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Republicans In Council

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The opening gun of the campalgn for the "off year" of 1890 was touched off by the republicans in tlils county last Thursday, at the court houíc, in tliis city, aud although the day was stormy and unpleasant, yet the lurge number of delegates in attendance proved tkat the grand old party in tliis district was not in a lethargie state, but on the contrary, was "all alive and eye9 wide open." At eleven o'clock Chairman Osband of the county corainittee, called the convention to order, and in doing so made a few very appropriate and excellent remarks He said that two years ago the republican party were confronted by a boastful aDd conlident opposltion, who, having the relns of power in their hands, told wonderful stories of what thcy proposed to do et the polls. To-day we meet under different circumstances. The bnastful and conlident enemy have been defeated; we have the administration and congres; but the enemy is still alive, and is still boastlng of what he is going to do. Mr. Oíband sald he admiied the pluck and couiage of the democratie party under defeat, and but for that undauuted spirit that party would have been dead and buried long ago. He also found the same spirit In the ranks of the republtcan party, but one great failing with them was the teudency to lie down and rest after a great victory had been won, forgetting the fact that eternal vigilance alone was the price of contlnued succos?. He hoped that the republican3 tliis year would not repeat the mistakes of prevlous oll" years, but would eacli and every one place their shoulders to the wheel, and push the great party to succeeding triumphs. For himself he feit glad to say that his lirst vote was cast for Abraham Lincoln, his last vote for Benjamin Harrlson.and every intervenlng vote for the candidutes of the republican party, and believed that he could read his title clear to a membershlp in the great party of the nation. The speaker then reviewed britfly the acts of the party on all great nationsil and financia! questlons, and believed that it stood day the clumplon of the busines9 interests of the country, and the only true friend of the laborinji classes of the natiou. Tliïs year, of all other years, every true republican ought to t!:row aaide any little Dersonal feelinü and come up solidly for the grand principies of the party. Upou closing his reruarks he called Fred B. Brann, of Ann Arbor town, to the clialr, and Peter W. Carpenter, of Ypsllanti, was elected temporary secretary. On motlou the following committees were appoiuted: On permanent organlzatlon and order of business- F. W. Carpenter, Ypsllautl; Jas. L. Gllbert, Chelsea; J. T. Jacobs, Anu Arbor. On - Kmery E. Leland, Northfleld; H. 1). Platt. Plttsfleld; M. L. Rayinond, Sharon . A recess was then taken to yx o'clock. AKTKUNOOK SESSION. Upon reassetnbling the commlttee on credentials reported the following delegales as entitled to seals in the convention: Ann Arbor City, lst ward- J. E. Beal, A.W. Uamllton, V. J. Booth, P. B. Hose, J. T. Jacobs. and ward- C. S. Fall, C. B. Davlson, W. J. Just, A. C. Schuniacher. 3J ward- Thos. Kearns, Paris Banflold. J. B. Saunders, W. F. Stimson. 4th ward- W. O. Stevens, J. F. Lawrence, J. A. Freeman, R. L. Warren, Geo. H. Pond. 5tb ward- Geo. H. Rhodes, Kil S. Manly, John V. Maroney. títh ward- F. Barker, W. J. Colgrove, C. Smlth. Ann Arbor Town- I. N. S. Foter, John Keppler, Richard Nowland. F. B. Bruun. Augusta- Win. Dansingbnrg, C. II. (Jreenmaii, E. B. Btone, Jesae Uewena, Win. Siegle. Llra;i- Win. E. Stocklug, O. C. BurkUart, Natüan Pieroe, J. D. Lulck. Lyndon- Fraucls A. Burkhart, Henry M. ïwaraley. Edward Gorman. I(idi- H. V. Bassett, A. A. Wood. Manchester- A. F. Kreeman, J. F. Ncstell, Win. Hurtless, S. M. Case, T. J. Farall, Frank Hall, Ëd E, Root, Frank Spafard. Nortbfleld- L. J. Stlles, E. E. Leland, John ïralnor, Wm. Haran, J. 8. Brokaw. PitlNfleld- M. F. Case, Wm. Campbell, James Webb, H. I). Platt. .Sli ïron- M. L. Kayiuond, M. E. Keeler, E. W. Ciafts, F. W. Smlth. Sallne-R. H. Marsh, W. H. Smlth, 8. D. Munroe, L. b. Pierce, W. Crowioot, Xiios. i'ripp. Sylvan- Wm. .ludson, Geo. H. Kempf, A. W. Cbapinan, Theodore E. Wood, Wm. J. Kempf, Jas. L. Gilbert, Fred Vogel, A. A. Hall. Superior- F. P. Galpln, Ira Crlppln, John F. Packard, Perry L. 'fownsend. Salem Towuship- Asa Alchlson, Benj. Atcbison, A. C. Vanslckle, Geo. 8. Wheeler. Sclo- Amo B. Phelps, Arthur 8. Lyon, John O. Thompson, Alfred B. Beal, J. Kelth, Frank Phelps. John L. Smlth. Ypsllantl City, lst ward- Wm. Robblns, J. il. Chidester, Norman Redner, P. W. Carpenter. 2nd ward- Diivld E'iwards, II, S. Boutell, J. B. Wortley. 3rd ward- Dr. F. K. Owen, Marión Wells, Myron Cady, Stanton Ferguson. 4th ward- F. C. Morlarlty, Geo. Wlard, Geo. Kay. ot.h ward- BenJ. Klef, Wm. Carpenter. Ypsllantl Town- W. M. Osbanif, Alonzo K. Ford, Josuph P. Vromau, J. Everett SinltU, BenJ. D. I .ddiii is. York- Peter Cook, Samuel Cliapln, Judson Wheelock, C. M. Blackmer, Frank Trussell, Eua-ne U. Ford, J. B. Lashler. Webster- Edwin B:ill. E. S. Cushman, W. E. Boydeu, A. J. Sawyer. The temporary oflicers were mide pernancnt and an order of bu.siness adopted. Hon. S. G. Ives, of Clielsea, was tlicn chosen delégate at large to the state crmyention, by Hcclamatiou, followed by tlm choice in the same marnier of C)l. II S. 3ean, of Au n Arbor, as dulcíate at lurge to the congresaioiial convuution, and Wm. Cumpbell, E q., to the eenatorla] conventiou. Tlie couventiou theti dlvided into representative distriets and chose ten dele;ates to each of the three conventions, of wliich the following Is a complete list: TO STATE CONVENTION. At Large- Hon. S. G. Ives, Chelsea. 1 I District- J. T. Jacobs, Ann Arbor; O.C. iurcklmrt, Lima; Qeo. II. KempC, Cbelseu; H. L. Warren, Ann Arbor; TIioh. Birkelt, Dexter; E. E. Leiand, Northfleld; W. C. Stevens, Aun Arbor; (Jeo. ij. Wheeier, Haem; Perry Townseud, Superior; Jleury Cwamley, Lyndoa. iiul I)Mrict-3. B. Wortley, Ypsilantl, H. D Platt, Plttsfleld; Clinton Speucer, YpNUantt: A. E. Ford, Ypllanll ïowu; H. S. Bouli 11, Ypsllanii; J. K. Campbell, Augusta; Wm. H. iurlless, Mancbester; Dr. Pyle, York: Oeo. KuwBun, Sharon; Hurrlson Basaetl, Loüi. TO CONOHESS1ONAI, CONVKNTION. At Large- Col. H. S Dean, Ann Arbor. Ut Dittrict-isLü. L. Qllbert, Sylvan ; W. E. itocktng, Limii; A. W. llarailton, Ann Arbor; F. B, Braun, Ann Arbor Town; J. F. 'uckard, Superior; Eclwurd Ball, Webster; J. L. liea', Ann Arbor; J. A. Freemjin, Ann Armr; TFrank A. Burkbart, Lyndon; J. T. acobs, Ann Arbor. txd District- M. iF. Case, Flttsfleld; P. W. )arpenter, Ypsllantl; Wm. M. Ooband, Ypglnnll; Norman Kedner, Ypsilautl; Peter Cook, York; Wm. H. Hmltb, Saline; A. F. rreeman, Manchester; M. H. Kaymond, Shnron; Hpencer M. Case, Manchester; S. A. ■'erguson, Ypsllautl. TO SENATORIAL C0NVEXT1ON. At ljrge- Wm. Campbell, Plttsfleld. Ut Diilrlct-Wm. Judsou, Sylvan; I. N. B. 'oster, Ann Arbor, W. J. Just, Anti Arbor; 211 S. Manly, Ann Arbor; Nathan Plerce, Lima; F. P. Ualpln, Superior; John L. Sinllli, Sclo; A. C. Schuraacher, Aun Arbor; M.C. LeBeau, Ann Arbor, Wm. Weston, Webster. twZ District-W ia. Robblns. Ypsllanii; Myon Cady. Ypsllantl; Qeo. Wlard, Ypslluntl 'own; Wm. Daustngburg, Augusta; J. B. Jisbler, York; 8. R. Crlttendon, Plttsfleld; A. C. Wood, Lodl; H D. Wells, Ypsllantl; J. B. Wortley, YpsllauU; Jesse Hewlus, Auusta. A. W. Iliunilton, Eíq., of Ann Arbor, resented the followlng : lletolved, Tbat the members of this convenIon most heartlly apDrove ol the work done y our present member of Congrews, the Kon. C. P. Alleu, and request the deTegatvs elected o the congresslonnl convention to presunt is name for reuomination. Wliicb. was udupted utianimonsly, vltbout one disseuting vote. The roll of townsbips and wrds was Uien callea by the seoretary and the following county commttteo chosen: COUHTT COMMITTEE. Executlve Commitlee. Postofflce. Mac C. Le Bean A mi Arbor. Oapt. H.S. Boutell Ypsllantt. HarrlMiii W.liHssoll, I.oili Saline. Win. M. Osband Ypsllanti. W in . .] udHon Cbelsea. A. F. Froeman Manchester. 'JowiiHhip and Ward Members. Ann Arbor City. Postofflce. lst ward- J. 15. Beal Ana Arbor. 2nd ward- A. C. Hcbumacher... " " 3d ward- Thos. Kearns " " 4th ward- W. C. stevens " " 5th ward- N. D. Gates " " th ward- C Q. Darllng " " Ann Arbor Town-J. C. Mead... " " Augusta- H. P. Thompson Mllan. Brlagewater- Geo. Hawson Clinton. Oexter - Ino. Hall, Dezter. Freedom- J no. Reno Man ches ter. Lima- O.C. Burkhart Chelsea. Lodl- G. L. Hoyt Saline. Lyndon- H. M.Twamley Chelsea. Manchester- A. F. Freeman .. Manchesier. Northfleld- Frank Duncan Ann Arbor. Plltdfleld- Win. Campbell Ypsllanti. Salem- Wm. K. Hanillton Salem. Saline- E. A. Hauser Saline. Sclo- Arlhur Lyon Ann Arbor. Suaron- M.S. Kiiyniond Qrans Lake. Ruperlor- J. A. Wllber Ypsllanti. Sy Ivan- Geo. H. Kempf Chelsea. Webster- A. J. 8awyer Hamhurg. York- E. B. Ford Yom. Ypsllanti Town-A. E. Ford. Ypsilantl. Ypsilautl City. lst ward- Wm. Robbina Ypsllantl. 2nd ward- J. B. Wortloy " 3d ward-H. Wells 4th ward- O. E. Thompson " 5tli ward- Clark Cornwell " Tlie choice of a chairman and secretary was left with tbc comiuittee itself. Tli us closed a liarmonious and enthuslastic couvention, which argües well for the republlcan party nest November.


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Ann Arbor Courier