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Effect Of The Census

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The main idea of taking the census every ten years s to furnish a basis for congressional apportionnient. The census of this year will show over 64,000,000 8ubjects of Uncle Sarn, a gain of 30 per cent. in the past decade. This will require a change in the apportionraent of congressional clistricts In all the states. Under the constitutlon of 1789 the ratio was one congressmau for each 30,000, giving 65 in the first house. With each new counting this ratio lias been increased until now it is one for every 151,000, making 325 members of congres?, of which Michigan has 11. This commonwealth has gained over half a nilllioii d"r!"sr the past decade and should the ratio remaln lUe same we would be entitled to 14 representativos. But as the house is gettinj; large enough the ratio will probably be increased to 175,000 or 180,000 Inhabitante in each congressional district. Even with this, Michigan gainsone congressman. It is expected that this congress will mak e the beginning in the work, so that our legislature may make the final apportionnient next winter. In connection with this census it is of interest to add that we have juniped from the ninth place to the seventh, having ptissed Maasachusette and Kentucky duriDg the past ten years. A new university with a foundation of $1,200,000 in land and money is about to be established in Chicago. Concerning it the ínter Ocean lias the following of interest concerning Michigan's pride : Tliere is no Jonger a prejudice in the niimls of sound thinkers ugainst the "coed," as the woman college or university was scornfully styled. In making the Uaiversity of Chicago Independent of the question ot sex, its projectors aud founders have given it abroaderand lilgher Intelleotual mission than can be served by the university that discrlminates mind by the rule of sex. The university of Michigan disposed of the old problemso thoronghly that the one time noisy advocates of dlstinction between tliesexesin educational matters have been practically silenced. The Chicago can do no better than pattern after the Ann Arbor institution, and if it achieve an equal fume and serve an equally high purpose, its trustees will huve great reason to be proud of their trust. The f reedom from sectarian Iníluence need not bediscussed. The wlsdom of tlie requirementa to that end are obvious. No truly great institution of learning has any business to tuke note of doctrinal diflerenees. In fact the freer from religious pressure of any sort such institutioiis are the better lt will be f'or those who are entered there witb the principal object to make the most possible of their mltids. If the sume generosity and good suiííe are mauifested in providing a taculty and special professors that have been displayed in furnishlng the money for the university itself, it wlll not be many yenrs before the Chicago University wlll occupy aposition ol dignity equul l"o that of any of the Eastern institutions. The drouth does not make American granulated siiKur worth iy cents a ponnd to American workmen and only four cents to the people of Krigland, Ireland and Scotland. U's the tariff on "reflned sncar." Not the tari II' ou raw tugar.- Adrián Prees. When you stop to consider that tl:e value of an English penny is as much as two of our pennies, the sharpness of our free trade brothers' arsument will be at once made plain. The above is simply a sample, that's all, and yei the demócrata fight the reduction of the tarlffon sugar. There is no better property to-day for a farmer than sneep. Huil Mr. Cleveland and lus free trade policy beeo successful two years ago, do you think for one minute that such would have been the case? No, sir. Sheep and w'ool would have been a drug in our market. Farmers are alive to these facts, also. The democratie press are expending all of their breatli upon the farmers and entirely neglecting the great mass of laborers who are not farmers. When the polls open they wlll probably be heard from because of this ncglect.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier