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BRONCHITIS Isan Infiammatlou ol the uronchlal tubes - the alr-passa;:es leadlug l'ntö the lungs. Few other contplatiitu ara so prevalent, or cali for more prompt ;nnl pnergetlc aotion. As aeglcct ir deiay uiay rcsnlt scriously, effcctive remedies should always be at hand. Apply at snee .1 nuistard poultice to the upper part ol the ehest, and, fur Interna! treatnu'iit, lake frequent doses oí Ayer's Cherry Pectoral C. O. f.epper. Drugglst, Fort Wayne, Ind., wrttes: ■ My littlo sister, four years of age, was so 11 irniM bronchitis tliat wc had almost iivi'ii np hope of hor recovery. Our fainily physieian, a skilful man and of large experience, pronouneed it useless to Rive her any more medicine, saying he liad done all it was possible to do, and we must prepare for the worst. As a last resort. we determlned to try Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, and 1 can truly say, with most happy resulta. After taking a few doses she seemed to breathe easler, and, Wtthin a week. was out of lanp;er. AVo continued glTtog the Pectoral until satisfied she was entlrcly well. This indisputable evidence of the preat nu rit of Ayer's Chorry Pectoral has Riven me unliounded confidence in the preparatiop, and I reeoninicnd it to my customers, knowlng it cannot disappoint them." "Ayer's Oherry rectoral cured me of a bad coughand my partner ol bronchitis. I know of numerous cases in wlilcli this preparation has proved vcry beneficia! in families of Young Children, so (haf Wie medicine is known among them as 'the consoler of the afilicted.'"- .lainie Kufus Vidal, San Crlstobel, San Domingo. "A short time ago, I was taken with a severe attacU of bronchitis. The remedies ordinarily used in sueh cases tailed to give me relief. Almost in despair of ever tinüing anything to cure me. I honf;ht a bottle of Ayer's Cherry Poctijral, and was helped froin the lust ise. i hal not fiuished one bottle before the disease left me, and niy throat and hings weri' as sound as ever."- Geo. 1!. lUml-r. Altoona, Pa. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, PREPARED BT DR. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass. Solii by all DrucgisU. Trice $1 ; sil bottles, $5.


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