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Miss Maiiiie Bliss Is visitlng friemla in Jackson. A pleasant party at the Delta U. house last night. Miss Jennlu Keegan is visitinj; friends in Boston. C. R. Stlckney, of S. 12th st.. is visitlng in Detroit. John V. Sueehan has gone to New York on business, etc. H. W. Hayes leaves to-day fora week's trip to Mackliiac. Ralph Pinkney of Hamburg, was in the city Monday. C';ipt. Fred B. Wood, of Adrián, was in the city Tuesday. Fred McOmber left yesterday for a two weeks vaca'.lon. Dr. C. L. Ford and wife are recreating at We que-ton-sing. Miss C. Andrews, of Utica, Mich, is visiting Alta Parker. Warren Tremaine has been in town during the past week. Earl Ware has gone to Rochester, N. Y., to visit bis parents. Mrs. Homer r. Finley and daughter Flora, are at Mackinac. Harry Miller, of Forest ave., has gone to Qiberater, Lake Erie. Hrs. Loas, of Wilmot st., lias rcturned f rom a visit to Flat Rock. Harry Hayler of 8. Ingalls st., lias returned home from Toledo. The Mieses Ganleys, of Detroit, are visiting friends in the city. Mrs. Edward Campbell, of Detroit, is visiting Mrs. Louis P. Huil. Miss Ella Matliews, of Huron st, is vistting relativos Ia Lansing. Prof. E. L. Brlggs and wife of Grand Haven, have returned home. Mrs. Win. Parsons and son Burnie have returned f rom Bay View. Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Gould have gone to Owoaso for several week'a stay. Mrs. Thos. Taylor, of S. Univ. ave., is in Detroit, for a few week's stay. Mrs. Peter Dignan, of E. Univ. ave., is in Owosso, visiting a daughter. Alderman Louis Hall has returned Trom Grosse Isle with his family. Mistes Ella and Anna McKoneof Chelseaare visitin friends in this city. Mrs. Kred Parsons, of Washtenaw ave., hal returned home from Detroit. Mrs. Albert Tremper, of S. Uuiversity ave., is visiting frends in Saginaw. Mrs. Martha Geddes, of Cleveland, Is visitinjr at Mrs. Judge Harriinan's. Mrs. Hogers, of Cincinati, Ohio, is visiting Mrs. Royer on N. División st. Samuel Guerin and family left Saturday for a two week's visit in Chelsea. Mrs. Martin Koll leaves to-morrow for a vlsit with friends in Sandusky, Ohio. Miss Mattie Tenny has returned home rom a visit of several weeks in Chicago. Miss Anna Stoddard of Reed City, Is visiting Mrs. Parsons, on Wushtenaw ave. Miss Ida Allen has returned from a bur month's stay in St. Paul, and the west. Chas. E. Hiscock, John R. Miner, Z. Routh, Ed J. Morton, Saín Lmgsdorf, are cukiujr in the tisti at Zukey Lake this week. James J. Quarry left Monday for a week's stiiy at Park Hill, Ont., his oíd lome. Mrs. Dr. Carey of Indianapolis, Ind. s tiie guest of lier sister, Mrs. Sed James. Will A. Hatch, of Detroit, was in the city over Sunday, visiting relatives and rienda. Mrs. Dr. Porter and daughter Alice lave returned f rom a pleasant sojouru at Charlevoix. Miss Josephine A. Drury, of S. Ingalls t., is spending a few days witk friends 11 Ypsilanti. Dr. and Mrs. James Steveus, of De;roit, are visiting lier mothcr, Mrs. Iangsterfer. Miss Abbie A. Pond and uiece Bessie, returned home iiom Fllnt, Sagiuaw, etc, ast Monday. Miss Mollye Wise, of Ypsilanti, is he guest of Ruth Kapp, of 8. Main st., or a few days. Eugene Mutschel brought himself and isli in from the lake Monday after a week's vacation. Frank Vanderwarker has entered the ranks of tlie fathers. A little boy. Yesterday. Clgars. Mr. and Mrs. George Bliss, of Jackson, spent Sunday wltli their father W. W. Bliss and family. A succesful sheet and j.illow case party was given at the retideuce of Cari Mlner ast Friday evening. Mrs. Conover, of Fifth ave., has gone to Bucyrus, Ohio, to visit her daughter, Mrs. Prof. Ham il ton. Miss Minnle Royce, of Terre Haute, Ind., is visiting her grandmother, Mrs. Zenas Burd, on State st. Miss Julia Brennan has gone to Notre Dame, Ind., and from there goes to Chicago, 111., to visit friends. Burt Holmes and Erncst Hurd have returned from a visit with friends in Jackson, Battle Creek, etc. Mrs. John Maloy, who has been visiting Jos. Donnelly and family returns home to Kalamazoo to-day. J. O. Schlotterbeck, who has been spending the summer in Pittsburgh Pa., lms returned to Ann Arbor. The family of H. J. Brown now consists of three boys and three girls, the latest arrival being last Tliursday. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Ames expect to leave to-morrow for a ten day's visit with their daughter in Mioeapolis, Minn. Chas. A. Eister, night chlef oí the W. U. Tel. Co.'s ofllce at Detroit, spent Sunday with his mother in chis city. Mrs. Taylor and family, of E. Univ. ave., who have been spending the summer at Fenton, have returned home. R. L. Warren ia home from Kanaas. He reports that it has been dry out there In more senses tlian a prohibition one. Misses Jessle and Lura Bushnell, of Branch county, are visiting their gister Mrs. Mabel Keith, at No. 50 S. State et. Mrg. Eugene E. Beal, daughter Alta and son Rice, left last Saturday to visit friends at Northville, Flint, Big Rapids, te. Frank Parsons and wife, who have been visiting their old home here for some days, have returned to Dayton, Ohio. August Schenald, of Sandusky, O., who has been visiting Louis Xoll, on W. Huroc st., leavcs to-morrow for his home. Mrs. Quigley, of B:iy City, with her daugbters Lillie and Flora, will occupy Mr. Beckwitli's house on church st., tliis year. Mr. N. P. Jacobs, of Chicago, and Mrs. Jas. Eaton, of Syracuse, N. Y., are visiting the family of Mis. J. Storras, in the 5th ward. Miss Jenny Clinton and Sarah Flynn have returned from Mackinac where tliey have been recuperating for tlie past two weeks. Llewellyn C. Pond leaves to-morrow for Fargo, X. Dakota, to enter the employ of tUe Mortgage Bank and Inveitmcnt Co., of that city. Prof. John Eastwood, who lias been visitinghis mother, for the summer, returns in a few days to liis school duties In Georgetown, Ky. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Torry, of ihis city, and their guest Mrs. Lyon, of Woodward ave., Detroit, were at Whltmore Lake during the past week. Prof. W. H. Pettee has gone to Indianapolis, Ind., to attend the meeting of the American association for the advancement of science. Mr. and Mrs. Sidncy Kastman, who have been visiting .Mrs. E's mother, Mrs. Israel Hall, on Washtenaw ave., have returned home to Chicago. Rev. Henry Tatlock has gone to the noithern part of the state in company witü bis friend, Rev. Mr. Pott, of Xew York, who has been his gucst for a short time. County Cïerk Howlett has boen wrestling wlth a heavy cold for the past few dayp. The cold threw hlm on the Ilrst round, but he wlll probably outwind his antagonist. Dr. C. G. Darling and wife expect to leave Saturday for Chautauqua, Albany, New York City, and other eastern ities, returning by the way of bil old home at Bethel, N. Y.


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Ann Arbor Courier