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A SENSATios was caused in London on the l'Jtta by the discovery thata man recently from Calcutta was afflietod with a most virulent iorm of Asiatio cholera. Asxiety was feit at Dover, EnL. , on the I9th on account of the Ostend steamor, Princesa Josephine, which was overduo, with a large number of passenjjers on board. It was said on the 19th that the reynnue outter Corwin had received ordera to proceed to Behring1 sea and seize all the poaching vessels and take their skins and papers. Advicrs of the 20th say that the Sultan of Morocco had completely vanquished the rebel at Zemmour, beheadinir eighty of them. It was said on the 20th that Druex, France, had boon swept by a cyclone and at least 500 houses were destroyed. The loss was estimated at 1,000,000 francs. No lo. of Ufe was reported. A cyci.onk swept through the cantón of Vaud, Switzorland, on the 20th, doing an immense amount of damage. The villajes of Lavallee and Ioux were devastated, and whole forests wore destroyed. Tuk steamor Oreory was burned on the Voljfi river, Kussia, on the 20 th. Many of the steamer's passengers lost their lives, somo beinj; burned to death and othors drownpd. It was said on the '20th that the average wheat yiold of Munitoba would be twonty-ñve bushels to tho acre, or a total of 20,000.000 for tho whole province. It was said on the 2!st that one result of the peace beUveon Guatemala and San Salvador was that President Ezeta, of the latter country, rotire, which he did. Vice-Presidont Ayala has assumoil powor and was arranging for an eluction for a new President. The Spring Hill coal mines strike in Nova Scotia, which had involved noarly 11,000 men and had lasted two months, ended on the Sist in a complete victory for the men. By tho swamping of a boat in the river at Conway, Wales, on the Ülst, eiht persons were drownod. It was said on the 2id that a cyclone had caused the loss of 130 livos in Switzorland.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier