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Republican State Contention

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ileadquartkb-s bjepubucin state ) Central Committek. Dktkoit, July 12. 18U0. j A State Coiiventimi of the Kepubllcans o Michigan will bc beid at the Detroit riiik Detroit beginning at 2 o'clock, p. in. Wednes day, August 27, and comtnuing Thursday August 28,1890, for the parpóse of nomimitiiiK -:tiictll!ites for state iittlrcs and for Justice o the Súpleme Court, to 11 11 vacnncy; also for the purpose of selectlng a chalrman of the State Central Commlltee and two inembers Ihereof froni eaeh congrepslonal district, am the transactlon ofsuch ollicr business asinuy properly come beforc it. In accordance wlth a resolutlon adonted a Grand Raplds May 10, 1876. every county wil be entltled to one delégate for each 5i 0 of the total vote cast for Governor at the last State electlon (November 1888), and one addltlona delégate for every fractlon amountlng to 300 bul each organlzcd county will be eutllled to at least one delégate. Under a reoolution of 1853 nodelegate will be entitled to a seat In the conventlou who doee not reside In the county he propose i to repre sent. Tbe delegates frora eacb congressional dis trlot are requeted to meet In caucuH at 12 o'clock noon, Wcdnesday, Aug. 27, and selee candidatos as follows, to be presented to the State Convention for conflrmation: Two members of theBtate Central Committee, one Vlce-1'resident, one Aasistant Secretary anc one member for each ot tie Committees on "Credentlals," "Resolutlons," "Permanent Urganlzatlon and order of Business." In compliance with a resolutlon adopted In Detroit June 23, 1880, the secretary of each county convention Is requested to forwanl to the secretary of the State Central Committee ( No. 84 Grlwold street, Detroit), by the earllest mail aft er the delégales to the State Conven tlon are chose. a centfled list of such dele gates as are entltled to seuts In tbe State Con ventlon from thelr respective countles; and also the naines and address of the chalrman necretary, and members of thelr couuty commlttM. H. C. Tillman, Secrelary. Washteuuw county is eutitled to 21 dele gales.


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Ann Arbor Courier