for four months. Factort: Firtt and Wathington Stt. Wauehooms. SS .S. Mm'n. SI. LEW E. CLEMENT, Manager Retaü Department.
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier