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OCR Text School meeting next Moiuluy. Union services next Sunday eveninjr at the Methodist churcli. Preaching by Dr. Studley. Justice Pond lincd Fred Elinis $2 and $5.90 costs fur indulging In too much fire water last Sunday. Will W. Watts is busy finding out how many children tliere aru in tliij district - taking the school census. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank is havin the ceillng and walls of its banking rooms and ollicea handsomly f rescoed. Strange faces tire quite plenty on our streets once more. Pareuts are coming in to get their children suttled in school. Mayor Manly is down for a speech at the granel uticanipnicnt at Jackson next week. And so is Congressman Allen. The Farmers' & Mechanica' B;mk will have a very attractive home, when the internal iniproveuients are all completcd. Nuxt Mouday the school büll wlll ring, and the cbildron will flock to the halls of learning to comineiice annther year of Btudy. The excavatliijt for the uew cliancel at St. Andrew's churcli lias beeu completed, and worKint'ii are uow erecting the basement walls. Prof. Baur tells us that there is a very lurge exhlbit of fruit and llowers at the Detroit exposition. He has 3( plates of fruit including pear?, plmns and peaches. There was a frost in uiany places last Saturday moruing, but no serious injury to anytliing is reported. Clouds prevented frosts for seveml succeeding niglits. There is to be a lawn social on the grouuds of John II. Wheeler, W. Hurou st., Thursday evening from 3 to Oo'ilock, given by the ladies of St. Andrew's church. The ladies of the Congregational church are prepared to f urn lab all kinds of bedding on very short notice, and on very reasonable tenns. Apply to Airs. Henry Dean, E. Liberty st. The M. E. Sunday Schools of this city will picnic at the Islaud, near Cedar Bend, to-uiorrow. liuses will comnieuce taking the children at 10 o'clock a. m, and will return at 4 o'clock p. rn. The employés of the Toledo Sb Aun Arbor II. H. will be given an excursión to Owosso on Sunday next, Aug. 31st, one train geing froin Toledo and another l'rom the northern terminu?, Copemish. The population of Ypsilanti as published in the city papers recently as 7,160 was an error. Supervisor Sliarp in a let ter to one of our citizens says it is 5,935. And the population of Saline is given at 1,662, instead of 2.S37 as then stated. The choir of Bethlchem church of this city, togethcr with the congregation thereof, are invited to attend the fiftieth anniversary of the Lutheran church at Freedom, next Sunday. . Many will attend from here. Rev. John Neumann will deliver a sermón upon the occasion. A celebratlon in coinmemoration of the landing of the Qermans in this country In 1C83, will be eelebrated in this city Sept 23d. The committee of arrangernenta consista of P. G. Suekey, chairman;Eugene Oe9terlin, secretary; and (,'hristian Schlenker. treasurer. Mayor Manly, Louis J. Liesenier and P. G. Suekey are announced to speak. In digging for the Street rallway the workmen at the corner of E. Catherine st. and Fourth ave.,unearthed a red cedar surveyor's moiiument, marking the corner of Page and Ormsby's addltion to the village of Ann Arbor, placed there in May, 1824. The cedar was as sound ns a dollar and had the same pleasant odor as the day lt was put down. An iron post has been put down in its place. Meeting of the directors of the Washtenaw Mutual F re Insurance Co. next Saturday, at Sec'y Child's office, to declare the annual assessment which will be in the neifjhborhood of $2.50, slnee Jan. lst. last, in the re-organized company. Our statement of latt week that the assessment was the largest in the history of the company was incorrect, there 'having been aasessments, we understand, as high as $7.50 per year. The Aun Arbor Agriciiltutal works nre getting quite fatnous. Senator Vest, of Missouri, the other day brought op lo the United States Senate the New York World's slander on this compauy, and Senator Stockbritlge pulled down that Vest by pulllng out of his pocket a telegram lroni the Ann Arbor Agricultura! Oo. denylng the New York World's falsehood. And then he proceeded to to score Mr. Vest iu a most elabórate manner. Mr. Hurd, of the Advance Itt frigerator Co., has agreed, we underitand, to deed tiie land owned by the Advance llefrigerator Co., wlth the improvernents tbereon (subject to a mortgage of $800- with about $S00 improvements) toa company, providioK that wlthin elgt.teen months a manufacturiiig company of $2o,000 capital ihall be formed to use the property. Th ia would be worlli about 5.2,500, wlucli would be siven as n bonu?, to the first corapany that can be orgnnized to take adVHntage of this elegant opportuinty. We predict that our good business men will not let this chance "lay around loose" very long. mstock F. Ilill, of Lodl,reports41,V bushels of Clawson wheat to the acre. Dr. Wm. M. Payne, of Cleveland, O. denies that he is dead, and he ought to know. Cropsoy Hall meeting ncxt Sundity, p. m. Crozier speaks on "Tli Kingdom." County Pioneer Society meeting at E A. Nordman's, Llina, next Wednesday September 3d. Democratie ward caucuses will be líele in thiscity nextTuesday evening, at 7:30 o'clock, local time. The marrlacre is nnnounced of Prof Alfred Hennequin and Miss Mattie Sperry, on Tuesday, Sept. 2d. We see by the California dispatehes that E. B. Pond has been uominated tor goyernor by the demócrata of that state. The Manche6ler Enterprise remurk: "The republicuns in this district seem to be pretty solid for Allen after all the blowing done.1' Byron S. Waite, of Menonimee, has the liearty good wishes of nearly all of the Ann Arbor people in hls candidacy for lieutenant governor. It Is announced that ex-Gov. St. John of Kansas, and Mrs. Slary T. Lathrop, of Michigan, wlll address the proliibitionists in this city on Sept. 0. The sixtli animal encampment of the Soldiere' and Sullors' Association of western Michigan, occurs at Jackson Sept. 2J toöth, inclusive. Dr. G. W. North, who will be remembered by many of our citizens, writes froni Ke3'ser, North Carolina, that lie is prosperlng with bil sük coiony at that place. The Eüinond, Oklahoma, Sun, of Aug. Sist, comes to us Ilying the name of A. H. Classen as editor and proprietor. Mr. Classen was formerly of this city and a membcr of the llt. class of '90. Milton W. Keyuolds, formerly of this place, dlcil at Kdaiund, Oklahoma Torrltory, on the 9th inst., aged 67 years. He was a gradúate of the lic. class of 56, and married a Miss Winans, of Hamburg. Koch & Henne have nccumulated 20 invoices of goods, some of tuein two weeks or more oíd, and no goods yet. Credited to the strike on the N. Y. Central U. lt. And other mercliants are in like situation. Lnst Friday mor ling Michael Wemmin, who had for years run the rneat market at the corner of Washington and Fifth sU., died, aged 54 years. Funeral services were held lastSuuday aftcruoon, Rev. J. Neumann ofiiciating. On account of the severe drought all that are selling mille In town have ruise.l the prlce to four cenis per quart. - Clinton Local. Whew! Doesu't the cheupness of that lacteal fluid make a tingle ín our pocket book? Raised to four cents per quart! Just thlnk of it, ye tofferlog millions ! Wlien telegrapli, telephone or electric poles are put tip any where f n the city I iliinlt the company sbould Hee that the lttter made 18 all cieaned up and the streel k(t in as good a conditlon as before.- Aun Albor Deniocrat. How nbout the ridges and depresslona lelt in digging trenches for g:is and water water pipes? J. Lathrop Gillespie, a son of Bishop Oillespie, of the Western diocese of Michigan, and formerly well known in this city, died at Hartford, Conn., last Friday. Funeral services were held frora St. Andrew's churcu, in this city yeSterday p. m. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Rauschenberger of W. 4th st, celebrated their silvcr wedding- 25th anniversary- Tuesday. Tiielr sons and daughters with their chlldren, gatlieied to observe the eyent. In the evenlng Bethlehem church choir serenaded the couple. This little verse is respectfully dedicated to the friends of our friend of the Argus, who know how it is themsclvcs: Alat! these worn button-holes Were once as good aft new, Uefure the rimdldate had stole Hls bony fliiKers through. Xear every hour and every day, We're (Jeftly button-holed Dy a candidato out "makliiK hay '" Before the votes are polled. llev. S. W. Frisbee, rector of St. James churcli, Detroit; Rev. Dr. Campbell Fair, rector of St. Mark'3 cliurch, Grand Kipidè; Uev. M. S. Woodruft', of St. Luke's cburch, Ypsilunti, vvitli Assistant Rector W. O. Waters of thU parish, took part in the funeral services of Blshtfp Gillesple's son Lathrop, at St. Aiulrevv'scliurcli yesterday. Chus. II. Kichmoud, of this city, is to address the citizens of Duudue to morrow evening, having for a lext the tariffand the silver blll. It Is not at all likely thal he will lay any wlres for the congre3Sional noraiiiatlon! He wouldii't do such a thing ! P. S.- He is to speak at Manchester on Saturday evening! What does it all meau ? Dr. Silas H. Dougliss, of this city who has been sufferlng for many months wilh paralysis. died at his home on E. Huron st., last evening, aged 74 years. He was made a professor in the univcrsity In 1846, having been an instructor for two years previous. He was known throughout the state more, probably, throuirh bcing one of the principáis in the faraous Rose-Douglass case, than in any other way. Funeral services wlll be held Thursday at 4 o'clock p. m., froni the faraily residence. No one within the reiich of the Washtenaw County fair should fail to see the exhibit from the Southern States. The frroat South Atlantic States has been as if it were a sealed book to the Northern people, bnt now thonsands of dollars of Northern money and tena of thonsands Northern people are going into that section seeking investment and homes. The opportunity our fair managers give the people of seeing at their own doors, what this country produces and what It is like, is commendable, and they should be sustalned this jreax as they never lmve been before. The people In this section can only see the southern oxhibit at the Washtenaw County fair as It will not exhibit at any other point near here. There is no charge to see the display, made by the Southern States, it Is free to all who enter the grounds. The company has been organizad to build the electric railway between Ann Arbor and Ypsllanti, and it Is expccted that all preliminaries will be arranged in a few days, in fact the papers are all signed, we understaml, and rights ffiven, except the route throufh Ann Arbor city. Now the council of this city will be asked to grant the rlglit to enter tlie city. Tliis corupauy's line should strike the Universit.y campas at soinc polnt, as a great pnrtion of the trafile will be piissengurs uttending lectures and entórtaloments at Unlversity hall. The line should also come to the court house, to accommodate business men, and people from along the line desiring to üttend the opera liorna. The city council tbould not hesltate, and we do Dot bellere they will hesitate in gnuitiuu; this oompany a franchise for any Street in the city not already occupied by the Ann Arbor street car line. The building of this rond will be a great boomer for these two cities, and should rcer-lve all the encourI agenient possible.


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