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In Ypullant! a couple gat, He held her band, ahe heid )i hat, I held my breatb and lay rlght flat, They klssed, I saw thera do It. He held ttiat kissing was no crime, Sbe held her head up every time, 1 held my peace and wrote thls rnyme, Whlle tliey tbought no one knew il. Coal Is on tbe up grade, and a cold winter predicted. The republic;in county convention will be held next week Ttaarsday, Aug. 21st. It is thought that the T. & A. A. Ry. will be running to Hir Hapids before the siiow flies. Work commenced yeaterday in remodeling the Farmers' & Mechanica, bank building. Union services at the Methodist church next Sunday evening. Dr. Studley will occupy the pulpit. P. W. McCabe, of Dcxter, has been api'ointed turnkey at the j:iil n place of Chus. Schott, resigned. There wns not a sufflcient number of merubers of the school board in town last nlght to tnake a quorum. James Smalley was tried yesterday before Justlce Pond, and was acquitted by the jury of a charge of fast driving. Supt. Fall is about the buslest man on our streeta, he is bound tuat the elcctric cara shall be running before fair tiuie. There are boys prowling around the city shooting robins and other song birds, who ouglit (o be arrested and punlshed. Mrs. Ross Granger was quite severely burned by a leaky gasol'me stove last Snturday. Her face and hands are severely blistered. The republlcan ward caucuses to elect delegates to the county convention will be held in this city next Tuesduy evening, Aug. 19th. The earnines of Ann Arbor ro;id for the month of July were $98,487, an increaae of $21,480 over corresponding month last year. That champion bnnner whicli is being diaplayed in Seyler & Sou's window, is very grateful to the eyes of Ann Arbor Maccabeea. It was well earned. Sonie one should Imve got out an injunction against taking down the old electric light polea on Main st., whlcli workmen are now engaged in dolng. The Fruit and Vinegar Co. have made extra effort to obtiiin apples, and so far hnve not found a locality where they could obtaln even a car load of fruit. The old building on Fourth st., owned by L. D. James, will be torn down and removed Iminedlately, and the lots nicely cleaned up for prospective buyers. Another attempt has been made to burn the old Weil building, and the lire department was called out at about 2 o'clock a. m. Sunday to put out the ñames. There is to be a meeting of the Woman'a MIssionary Society of the M. E. church next Thursday evening in the church parlors, tea being served at C) o'clock. The Ferguson Road Cart Club were tackled and downed by the Michigan Athletlc Aasociation Club, of Detroit, on the campus last Friday, by a score of 9 to 1. A tramp thro' the hallway of the opera house discloses nothing but closed doors and the (lust covered pictures of poor old Richard III., fading away on the wall. Xothlng new up there. About 600 people attended the Union Sunday School Excursión last Thursday, and everytliing went off splendidlv. There were no miahaps and no delays. Everybody who went enjoyed the occasion. The Refrigerator Company has commenced the erectioa of an immenee factory building on their land ly!ng between HUI st. and the T. & A. A. R'y track, running east from the junction oL the two. The Independents now propose to run a daily paper during the college year. Weil, we thought the Chronicle boys would have their hands full with a triweekly, but the daily will be business, indeed. Secrctary Cliilds is making preparstion to send out the annual assessment In the Washtenaw Mutual Fire Ins. Co. The year lias been an unfortunate one for this company, and the assessment will be the largest it has ever had. As Mr. Adams, who lives on Packard 8t., awoke from a light slumber last Friday night, lio saw a man sitting in his bedroom window, having In hls bands a long pole, with wblch he was ilshlng for Mr. Adam's pants. As Mr A. rose up in bed tbe fisherman suddenly quit fishïnsr and just as suddeuly lett tor parta unknown. It wus a lucky awakeniiijj. Hon. A. S. Patridge, of Flushlng, president of the P. of I. and candidate for governor on their ticket, also on the probibltlon ticket and the labor ticket and several other tickets, is to speak a niece at the Farmer's Picnic at Whitmore Lakeon Suturday, Aug. 23d. He will flap hl wings and endeavor to drum up votes probably. Partridges are usually bummers on the drum. Democratie county oonventlon 8ep 4. Prof. M. E. Cooley te stlll testing water motors. The summer tourists are coming home slowly, one by one and two by two. Fal npproaches. Stark & Oartee, painters and decoratorg have moved into the store vacated by Albert Sorg. At Cropsey's hall next Hunday at 3 p m., Mr. Crozier will speak on the Gospe of the Kingdom. Mr. Hamllton tells us that three team were at work yesterday excavating fo the lake at Hamilton park. The excursión season will practically close with the Detroit Exposition excur sions in a couple of weeks. H. J. Brown is building a new con crete walk around his resldence, corner of División and Catharine sts. C. W. Mellor has sold the postofflee news-depot and stock to G. F. Gruber, of Rochester, N. Y„ who has taken possession of the same. According to the Argus the body of a dead female feline was found on W. Ann st. last Frlday morning, and her obituary was properly written up. Miss Ella Ludwig, of the Ann Arbor high school, is one of the instructora at the Livingston county teacher's institute, commencing Monday, Aug. 18th. Rev. R. B. Pope, formerly of this city, responded to the toast: "Life on the Oeean Wave at Bay View," at the famous "Feast of Lanterns," given tbere recently. Only a little over two weeks now to the time wheu the school bell will peel out lts sumraons to the boys and girls. Oh, how short those two weeks will be to some of them. According to figures given in the Detroit Free Press this county has 40,718 Inhnbitants with Sylvan and Salem to hear from. The figures given are manifestly inaccurate. Mr?. Kiiiina lilair, nee Lumsden, who is well known In Ann Arbor, has met with tbe eatl itlücrion of losing lier husband. Their home was at St. Louis, Mo. She has two clilldren. Workmen are busy putting in a new front in the store of A. L. Noble. Other changcs are being made also, wlik-.Ii will makc this store one of the hanüsomest on the Street. There is to be a meeting of the directors of the Washtenaw County Mutual Fire Ins. Co. on Moaday, Aug. 18th, to adjust eleven losses of various amounts which have occured recently. E. E. Hallett, of this city, has recelved notice from Col. Eddy, of the Michigan división, S. of V., announcing his appointment as aid on the stafl and also assistant mustering offlcer. In the city of Jackson the council have adopted the concrete or imltatlon stone walk, and where people agree to put down these walks in front of their preinlses the city pays one-half the expense. Ann Arbor has til I a Pond or two Hint ni'i-ilH drylug up.- Ypsllantl Sentlnel's Jr. man. One would suppose from the buckets of slush thrown by the jr. Sentinel man, that the reverse was the case. One of the genial jokera of this city is our always pleasant and jolly laundryman M. M. Steöy. But since he mistook a skunk for a rabblt he tliinks a joke would smell as sweet with any other flavor. The regular meeting of the Woman's Foreign Misslonary society at the M. E. church on Thursday p. ni., at 4 o'clock. The annual opening of the mite boxes will take place directly after the businesi meeting. Tea and social at G% o'clock. The Michigan people golng to the G. A. R. meeting at Boston had a hard time of It. Not being able to go over the X. Y. Central as propo3ed, on account of the strike, they were sent over another route, and went 24 hours without food. After the 25th of this month Dr. W. W. Nichols says he wlll take a three week's vacation. And he will put In all that time picking peache3. He Is one of the fortúnate ones of the world this year, and will have about 3,000 bushels of tbat prccious fruit. The F. & M. is now doing busines in the store on Huron streel, flrst door east of thelr corner, where they can be found in excellent quartera (no play on words- or coln - intended). The flxtures were all moved after business hours Monday night. Those desirous of attending the Pioneer meeting at E. A. Nordman's in Lima, on Sept. 3d, wlll be pleased to learn that arrangements have been made to take people from Dexter to the grove and return for 25 cents. Buses will be at the 11:30 train to bring people directly to the ground. YpMlantlan:- "G. M. Huil, brother of Prof. Hul), of Detroit, has cast In nis lot with tho dwellers in this city, having opened an office at 204 Union Block, Cougress st. He is a gradúate of the Michigan Univcrsity and enters upon the practlce of his profession here under very favorable auspices. "Steamboat" Thompson endeavored to move into the condemnect building on the corner of Broadway and Wall sts., in the 5th ward, last Monday nlght, and a lot of boys took It upon themselves to smoke him out, suppiementing the smoke with a good thoroiigh bath by the means of hose and the water works. They succeeded. The Ann Arbor Cantón Patriarchs Militant, whose departure for Chicago was noted last week, returned home with a $300 prize in their pockets, and tbeir commander, took a $40 prize for being one of the best commanders in line. Tlils Is surely glory enough for the flrst attempt. The Ann Arbor boys have the credit of being the only Cantón in the state with sand enough to attend the great cantonement and contest for a prize. For which Capt. Manly and his men deserve much praise. Carda are out announcing the tnarriage of Gertrude Belle, daughter of Dr. and Jlr?. Preston B. Rose, of this city, with Mr. Louis Clarenee HUI, of Colorado, on Tucsday eyening, August 20th, at 7 o'clock, at the residence of the bride's parents, No. 66 S. State st. Mr. and Mrs. Hill will be "At Home" after October lst, at Golden, Colorado, where Mr. Hill holds a posltion in the Colorado School of Mines. The bride is a gradúate of the lit. departinent, class of '89, and Mr. Hill graduated from the same department In 88, being Prof. Carhart's aasistant last year, and also taking a post gradúate course with the degree of C. E. The couple are extremely fortúnate in bright prospecta tor the future. Their friends in tlie city are very nuuierous, and tliey will leave üostó of well wishers behind them as thpy go to their new home and enter upon their new life.


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