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Resolutions By The M. S. P. A.

Resolutions By The M. S. P. A. image
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The followlng resolutions were adopted by the Michigan State Press Association before leaving Cheboygan, on tbe 19 of July: Whkhkas, The State Press Associatioii is about to conclude its twentytliird animal meeting, a meeting full to rep'etion with both pleasure and proflt, we desireto a valí ourselvesof thatopporUinity to expressour sincere appreciatlon and warmest thanks to the enterprising and L-cniTons citizens of Satinan-, who have greeted us with a programme of entertiiinment so wisely planned and llnely ezecnted that, in future, the name of Saginaw 11 be to us synonymous with free aud warm-hearted hospltality; tUerefore we would subniit for the appi oval of tbls associiitiou the followiog reaolutions: That to various committees eliosou from the Sagiuaw Press Club, and the citizens' reception committee, we are (treatiy indtbted for the varied round of etijoyable amusements to whlch tueir final banquet was so fitting a congunaiuation, and eepecially to F W. Bushell, O. H. Peters, C. B Schacffer, Jos. Seeman, L. W. Bardwick and E. D. Cowles, all of wliom have been untiring in doing the houors of thp city. That the royal reception ;iven us at tlieir elegant home by Hon. and Mrs. V. U Burt, and the entertainment so freely extended us on the evenlngof our arrival, and also the special train over the Chicago, Saginaw & Mackinaw railway, so kiudly iirranged for by Mr. Burt to convey us to West Bay City, were well c:ilculated to gam for Saginaw an enviable reputation for hospitality. That the mimes of Hon. 8. O. Fisher and tainily will alwaya suggest to the Michigan editora niany pleasant memories of the prinoely entertainment at their mansión in Bay City, and of the warm-hearted cordiality with whlch they wt'lcomed the representatlves of the press, is also of the enjoyable excuraions given us to Wenoiüi Beach. That the Saginaw Union Electric Railway Company and the City of Saginaw Street Ruilway Compauy have laid us under a debt of grutitude tor continuous oourtesies, our badges having been au "open sesame" to every part of the city. That tlie Flint & Fere Marquette Kailway Comp-uiy laid us under a like obliItation for special trtiins that carried us over tlie Belt Line, Huis ffiviují U3 a view of many of the grcat industries whicb temí lo inake Sagtnaw so important a section in the manufacturing world. Tliat tlie exliibition of the fire departmrnt .itlorded 118 mucli pleasure, and convinccd na tlmt S:ig!uaw is entltled to her reputation for maintaining nu organization for the savinj; of lite and property, second to none in tlie state. Tlmt the generosity of the citizens and livery men in sendins so inany carriages for the drive about the city was a inoat substantial and highly appreeiated evidence i f their mterests in onr welfare. Tfïat we derived great pleasure from the full rexiits of all our sessions appearing In the daily paper?, n& a!so from tincnurteous and frieudly attentiouH of all inembers of' the fratcrnity residin in the city. and are duly grateful therefor. to his honor Mayor Georre W. Weadock, and the citizens in general, who uniti d to give us 30 dellghtful a welcoine at the Aoademy 1 f Muslo, and to the Wood-workeis Union, whose kindly InTltutU u to altend tln-ir ball we regretted our imibility to accept, we estend our most cordial and unmeasured thanks. That the Sajjinaw Driving Piirk Association will lonsr be renieinbered for the opportunity nftorded to view the races and all their attendant attractiona. That we, oue and all, ofler our congratulations and thanks to President Ferry F. Powers, to Secretary Fred S. Slocuni, and othor offlcers, for the success tul oulcoine of the zealous eñorts resulting In a reunión of the fraternity seldom equallnd and never excelled, in all that contributes to pleasure and profit. That the many beautlful souvenirs and proftriimmes presented us will long be cherishtd ;ns reminderg of our pleagant stavln conrteous, consolld.ited Saginaw. On August 13, before the Yellowstone excursionista dibanded at Chicago, the followinK special resolutions were also adnpted: That our tlianks are due to varioua railroads of Michigan for favors extendeii, and espccially to O. W. Rugglea, renersl passender and ticket agent of tlie Michigan Central, for a special train to Cheboysran in charge of competent, courteous officials, as also for nis ftirther ellbrts to contribute to the success of the Asociation and the pleasure of its meiubers. That the good people of Qrnyling, by throwing open thelr hotels to ua durina; our short viait, and the fine dinner proviiled, gave 119 a greeting far beyond our fondest anticipan ons. That the thriving city of Cueboygan, with her gaily decorated Ftreets and buildings, and complete free entertainment, did her ful I share in sending the eilitorson their way rejolcipg. Tliat the trip up tlirongh the beautifnl St. Mary was one of the most enjoyablo of our many pleasant excursions, and we shall long hold in prateful ri-inembrance the name of W. R. Owen, manager of the Delta Transportation Company, wiiose courtesy made the trip possible. That the entertainment at Sault Ste. Marie, which included an t-xcursion on the "International" frrryboat, a ride 011 the electric cara to view the great undertaking known as the Power Company'e canal, the chuteing of the rápida and a pleasant reception, all of which was eneroualy given by the citizens, was In every way wortliy of a city which during the past five yeara has Increased trom n population of fifteen hundred to that of nearly slx thousand. That the opportunity to view the wonderful works of the Hydraulic Power Co. at Iron Mountain.with its 3,700-horse power wrested from the forces of nature, the visit to the great iron mines with thelr ralghty mnchinery, added to the cordial welcome and reneroua entertainment by its enterprising citi.cns, made the day apent in this progressive city one of the pleasantest and most profttable of this memormable trip. That the Chicago & Northwestern R. K., has gained a lasting place in our remembrance by placing at our disposal the special train which bore us tö Norway tor a visit to its picturesque "pocket" mines. That the beauty of the "twin cities" far exceeded our expectation, and the rine carriage drives given ua at botli pluces laiil us under Uisting obligntiotis to our genial brethren of the Northwest. That to the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul railway, which also gave us an opportunity to visit beautiful Slinnehaha and historie Fort Snelling, we return most cordial thanks foran excursión which has liung many a beautiful picture in memory's gallery. Nor would we fail to add that the oompanionsbip throughout the entire trip of the conipany's representativo at Detroit, gen lul Ilarry Mercer, with his ability to make all happy about him, added untold p'casure to our jouruey. That our welcome to "the greatest inining camp on eartb," with its grand banquet, lts reception by the Silver Bow Club and its unique excursión through the great sllver and copper mines by special train, tendere il throujeh the oourtesy of V. II . Biildwin, Jr., ninnuger of the Montana Union, who also provided U8 il Iecll train from (nrrïflon, lï:m c.onvinced us tliat Butte City is not only willing but able to dispense the Uospitulity of the entiie Western Divide. Tliat we are greatly indebted to the Union Pacific for special trains to Bulto City, Garfield Beach, and over the famoua Georgetown "loop," as al9O for all courteaies extended tlirough theirgentlemanly agent. Mr. C. E. Brown, who accompanied usthrougli the western trip fromGarrisim to liis home in Omaha, thureby adding no little to our enjoyment. Tli at ou r surprise was so graat on our arrival at the capital of our new sister 9tate, Idilio, on finding a city fllled with pleasant homes, fragrant flower girdens and oicliards of luseious fruit In the milist of the surrounding sage-brush, that we only recovered our equanimity tlirough the enthusiastic greeting we recelved from the governor, state office rs, mayor and citizens, and that the carriage drive, banqtiet, and treat of delicious fruit, combined to niuke our visit to Boise City ainong the pleasantest of our trip. That Ogien is the brlghtest, most pictuieque and prosperous looking city in the Great S.ilt Lake Basin, and that tlif hospitality tendered by the Chamber of Commerce tlirough its efficiënt offlcers, President A. H. Nelson and SeorHary A. L. Ricliardson, comprising a line carriage drive, tree entertainment and an excursión to the Mot Spring?, was most thoroughly appreciated aud greutly enjoyed. That the Kearney Cunmber of Commerce, tlirough President ,O. S. Marden and Secretary K. O. Holmes, gave us a right royal greeting the heart-felt siucerity of whlch wa3 not to be mistaken, and tlmt the floral decoration?, the delicious repast, the delightful carriage drive and the evening reception with its cordial greeting from the ladies, all spoke eloquently of the large-hearted liogpltaHty that seems indigenous to the soil of thia enterprislne western city. That the Board of Trade at Omaha, ol which Ëuclid Martin is president and V. N. Mason is Secretary, by their moming drive and afternoon coaclnng excursión, gave m a fine opportunity to realize the rapid erowth and great prosperity of the metropolis of the wealthy state of Nebraska. That to Gen'l Manager S. K. Hooper, of the Denver & Kio Grande railway, wc ■shall ahvays bo grateful lor a most de lightful excursión from Denver to Colorado Spriugs and Manitou, tlirough the Garden of ilie Gods, the scenery of which is simply indescribable. That we are duly grateful to W. II. Biearly, of the Detroit Koening Journal, for the iiuinerous coplea of his spicy P'tper with which we were so gcnerously supplied. And, in conclusión, be it Resolved, That to the fulthful and indefatigable services of Secretary Fred Slocum we owe this grand excursión, now about to conclude. It was he who conceived and so successfully executed tlie programme which has aff.rded us a month's unalloyed pleasure. Every detail has Leen most zealouslv worked out without a delay or break to cause us unnoyance His time has been ours - our pleasure and comfort his flrst thought, We shall not soon forget the organizing abillty and slgnal services of our efficiënt secretary, and naught buc pleasant memories will remain with us ot this eventful tour of nearly six thousand miles under his careful supervisión.


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