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Jas. E. Harkins and party have returned from camp. Mr. and Mrs. Mann rejolce In a little girl, a montli old. Dr. Carrow is expected home to-morrow, from Europe. Prof. T.C. Trueblood of Hill st., U visiün( in Salem, Iud. J. J. Quarry is expected home to-day from Park HUI, Ont. E. F. Mills has gone to New York on bufiuess for liis store. Mr?. P. Bacli will return from Old Misslon Beach Friday. Mrs. John Goetz, Jr., and son are in Detroit for a few days. Bert Doty is spending a week in Detroit, with his biothers. Mis J. M. Swift has been vUiting relativ8 iu Bothwell, Ont. Prof. I. N. Demmon of Washtenaw ave., is in Otsego, Mich. Tom nnd Lizzie Mann are enjnying vacation on Long Island. Prof. B. A. Hinsdale, of Chuich st., U visitlng in Hillsdale, Mich. Mrs. E. J. Maius, of S. 12th st., spent Sunday with friends in Dexter. Miss Belle Huil, of Detroit, spent the Sabbath with MiS9 Carric Bell. Mrs. Fred W. Blake leaves this a. ra. for a two week's stay in Detroit. Waller Mack is in New York making purchases for the fall and winter. Mr. and Mrs. John IiDlIer, of Manchester, are visitiug friends in the city. Misses Kate and Alice Cramer are expected home from Menominee to-day. Mrs. Paris Banfield returned Friday trom a two month's stay at Bij; Rapids. John Koch, of Koch & Henne, goes to Detroit to-morrow for a few days' stay. Evart H. Scott and family are expected home from Old Mission Beach this week. Bishop Gillespie, of Grand Rapids, is the guest, of Chas. II. Richmond and family. Miss Carrie Bell leaves to-morrow moniiiig for her school duties at Minneapolls. Mrs. Arcliie Jahtison, of St. Paul, was a guest at the Ilill-Ko-e wedding last even in g. Mrs. I). G. Sharpp, of Cussopolis, Micli. s visititig her motlier, Mrs. Oltley on Geddes ave. Miss Ardie Clark, of thia city U spend couple of weeks wlth friends in Benton Ilarbor. Mrs. II. J. Killilea, of Milwaukee.Wis., ís visiting her mother Mrs. Dr. H irtley, of 4G William st. Maj. Suule 5 a firm believer in the Ypsilanti's mineral waters, for they have curnl Mis rhetimatism. Mrs. Chas. Tripp has returued from a visit with her daughter Mrs. Kev. W. II. Ryder, at Andover, M;iss. Miss Anna Wilsey accompanled by lier iiuiit, Mis. Warner, are visiting friends lu Jackson and Grand Haven. Mr. and Mrs. Elias M. Thomas, of Uuron, S. Dakota, are visiting Aun Arbor relafives and friends this week. Mrs. RlcliHFd Mason, of Washtenaw ave., who has been pending the summer at Gladstone, Micli., relurned liome MonJay. Miss Wilhelniinii Bender Is in Detroit visiting friends and taking in the exposition. Will Xcumann, wlio has been spending he sumiller n the west, has returned lome. Nt-xt week Saturday Miss Carrie Ball will leave for Dresden, Oermany, to renain a year or more pursuing studies In niuaic. Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Hangsterfer, havng returned from their bridal trip are lomiciled in their new liome on N. il'iin st. Misses Fannie and Minnie Alabaster, laughersoi the late Rev.John Alabaster, of Evanston, TH., are the guests of Mrs. IJ. Cramer. George and Charles Kyer, Dell Stoup, and Charles Traver returned Monday rom a four week's encainpment at Whitmore Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Pliilip H. Gray and Mr. Edward S. Studley, of Detroit, have been spending a few days at Dr. Studley's on N. State St. Frank D. Mead, of Escanaba, lit. '79, stopped off In Ann Arbor Tuesday, on hls way to the republican state convention, at Detroit. Mrs. J. H. Shfidford. of the 5th ward, is receiying a visit from her daughter, Mrs. Qeo. BecklT aud grand-daugliter Ethel, of Chicago. Miehael (J.) Brenner has returned from a summer's stay in Minnesota, looking as if tiie supply of provisions was good out that way. Miss Mabel Hayden, of Tecumseh, expects to sail from New York Sept. lOth, or Gennany, in company with Miss Jacobs and Miss Ball. Mrs. E. S. May nee Tillie WoodrufF, of Washington, D. C., nd Mrs. HcDowell, of Cincinnati, are visiting their mother, Mrs. A. K. Hall, on N. State st. Mrs. Judge Cooley is very low, and gradually failing. It is only a questlon of a few dayp, perhaps hours, as the physicians consider her case past all hope. Mr. and Mrs. John K. Yokutn of Chelsea, have been visiting their daughter Mrs. Fred Howlett, on E. Ann st,, and leave to-day to visit their sou Charles in Chatham, Out. Will Worden and wlfe, of South Bend, Ind., carne to the city Suturday, accompanied by Mrs. W.'s mother, Mrs. O W. Russ, to attend the wedding of Miss Rose last evening. Mrs. Kenna, of Montana, has rented Mrs. Gott'8 house at the corner of División and Jefferson sts, Mrs. Gott and díiuglitor Clara wili go to Chicago to live for the present. Mrs. Herruan Baurand three daugfliters, and Mi?s Bertha Baur of the Oiucinnati Conservatory of Music and Miss Anna Huur fiom Cincinnati are visiting with Prof. E. B tur and family. Miss Katie Jacobs has returned from the Adirondacks, and expects to leave Ann Arbor next week Saturday for Dresden, Germnny, to pursue her musical studies. She will sail from New York Sept. lOth, on the steamer Friesland, of the Red Star line. Mrs. Dr. Hartley and daughter Mrs. Killilea expect to leave Monday for Fort Wayne, Ind., to attend the wedding of Miss Milly Schmidt, a niece of Mrs. Hartley, wlio spent some time in our city. Mr. Killilea joins them there and accompanies thern back to Ann Arbor. Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Hill, Edward B. HUI, Charles Sawypr and wite and Miss Florence Sa.vyer, Prof. C. W. Dodge and sinter Lena, Miss Carol Britton, Miss Juüa Andenmn, Maynard Folien and Mr. Ilii'kcy, all of Detroit.were in attendance apon the Hill-Iiose wedding last evning. Tï-iij. Brown and daughter Matilda expi-c't to leave Monday, for a stay of sevcral weeks at Seittle, Washington, where they will be the guests of Mr. Browa's daughter, Mis, O. G. Root, and also of his niece, Miss Emily BrownThey will go via the Canadian Pacific H. R. and return through California.


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