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ALWAYS THE CHEAPEST. SHim & MILLEN Oar first shipment of new Fall Silks, Dress Goods, Velvets, Flannels, Cloaks and Curtains asNOW OPEN.- BLACK - DRESS - GOODS We offer values which readily commend themselves on inspection. 15 pieces Velvet Finish Black Silk Warp Henriettas at 90c, Si.oOj Ji. 25 and $1.50 per yard. 20 pieces Satin Finish Black all Wool Ilenriettas at 50c, 65c, and 75c per yard. Beautiful Satin Stripes at 50c, 75c and $1.00 a yard. 10 pieces Mohair Brilliantines at 40c, 50c and 75c a yard. 5 pieces doublé Warp Black Surah Silks at 50c, 60c, 75c, 85c and $1.00 a yard. Every lady wants a new Cloth Dress, always useful, ahvays fashionable. 25 pieces 36-inch all Wool Suitings at 25c a yard. 18 pieces 50-inch ladies' Cloths at 50c a yard in choice new fall shades. 10 pieces more Silk Warp Henriettas $1 25 quality for S5C a yd. High Class Novelty Dress Goods for Autumn Wear. Cloth Plaids and Stripes, Tartán IPlaids, French Plaids and Stripes, Scotch Plaids, Wool Henriettas in new fall shades at 50c and 75c per yard. 50-inch Broadcloths at 75c a yd. 15 pieces Brocade and Stripe Satins, $1.25 quality for 75c a yd. 50 pieces good quality Calicóes for Comforts }4c a yard. 50 pieces Satin Finish Comfort Calicóes at 5c a yard. 100 bales choice white Cotton Bats at ioc and I2jc. In our Cloak Room ladies you will find 100 styles new fall Cloth and Stockinett Jackets. They are rcally exquisite in Design and Finish. Handsome ? I should say they were, made in full Parisian style. A Jacket always filis the Bill. Our Jackets fit so well and are finished so perfectly that they are just what they are, the Garments of Garments. We also show an elegant line of Shoulder Capes so fashionable in Paris and New York. Astrachan Capes, $3. 50 to $10.00. Plush Capes, $5.00 to $15.00. Leaders of Low Trices. SCHAIRER & MlLLEN.


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