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Epitome Of The Week

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The Unlteci States S.'iiate on the 5th was devoted t.o the LO.'islderation of the glassware scheduleof the iariff bill. Senator Berry, of Arkansus, openend the discussion in a speech on general tarlff legislatton, denying tbut the turitT question had been settiod during tlio last Iresiü-ntial legislntton. Ho was replied to by Senator Wil.son, of lowa Tho House spent the day considering matter of minor importanee, a considerable portion of lt boing spent in discussing a resolution asking the Secretary of the Navy fur the nason for an lncrease in the torce of men at the Kittery navy yard. Aftek dispusing of routine business the United Stiitis Seuatö on the 8th proceeded to the oonsideratlon of the tariff bill, the pending question beiug on Senator Morgan's amendment in regard to iron ore. Senator Gorman potte at great length in favor of the reduction of tho tin ty on Bcssemer ore, havlng in the course of liis remarles colloquies with Senators Sherrnan. Cullom, Spooner, lilair and Dawcs. No aetion was taken.... In the House the regular order of business havlng been demanded, the Speaker l:iid before the House the conference report on the original puckag bill, whlch was adoptcil. The House then went into committCB of the whole on the general dellclency bill. IN the Unlte.l States Sonate on the 7th after some prfiliminary business the tariff bill was taken up. the pending question being an amendment to reduce the duty on ptg iron from three !e:iths of a cent per pound to flve dollars per ton.. .In the House a resolution was adopteii ril in _' on the Postmaster-General for copies of the agrerment for the transportaron of mails between the United States and foreign oountrtes. A bill was passed making thi [ntcr State commeree law applicable to unin corporated express companies. The Hous then went into committee of the whole on tha jeneral deiiciency bill. IN the United States Scnate on the 8th, after eome preliminary business, the conference report on the fortfflcatlon bill waa tuken up and agreed to. The conference report on the sumlry civil appropriatlon bill was taken up ai il passed. The concurrent resolvítton, proTiding for the transfer, with Mrs. Grant's oonsenj. of tho rematns of General Urant from New York to Arlington Cemetery at Washington as agreed to. The tariff bill was furtner dlsetissed ; . . . In the House consideration of the iiciieral defleiency btll was re8umed. the pending question being on the amemlmrni yrausing a month's extra pay to employés of IToueandSenate. The amendment was lost. The evenlng session was devotcd to tho contd;ration of private pension bilis. DOMESTIC. Crildken playing with matches set fire to a barn at Perry, I., on the 5th, and two girls, aifüd 2 and 4 years, were burnod to S. P. Aykks, a Cleveland (O.) telejraph operator, was drowned while sailing- on the lake at Huftalo, N. Y., on the 6th. The Whiteman paper-mill at Dansville, N. Y., was burned on the 5th. Loss, Sl.rO,Oü0: insurance, 3100,000. Tiik thermometer registered well up in the nincties in New York on the 5th, and thore were thirty cases of sunstroke. Brooklyn peoplo suffered greatly, and there wero twenty cases of heat prostration at Conoy Island and a number at Long Boach. The ice-dealers of New York advanced prices on the 5th, making the selling price of ice equivalent to $20 a ton. A QTTA.KBKL ovor thoownership of certain lands in Gn unisón County, Col., on the 6th resulted in the killing of Alexander Lavelle, Charles Piirham and a young man named VVolch. Official returns computed on the 6th from the eiglit census districts of Missouri show the population of the State to be 2,059.741, an increase of about 25 per cent. in the last decade. Kemmi.kii, who murdorod his mistross, Matilda Zlejtler, March 29, 1889, was put to death by electricity at the Auburn (X. Y.) State poiiitentiary on the morning of the Öth. Tho sceno that followed the turning on of the electrio current was ropoited as terrible to witness. There were sigus of Ufo after the current had boon turnad off, and the eloctric volt had to bo applied the second timo. Tho opinions of the doctors present varied as to whetber the condcmncd was virtwaJly killod at the fir9t shock, though tho view was expressed that he suffered no pain. The murderer exhibited marvolous courage and assisted his executioners so far as lay in his power up to the last moment Cora Kixrkv, who was bitten by a mad dog three years ;igo, died at Goshen, Ind., on tho 5th of hydruphobia. Thk Catholic Total Abstinence Union of America mot at I'ittsburgh, Pa., on the 6th in twcntieth annual session, with 300 delofjatos present from all parts of tho country. It was decided by tho mom berg ol the South Fork Fishing and Hunting Club on the Uth to dónate the property at the famous South Ford dam, the collapse of which causod the Johnstown horror to the Pittsburgh Fresh Air Fund Association. The cornor-stono of the Utah University, a great Methodist institution being erected at Ogden, U. T., was laid on the Utli with notable ceremonies by Uishop Vincent, the famous Chautauquan. Thk National Bar Association met at Indianapolis on the öth, delegates being present from thirteen States. Charles Marshall, of Maryland, was elected president Mrs. Mahik Dk Camp was found dead in the cellar of hor residence in Cincinnati on the morning of the öth. She had set fire to her night clothes and was burned to death. Jamks MlDDLBTON, a woalthy resi dent of Harían, Ky., whilo on his way to tho court-houso on the Oth to appear against William Jennings, was ñred upon from ambush and his body completely riddled with bullets. Murkaï II ai.i., a handxome summer hotel at l'ablo lioach, nuar Jacksonvillo, Fla., was burned to tho groundon tho morning of the 7th. There wore fifty guests in the hotel, all of whom escaped without injury. The loss was over $200.000. The official count of the city of Chicago was made public by the Census Bureau at Washington on the 7th. It credits Chicago with a population of 1,098,570.


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Ann Arbor Courier