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Ment Wlns. We deslre to say to our cltizen.", tha for years we have been selllnif Dr. King's New Discovery for Consiimption Dr. Kine's New Life Pilis, Bucklen' Árnica balve and Electric Bitters, an have never handled remedies that sell as well, or that have gïven such universal satisfaction. We do not hesitate to cu;irantee them every time, and we stand readj' to rtfund the purchase price, if satisfactory resulta do not follow their use. These remedies have won theï great popularity purely on their merits. Éberbacli & Son Druggists. If you are ncrvons or dy speptlc try Carter's Smart Weed and belladonna Backache Piasters. Price 25 cents. Try them. la the otdest and mout. popular srientitlc and mechnnical paper publtahed and has ihe larest circula! i in of any paper of 118 clasn in the world. Fully illuatrutod. Best closa ut Viod KnwravIdks. Publiahed weuklv. .end for specimen copT. Pricie 13 a yar. Kour imuithn' trial, tl. ML'NN & CO., l'um.lï 11 Klis, 301 Uroadway, N. V. ARCHITEGTS & BUILDERO Edition of Scientific American. O A ureat succeas. Each lasue contalns colored llthoKruphic platea oí country aml city residences or public bul!rtlnj?s. Numerou enuravings and iuII plan and ntwoltlcations tur the uao vt suchas contémplate tmUdinir. Irlr $ï.5O a year, 25ct.copy. MUNN & COM PL'ULiSHKlttf. DATENTCIH ■ 40 years' oxperience and huvu uinde over H 100.ÜÜU applicatíona for American umi Kr elgn patent. Senil for Hanübuuk. Correapondencestrictly OonfldDMal. TRADE MARKS. In case your mark is not reKistered In t)ie Pat nt Ufflce, apply to Ml'NN A Co., aml procuro Ijuiijuitmti! protectlon. ëond or ltanübook. COPYRKÏI1TS for boc.ks, charla, mapa, etc, quickiy procured. Ailürt; MIJ SN & CO., ■■i.ii-m Kollcilur. ULSIJUI. Umiï; SU BUOAUWAY. N. V SENO FOR OUH PRICES ' ATLAS ENGINE WORKS, INDIANAPOLIS. INO. GET THE BEST FIRE INSURANCE ! $29,000,000. 8ecnrity held for the prutection of the policy holdera. CHRISTIAN MACK Representa the following flrst-claKe companleg,of whicli one, tbe Kt na, ba alone paid 5H,UUO,UOU Ure loases in slxty-flve yeara : Etna, of Hartford f 9,iy'2,ü44 Franklin of l'hiladelphiu 3,118,713 Germania, N. Y 2,700,729 Germán American, N. Y 4,065,968 London Assurance, London.. . 1,416,788 Michigan F. & M., Detroit. . . 287,008 N. Y. Underwriters, N. Y 2,596,676 National, Hartford 1,774,505 Pkcenix, Brooklyn 3,759,036 Losses Hberally adjusted and promptly paid. Policies issued at the loweat rates of premium. llöltf jWWC95YCDÖ orothers.who wish tn eitamire WllWtll I ftfbllW this papor.or obtain estimatei on advertising space whon in Chicago, wiil find it on file at 45 W49 Randolph S... ■ l TUnUAC IhoAdvwtisineAgoncyof LUllIJ tt InwRlKWF Fárgos Shoes ÏÊÊib _T FARCO'S' Til f "Box Tip" School Shoes t%V for Boys and Giris m 'öfeeV Heeled or Wedge Heel. Y &jt&k Sizes-8tolO!4 SI. 25 fe rOVïoF. to 13 1.80 ■Öïtttó&ii l!sS it,,: 1.75 7H V $2.50 Calf Shoe ViClvv for Gentlemen. (ItU b-Íl_ ys- . Uniualed by aiiy shoi ■iS.'P CÏ7ï America at tlio Siiino ■JtIJNHO&.ii.ri.v. In1onffre.liut ■JUJ i on ftni? I-acc. Slen'sund Boy'ssizcs. Cd FARCO'S ($2.50 LADIES' BOOT ƒ W?c X Oon9ola or Button, : ijvxc v Opera, or Common Sense. F4RfiSU Tackle and Flexible. LtïrLiKr'&aïfc. Wamuited the most B tZiZsfj Ml' lu LdMÜee and UUgr? DURNAMEISDNTHEBOTTOIÏIOFEVEBYSHOE. Ak your dealer for Furni'n SI,..... If ],o d(X i uut C. H. FAKQO & CO., Chicago. I1L DOTY & FEINER, AGENTS, - ANX ARBOR. C. H. MILLEN, INSURANCE AGENT! No. 4 South Main SI., Aun Arbor. Tbe oldest agency In tbe city. Establlsbed ver a quarter of a centnry ago. Kepresentlng he fol luwing fliKt-clasH compaules, wltb ver ;60, 000,000 Capital anl Asscts. 1OME INS. CO., of New York. OONTINENTAL INS. OO., of New York. NIÁGARA INS. CO., of New York. QIRAKD INS. CO., of PhlladelplilH RIKNT INS. CO., of Hartford. COMMERCIAL UNION, of London. LIVERPOOL, LONDON and GLOBE. WASHINGTON PIRE and MARINK, of Boston. Rates Luw as the Lowest, Loases Liberftlly Atljustfid and promptljr Paid. C. H. MILLEN. IGHIGANfTENTFAL " The Niágara Falls Route." Time table taking effect May 18. 1890. CHICAGO TO DETROIT. A.M. A.M. P.M P.M. P.. P.K. A.M. AM. Ch'oLv 7 05 9 00121 810 9 00 10 10 4 60 Kala'noll4R 2 17 3 S5 7 00 1 18 33' „ 7 10 Jacke'n 3(10 425 5 35 8 47 335 605 500 a 40 Chelsca 402 7OT 5 43 1 ( 31 Deiter.. 4 18 T 23 556 1043 P. M.P. M. M. A. M. A.M. A.M A.H. AnnVr 4 45. 5ÏJ ü 30 45 4 5') 7 45 H 14 11 00 Ypfi.'ti 6 03 6 48 9 56 5 18 8 05 6 28 1113 VJc. 527 838 (49 D(i'i Ar 6 1516 45 7 30 10 15 6 2 9 2J 7 30 12 10 DETROIT TO CHICAGO. A.M. A.M P. M.IP.M. AM. p. M.P.M. Detroit.... Lv 9 0) 7 50 120 4 45 9 25 916 668 WayneJnnc. 10 CO 5' 9 54 38 Ypsilantl ...M22 8 13 2 05 5 43. .. 10 15 7 00 A.M. A.M.p.M. P.M. .M. P M.IP.M. Ann Arbor... 10 37 8 55 2 17 5 55 10 IV 10 301 7 IS Dcxt.-r 110' I 7: Chelaea 1113 1 Í748 Jackson 1155 10 00 3 17 855 11 IS 11 45 8 30 Kalamazoo.. 933 121 5 02 301255 217 839 Chicago... Ar 7 5i 4 15d'i. .. 15 SOo.... O. W. RUGGLBS, H. W. HAYKS, ü. P. & T. Aeent, Chlcaso. Am.. Ann Artor. Toledo, Ann Arbor & 'orth Micliiira Bailffaj. T1MK SCHEDULE. Taking effect November 25tli, 1889. Truine rnn by Standard Time. Ooing Korlh. o I o I o ü i I STATXON8. p P. M. A. M. P. 1. P. M. 8 25 6 00 Lv Toledo Ar 11 15 110 4 17 6 47 Dundee 10 18 12 20 4 35 7 0.) Mllan 9 58 12 04 4 4fi 7 16 Urr.nift 9 4511 r-i 4M 7 22 Fíttílielct 9(4)114) 5 07 7 SS Aun Albor 9 K 11 80 5 3i 7 50 Lelanrt 071115 5 47 8 i'5 Whitiuorc Lake 8 5r 11 04 6 48 8 45 HowulV. S 17 1(1 25 7 15 9 35 Dnrand 7 10 9 35 8 65 TÜ55J B)lst'5ñgin:iw...7 5 55 7 45 H ooilO 10 ; Owomo ...... 6 88 il 05 907 1145 Itha.a 5 32 7 50 !0 15 12 45 Mt. Plraiiint 135 6 45 .... 3 10... Cadillac 1(1 30 .... 4 4H Copemleb 9 05 5 40 Ar Frankfort Lt 7 50 P. !. P. X. A. V. A P. tíoing South. South Lyon Hramli. NORTII BO1TND. STATIONS. ÍOITTH BOlTNll. Train 18 Train 17 A. M. A. M. 6 00 Lv Ann Arbor Ar 8 IB ti 40 Wordcns 7 86 7 00 Ar South Lyon Lv 7 15 H. W. ASI1LEY, General Manawr A. J. PAISLEY, G1CO. 11. BAZI.EWOOD, Gen'l. Pase. & Ticket Aeent. Local Aux-ut. ICE. JGK ICE. Keep cool dar ing the coming sijmmer by contractiva wilh E. V. II. for ice at the foUowing rutes: 25 Ibs. daily, except Sunday, $4.00 per mo. " " 4 times a week,' $3.50 " " " 3 " " $3.50 " " " 2 " " $2.00 " E. V. HANGSTERFER 3O IMT-A-IlsT ST. To Restaurants, Hotels, etc in 500 Ib. lots, 40c per hundred. Less guantity, 50c. Estáte of David W. Noyes. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County or Waahtenaw 88. At a sesalon of the Probate Court for the Cou'.y ol Washunaw, holden at the Prohati Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, on Tneaday, the twelfth day of August, in the year ono thuusand eitrht hundred and nmety. Present, J. Wlliard Babbitt, Jndge of Probate. In the matter of the tlie estáte of David W. Noyes deceaised. Michael J. Noyes, executor of the last will and testament of siiitl deccascd, comeB Into court and repre.sents, that he it now prepareü to render bit fiuul account as Midi ex ecutor. Thereupnn lt is ordercd, that Fridcy, the flfth dny of September next, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon be aaeined for exainlalng and allowint; such account and that the deviaeeii, legatwg and b!irsat-law of sakl deceaeed, and all otbur pernons inttTcstud in said estatearerequired to appear at a session of 8aidOonrt, then tobe holden at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, in pald emmty, and how cause, ifany there be, why the aaid account should not be alluwed. And it is further ordered that said excutor give notice to the persons Interested in ild estáte, of the pendency of said account and tb? hearing thereof, by causini; a copy of this order to be publfshed in the Ann Artor Couriert a newspaper prlnted and circulatin in said county, thrtte successivu weckB pruvlous to sald day of harine. (Atruecopy.) J. WMLLAHD UABBIÏT, Judge of Probate. WM. G. DOTY, Probate Recinter. Tfi'lr'f LITERATURE FOR ALL TheAHKRici.2ïpRpTECTiyETABinrljuoija is publlshing a most vahiable series of Tarlff documente. These are preparad with a view to .stuic tlio faets and argumente lor Vroteci ion, w het her in the iuterest of farmers, laborera, merehants or professional raen. Each issue of the series uppenls to those encJ In separate Industries, and presenta indisputable ráete oompaxfèond of wa(jes,cost Of living, and other arguineuts showiu tiiö beueiits of Protoctiou. Any siufrle one will te pont on reeeipt of 2 cents i stamps oxoept M Wacs, and Ta riff," whieli will besent for 4 centa. The whole Hst will bc sent for 30 oenta or any twelve for 'O cents, or any live for 10 cents, pOBtHjfG paid. Order by uumber. N'o. Pao ca. 1-" WaRcs, LIvJ m1 Tarlff." E. A. HaetsHOUN 104 2- "The AdvtuiUt sof :i 'rotective TarilT to mr i.a u' uud Industrlei of the Uulted StAtea' First Prlw Itaêaj, iö87. CuawroKD J). liKNM.Ni; 32 8 - " lUniit' i'iuiluctloii Indispensable to a Supply, at I-ow l'rU'i-s, if the .MauufatMured (JumiiHKlit ifS required tor tho l'eople of the l niici StaU-s, .nul Adequate Hum Pro'luctloii of these L'pmmoriltfcs Iinpossible without a l'rotectlve Tarill." First I'rlze Ks-sav, ÏSHH. C l. Todd.. . 33 4- "■VhatareRuw Uaterlolfl? v.'ouUI FrtvRaw Materials be Ad-runtuKeous t the Labor and Industries of the ETnited States." FJrst Prlze Kssay, ïHv.t. BohebB. Dbbll 33 6- "Faltiuics of Krec-Trailc." E. 1' lli u:it... 3$ O- "öoniL Views 011 thü TariiT by au üld Busluess .Man." tit:o. Dkai'KK 33 7- l'ron-i-tlvu Tiiriir : lts Aiant;iKes for tlieSouïh." C. L. Kdwakds 32 8- "TheWool Iutcrcur." Judgt' W11. Lawkbnci 24 ü- ' Protectlon us. Free-Tradé."- A Hisioriuul Rvii;W. D. (. HAKHIMAN 20 10- "The Farmer audthoXtuiit" Col. TiiuMid II. Priii.EY 10 11-" Protcctlon asa l'ublle Pollcy." GeoküuS. BOUTWEIi 10 12- "Rcply to the rrvsidenC-i Fiee-Trado MesSftKe." R. P. l'ORTKK... 8 l_" WorkiiiKnu-n and the 'laritT." 8 14- "The Vital cuestión : ShiiU AineHcau Induatih'á bo Atiamtoned uud American -Markets Surrt'iulcrod? 8 ' "■ Ban ín Ucrinaii, wiih Addition 8 1Ü- "The Progress of une Humlred Years." ROBEBT 1. l'OHTKK 8 17-" ProU'ctlon for American Milpping." 8 ■ rha rarm Nota Fax' HomkrB Dibkll.. 8 ut- '"hy Irlahmeu Shonld Be ProtectlonJgtfl." 8 ■0- " Proteftlou." K. H.AKHXDOwa 4 l- 'What saTariff?" Answersua Worklnman's Questl(n 4 CC- "The AinciUau Wool Industry.11 E.H. AmMltMJWN 8 21- "Miir.-! and i'ost of Living.' J. D. Veejcs. 4 -■4- "iSouthern Farmlug Iudusiriea." 4 Short Talk to workliigmen." 2 ïO- " FroteotkHI and the FarnuT." Senator S. M. CtLLOM 12 Tne American Kcosomist, weekjy, devoted to the dtsetitujfon of all phases of tbe TariiT (jut-stlon. f'i ayear Samptc coplea tne, AMreaa American Protèotlve Tur 1 ü League SS W.ftSd St..New York.


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Ann Arbor Courier