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A Good Fire Ladder

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Concernlng the fire ladder gotten up by our townsman Andrew J. Sutherland, one of the Detroit papers said: Thtirsday morning at 10 o'elock the Michigan Fire Ladder and Truck Company, of Qrand Kapids, MIch., gave an exblbltioQ of their aerial ladder truck, "Tlie Arrow," for the benetlt of the National Association of Fire Englneers, in front of the Russell House. The test could not have been more interestin}; and satisfactory. Four men handled the ladder with ease, elevated It geven ty-flve feet high in the marvelously short tiiue of twenty-flre seconds and placing a man to the extreme end in thirty-five seconds. The men of course were not trained to especially opérate this truck, some of t ïem being taken from the Detroit Fire Department. Four men and the driver constitute a crew. A man at each of the two side cranes throws two telescoped ladders Into an upright position, where it hooi eJ itself. Two men stood at the front foot of the ladder on the platform and the moment it was up they grabbed tue two ladder cranks and ran up the three sectlonsout of each other by mentía of encased flexible wlre cable?, when it was ready to be tilted with a crank in anr direction to the building for use. The foot of the ladder stands on a swivel so thtit by turning a pinion crank it can be turned around and used on either slde or endwise, without moving the truck. When telescoped the sectlons are 80 short they go under the telegraph wlres which encompass almost every block, and make it so difficult to get ladders up a building. In tilia posilion it may be tilted and swunu around under the wires and then run up beliind them. In eventof danser of tailing walls it may be elevated independently oi the building and used as a water tower, from which men with hose can play upon the lire. The leugth of truck including ladder when down is only tuirty two i'eet, tlie distanoe between wheels being butelght feet and six incites which dispenses with the fireman-killer apparatus, the Ulier, making it easy to handle in narrow streeU and requiring less room for operating. The top of the ladders whan down are but six feet elght inches from tbe ground, giving it 11 compact form, with no liability of tipping over when turning sharp corners, and as the ladders are carried on edge instead of fltttwise, as are all other ladders, tbere is no vibration when being elevated. The ladders are made of the best material, are light anü of great streugtli, and the whole truck equlpped weijrhs about 4,750 pounds which is nearly 2,000 pounds less than iiny otlier mouuted ladder, and is easily drftwn by two lioitjes. Tliere la DO doubt that the Arrow is the quickest elevated, easiest handled, by the fewest men, most practical, and the most handsome in appearance of all aerial ladder trucks on the market. The exhibition yesterd-iy was certainly a decided sucoess and reilects credit on tlie management of the enterprise. The apparatU8 when fully equipped cost less thau anyotbcr aerial ladder truck known. Potatoes 80 cents per bushei ! Tliat confounded tariff is pluying hob with everytliing, you see. The question urises in tlie rural districts: "WU1 Detroit have her rapid transit 'liosa' cara on exhibition at her great expositien." The price of wheat is still advancing, and will soou be up to the $ mark. None of the democratie journaU, 80 far, have told the farmers that they c;in thank the tarifl" tor the advance. AVheii whent whs only scventy odd cents a bushei, the democrat editorial fraternity laid it all to the republican administration and wept copious tears of ccmdolence over the hard times of the farmer under protection. Wlieat Is now about a dollar a bushel and by parity of reasontng our free trade friends ought to thank the republican party and congratúlate the farmer upon the high prices he is gettinjr for his farm products. Will thoy ? Not ranch! They aren't built that way. Witü wheat selling near a dollar and potatoes at eighty centa per bushel. oats at thirty-fi ve cents and sheep at $3 00 to $3.50 per head It does look as thoujíli times have Improved since Cleveland went out of office. The next cry our democrat friends are likely to send fortli is that the farmer by hls high prices lias hls toot on the neck of the me(Manie and laboring poor man. - Hillsdale Leader. Farmers don't grumble too mucb. Theie 11 e lots of you who can remeniber tliat you or your fathers sold wheut at less than 53 cents a bushei; oggs at six cents a dozen; oats at 10 to 20 cents; hay at $1 a ton; good cows at $12; splendid oxun at $75 a yoke; good horsea at $50 to $75. You paid 12Jí cents per pound ter black Muscovado sugar and could not iift'nril to buy a pound of white silbar of any variety ; 12 to 15 cents a yard for cilico and "factory" clotli ; $5 for conrae coiv hid boots that yo c in now buy tor $2. All grooerles and all clolhing cost far more tban at present, and tliero wasn't one In tifty of you who could aö'ord to have a buggy or ctnter or any otber vehicle but a lieuvy wagon and an equally heavy slelgh. And how tri my cif you have gone weeks without gotting a letter out of the ofHce from soma friend you were dying to bear from because you could not get live cents to pay postng ou it with?-Ex. The Michigan Central wíll eive a frnind Excursión to Detroit, daily except Hunday, from Aug. 20 to Sept. 5, 1S90, glviiig its patrono an opportunity of visiting the Inteiiiaiioiial Fair and Expositlon, at thu following extremely Low Hates, whicli nel mie Adinission Ticket to the Exposition: Lv. Chelseu 9.40a. m., $2.15 ' Oexler...... .55a. ra. 7."5a. in. J 90 " Heii lU.OOa.m. K.OU a. m. 185 " Delhi 805a.m. 1.80 " Aun Ai'iicir lii.l :t. in. 8.15a. in. 165 " Geddes 10.ï9a. m. 8.23 a. m. 1.50 " Ypallanti 10.35a.m. 8.30 a. ra. 1.40 Ar. Boirolt 11.35a. ra. 9.30a. m. lietnrniiii.', leave Detroit 5.00 p. m. an.l 1000 p. ra. Tickets will be llmittd t' Sept 5th, and will not be good on KegUlar Tiains Nos. 5, 6, 9, 10, 14, 15, 19 and 20. Jos. B. Hall, Michigan Passenger Agent, Jnckson, Mich. Will Greenman, of tuis city, was accidently killed at Durand two weeks ago. He had been ut. wnrk at Plint undcr the name of Will Green, but had left his place there. He was a lad about 17 years old, and was the son of Isaac Greenman of the 5th ward.


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Ann Arbor Courier