The Mugwump
To the Editor of the Detroit Tribu ne. I have been down east and seen the Mugwumpi. They are well-dressed and ciyiï and well behaved - too nice for this poor world. Yet their fastidiousness runs in stmnge lines. We liear of color bün Iness; the Mugwump has a party hlin lness. To the faults of the deinocrat he is blind, to republican faults hls aight II keen. He is horrlfied at Quay, bilt c mil;icent as to Brice, and his tax-dod;Ing. Hl ii Mc is comtnon and unclean, but Grover Cleveland is "the first gentleman since Washington ! " 8 iy anythinir in f.ivor of a protectlve t.-irill' and hls righteous soul ia stirred, his wor.!8 come in full tide - "robbery," "ojipiessed people,1' "monopoly" and the liko. Teil of ni'ifroes wnurged and shot, of whit" republicana exiltd and murderen, of piütols and shutguns tlourished around Hik ballot-box at Southern electlonp, umi his serene caltnness is not mili d. As a witty crilic said: "He Rared more for h fiee slieep tban for a free man." Sonieboily has said: "Scrape off the miter skin of a civilizad man and yon will llnd an Arab." Wliether that be true or i.ot, It ri-rtiin that where you find a Mugwuinp you wlll find a free tradtr; and that wltnoat any trouble ofscraping. Mis tree plank is a well oiled and smooth Incllned plane down which he slidei into the democratie pen, to find liini-c'.f in company with the aliotgun felloiví, and with Dun Voorheeft, Grover Cleveland and otliors, wliose society must be (Iclightful to a culturtd and faftUllous Itentleman mcb as l;e is. Let him ;o. The democracy will use him hut despise Min.
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier