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.11 NOM' initUTOIll. AtfS ARBOR COMM ANDKRY, No. IS meel first Tuesday of each mouth. li. F, WattH, E. O.; Jolin 11. MIner, Recorder. Washtknaw Chahtkk, No. 8, R. A. M.- MetM first. Momlay eacn month. L. C (Joodrlch, II. P. Z. Hoatli. 8eoretary. BUSINESS CARDS. D. A. MacLachlan, M. D. DISEASES OF TUK EYE, EAE, NOSE AND THROAT. 0FFÍCE AMD RESIDENCE, 26 SOÜTfl DIVISIÓN STREET Houk-s: 1 to-1, and C:TO to 7:1 P. M. VOO-EL & KER1T DKALKK IN ALL KINDS OF FRESH AND SALT MEATS Poullry, Lard, etc. EVERYTHING NEAT and CLEAN No. 9 K. A nu Kt., Ann Arbor. W. V. M(IIOI, DENTIST. ltuoms Over Ann Arbor Savincs Bank, Opp. Court House Square. VZTALIZED AIR Adralnlstered. It Is asrecable and caey to take, and no prostrailug eitucta follow. while teeth are extracicd without pain. 1VII.L.IAM HERZ, House, Sign Ornamental and FRESCO PAINTER! Paperlng, Qlazlng, Gilding, and Calciminine, and work of every description done in the beet Btyle, and warranted to give satisfaction. Shop, No. 4 W. Washington St., Ann Arbor. IDEAI.EH IN CLOTH CASKETS, METALIC And Common Cofflns. Calis attented to Day or Nlght. Krabalmlng a speclalty. Storeroom on IC. Washington street. Kesldence Cor. Liberty and Flflb. HF I Bi MACK1NAC. Summer Tours. Palace Steamera. Low Kates. Tour Trip pr Wook Betwen DETROIT, MACKINAC ISLAND t. Iirnce, Chboytran, Alpen. Hrrlvillo. Osoodi. 8ni lioach. Port Hurón. St. ClAir. Okund House, Marine City Ivery Week Dy Botween DETROIT AND CLEVEUND Special Sunday Trip during July and Auïu.t. OUR ILLUSTRATED PAMPHLETS Bate and Hxourion TickeU will be f urnlshod by your Tioket Agent, or addrsa E. B. WHITCOMB, Gn'l P. Aent, Detroit & Cleveland Steam Nav. Co. DETROIT. MICH. ANN ARBOR FRUIT FARM! BEmPUNTSJBÜIT AND ORSAHBRTAL TREES Pears and Grapevines a Specialty! SYRUPS AND HOME MADE WINE. Syrups of Raspberry and of Bartiett rears. Bonesett. Dandel Ion and Haspberry WlneR and Shrubs. Sweet Red and Wh te Oonoord. and MarthaQrape Wlnes,especill.v prepared for Iuvalids. Order trees and planta early as -we get most of them irom the best Eastern Nu raerles. . BA I II. UKST HUKOM H I KK.KT. Ia Vjhe Best and Purest MedicineS SL EVER MADE. ', ix]Ttw!ll drive the Humor fromyonrl II '■, VLsvfti:m, and makc your pkinl I to VfcJclean and smooth. Th., .Il % -PL Pimples and Itlot. h.-sU m, '■, fcwliWh mar yourn.mut.vpa Q %, ia '4 'Jlk are causea liy impuruU % 'Jèk.blood, and can bc III . ' , % . ''t ,A3Lrcmovedlnashoitl I mm wmm Eg The Poso sVVV5 ?%V'-i lÜ Ijl smaU-only a tea y , -- II IBspoonful. Itl8thef.%o . I I beBt aud chcaieLV 9 % 1 I I ,m-,llclne. T,y ft, iÍV'1'' % II I yuu will le Kiiisfied. Lri?o % &?■ m J ' Uet it of your Drugglst. "VM E3 D0S'T"WAIT. GETlTATOSCk " M If yon are suffcrinf from KldW ' I III nev bisease, and wish to live tok 11 olí age, use SUI.Pin'R BITTEKV II Ml They never iail to curo. III Soml 3 2cent stampa to A. 1'. Ordwav Co., Buülon.Mass.. for best medical work publlsheU? The Farmers' Si táúi Bank CAPITAL $50,000. STTBPLÏÏS $10,000. Aöflitional Liaïilities of Stoctholders S5O,OOO. Report ol the conditlon of the FARMERS' AND MEUHANIOS' BANK at Ann Arbor, Michigan, at the close of business July 18, 1880 RESOURCES. Ijoans and dlscounts $ 213,981 72 Stocks, bonda, mortgages, etc 72,201 51 Overdrafts l.SMt ()8 Due from hanks in reserve cltles.... 19,883 45 Due from Wushtenaw County 11.601 76 liills iu transit 3,580 93 Furniture and flxtures _ 3,0' 0 00 Carreut expenses und laxes patd.... 72 38 Interest paid 4: 18 i'lii'cks and cash items „..._ 159 77 Nickels and peuiiies... 65 51 (i,ld 8,134 70 Sil ver 2,I2 15 U. S. aud Natioual Bank Notes 14,358 00 Total t 351,682 39 LIABIL1TIE8. Capital stock paid in $ 50,000 00 Surplus fuad 10 000 00 rnüividcd protits „ 8,259 85 DividendH unpaid 315 00 Commercial deposita 242.557 53 .Suvlngs deposita lö.v.o 01 Total $351,682 39 STATK OF MICHIGAN,! County of Washtenaw. I I. F. H. I!i:r,SEI{, Cashier, of the nbove nained Bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true, to the best of my knowledge and belief. F. H. BELSER, Cashier. Subscrlbed and sworn to before ine, this 29tli day of July, 1880. W.M. W. WHEDON, Notary Public. Attest : AmbroseKearnoy, Chas. E. Qreune, 1). K. Scliuirer, Ulreclortt. The Farmers' & Mechanlcs' Bant havingflled thelr certifleate wlth the State Banking Department are now anthorlzcd to do business as a Savings Rank, and in purBuance thereof bave opened a Savings Department! Interest allowed In the savings departraent on all deposlts of $1 and npwards. Interest paid June lst and Dec. lst, of eachyear. The savings department is open Saturday nights from 7 until 8 o'clock. Money to loan in sums of $25 to $5,000 secured hy uneneumbered real enlate or approved securlties. lllltDtTdlis liiulicn Ki'iniif. JiaM. B. reeui, K Dnttr, A iiiI.iohc Kearnej-, Wm. C. StevenN, W. F. Breakey. J. F.. Itcal, Joint Burg, D. V. Svbairer. B. IHIFFY, Vl--Pre. F. II. Hi:i.M:it, 'uhIi1t A SCROFULOUS BOY Running Sorpn 4'ovcrrd Hls Body and llfiKi. Koik'm Afleeied. Cured hy Cutlcura ltmdl. Wben slx months old, tbe left band of onr little grandchild began to swell, and had every appearanee ufa large boíl. We poulticed lt, bui all to no purpose. Abont ve months ader it becarae a ruuningsore. Sooa other sores formed. He then JM bad two of Ihem on each hand, j&Ëik. and as hls blood became nêL-yr l more and more impnre, lt PËÉMft took lens time for tbem to y J break out. A ore came on , _ _ YM the chin, beneath the upper W . PS ■fc, )lp, wliich was very offensive. L) HU kead was one solid scah, v, - 5 dlïchaiglngagreatdeal. Tbin ■ y-5 was hls condition at twenty " f 1 two months old, when I nnv- vV ertoolc the "n ' h'm, hls ■ rXTl mother having died wben he J hNb ws a llttle m"re thïn ?ear ■ni xw tSm old, ofconsujupÜOD (scrofula, ofcourse.) He conld walk a llttle, out could not getuplfhe feil down, and could uot move when In bed, havlng no use of bis bands. I Immcdiately commenced witb tbe Ci'ticuua Kkhbdiks, uslng alllreely. Une ure after anotber healed, a bony matter formina In eacb one of thoso flve deep ones jast before beallng, whlch would flnally grow loose and were tsken out ; then tbey would heul rapldly. Oneoftheee ugly bone formatlons 1 preserved. AftiT taklng a dozen and a half bottles he was cured, and Is now, at the age of aix yenr, a atrong and healthy child. Mr E. S.DRIGGS, Míy 9, 1885. 612 E. Clay St., Bloomlngton, 111. My grandson rcmalre perfectly well. No slgns of scrofula aud no sores. Mm. K. S. DR1OQS. Feb. 7, 1880. Bloomington, 111. Cuticura Resolvent The new Blood Purlfler, internallj, (to deanse the blood of all Impurifica and polsonons e lemen t, atid thus remove the cause) and Cütiouha, the irreat Skin Cure, and Cuticuba Soap, an exquisito Skin Beautifier, externally, (to clear the skin and fcalp and restore the halr,)cure every dlsense and humor of the skin and blood, fmin pimples to crofula. Sold everywhere. Price Cuticuba, SOc.; Soap, 25c.: Kksoi.vknt, $1. Prepared by the Potter Dhuu and ChkhicalCorforatioh, Boston. %. Send for "Huw to Cure Blood Diseases." RARV'Q Skiund Scslp purlfled and beauDrD I O tifi.d by Cuticura Soap. Aoboluteljpure. fl, RHEUMATIC PAINS W n one minute the rutlrura fn Anti-rain Planter relieves rheu KVmatlc' "Clatlc. hip, kidney, cbeit, and muscular palns aud weaknesBea.


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Ann Arbor Courier