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XASOaiO ixitii roitv. Vsm A.RBOR COKUAHDBRY. No. IS meets flrst FuoBday i' saob lumiiii. Iï. l' WnMs. BS. C; John H. Mtner, üecorder. Washtknaw Oiiahtkr, No. 6, R. A. M.- f.'ï.s rtrst MfMi'liiy :wh montl. L.C Qoodrloh, H. P.: Z. Roath, Sccretary. BUSINESS CARDS D. A. MacLachlan, M. D. 1HSKASKS OF TUK - - EYE, EAE, NOSE AND THROAT. OrFlCE ÁSD RESIDEHCE, 26 SOUTH DIVISIÓN STREET Houns : 1 to 4, and B:30 to 7:30 P. M. VOGEL & ICIEÏIsr DIAIKR IN AT.I, KINDS OF FRESH AND SALT MEATS Foultnj, Larl,ete. EVERYTHING NEAT and CLEAN No. '. K. Ann S(., Ann Arbor. XV. W. M IKIA, DE1TTIST. Rooms Over Ann Arbor Savings Bank, Opp. Court II(Mise Square. VITALIZED A.1B. Admlnietercd. It is agrueable and eay to take, and uo prostrating eilect follow, wbile teath are extraoiud without pain. Wil.MAn IIERZ, Houso, Sigm Ornamental and FRESCO PAINTER! Paperlng, Glazing, Gilding, and Calciminlnp, and work of every deacriptlon dono in the beet style, and warranted to glve satlefaction. Shop, No. 4 W. Washington St„ Ann Arbor. "DKAI.EK IN CLOTH CASKETS, METALIC And Comraon Cofflus. Calis attented to Day or Nlght. Kmbalmlng a specialty. Storeroom on E. Washington gtreet. Resldence Oor. Liberty and Flfta. MACKINAC Summer Tours. Palace Steamera. Low Bates. Tour Trip per WMk Bctwen DETROIT, MACKINAC ISLAND Tlood. Sinaïeiich, Port Kurou. fit. Clair. Oaklnnd House. ïlirine City. Bvery Wcok Day Bctwcon DETROIT AND CLEVELAND 8pooil Sundy Trips duriog Ju'y nd AajruM. OUR LLU3TRATEDnPAMPHLETS iUlo. and Bxour.lon TiokeU will be f urnlhed by your Tioket Agent, or addreu E B. WHITCOMB, Gn'l Pi. Agnt, Detroit &. Cleveland Steam Nav. Co. DETROIT. MICH. ANN ARBOR FRUIT FARM I BERBY PUJÏl FRÜIT AND ORKAUERTAIi TREES Pears and Grapevines a Specialty! SYBUPS AND HOME MADE WINE. Svrups of Raspberry and of Bartlett Pears. Hniiranit Handel Ion and Kaxpberry Wlnes and Shrubs s-.-.-i Red and White Üoncord, and MarlhaUrapfl Wlnes, especlnlly preparad f "r Invallds. Order trees and planta early aa we et most of them from the best Eastern Nurserles. K. BA UK, WEST HIIKON HTRKBT. %Thc Greatcst BlñoJ PurifierE KNOWN. f f I Thla Great Germán Medicine Is tlio# III III cIkti nest nnl best. 128loc8of SXTL-M+ II I ll'liri: BlTTKIt3for1.00,lessthan# J II lljoiut cent a dose. It wlll cure thvB fc UI Q worst cases of kln dlauase, iromM m a coiiimon pimple on the t jjg IJlto that aivful dtsease Sorofula. Si IHSÜLPHUE BITTER8 la tluiT llbcst medicino to usc In n)M "■ Illcascs of 8ucli MiiMinni :intfynrlr Ki.l III ili'l seated diwaüua. 1H#IU. y sarei uit III U uut cvor take #of order, l'se U BLUE PILLS kKivliffS UI or morcury, they are dead#. " J.'ïiC nJ ' PI II the purest nnd best#J'ou' U6 IJmcdicinocvermaac. #ulpliar BïttcrS !UI sSIsyourTongneOoatedjV ' SS U wil li a ypl!nvstlcky#Don't walt tmtll yon Eg n rabstance? lsyour#are unable to walk, mr IT1 Illinvilli foul and#nru flut cm ymir back, III I InircuMvey yom-#bnt gft Bome at onre, Ulll Illstoinach Is ont#will cui-c you. Sulyhurll Illof order. OB#Bitteni la S 8ÜBÍTOER8The Invalid's Friend. Sjj Edlniiii.'liairiyriicxyouiiK.theaKCdand __ ni Is yiir llr-tertng are Boonmadoweübylll III ii' tliick.#its usc. Kimcmber what yon l I roiiy, rlo.rrad lierc, it may save yourl lludy, orlife, it has savcil liumlreds. III MDun't wait uutil to-inonow, n "Í I Try a Bottle To-day ! Q I ■ M Are you low-siilrltetl and weak, III 3 Mar siifffViiiff (rom the oxcesêea "(III II #yutli? If ao, bUJUPUUE BlTTEIiSl II I 'Wwill euro you. Scml 3 2-ccnt Btnmps to A. 1. Onlway ('o., liosluu. Mass.. for üuat nioilUial wolk publishcU? He Farmers' Múi Mí CAPITAL $50,000. SURPLUS $10,000. Adflitional Lial]ilities of Stockholders $50,000. . Report ol the conditlon of tbc FAK.MK1W ■Ni) .MllcllANlcs' i'.asic at Ann Arbor, Mlclilgan, ut the close ol' business July 18, 189U RESOURCES. Ix)ans and dlseounts S 2M.0S1 72 Stocks, li. ui. Is. mortgaKes, etc 72,3111 51 Overdrafts 1,859 08 Due from ImnkH in reserve cltles.... 10,883 45 Due trom Wahtenaw C'ounty 11.501 76 lillls In transit 3.5Ü0 23 Purnlture and tlxtures a,u o 00 Current expenses and laxes pald.... i 38 liiti-rest puid 4:j 18 Checks nud cash items 159 77 Nlckels and penules irt "il Gold 8,i:il 7(1 SI I ver 2,'.I12 IS Ü.B. uud National Kunk Notes 14,358 OU Total 8 3.51.8.S2 3 I.IABILITIE3. Capital stock paid In $ 50.000 00 Surplua fund ut ooo oo l'ndividPd proflts 8,S Dlvldenda nnpaid 315 m Commercial deposita 243.857 53 Savings deposlu 4.V 0 ui Total f851,682 3!) STATE OF MICHIGAN, 1 „ ('nuiily of Wa-shienuw. ( 8" I. F. II. BEL8EB, Casbler, of the above Damed liank, do BOlemnly swear that the above statement Is true, to the best of my kuowlcdge and belief. F. II. BELSER, Caxhler. Bnbscrlbed and Rworn to before me, thls 29th day of July, 1890. W.M. V. VVHEDON, Notary Public. C'orhkct- Attest : A robrote Kearney, Chas. E, (reene, D. F. Wchalrer, Directora. Th Farmers' & Mechanics' Bant havlngñled thelr certifícate wllh tbe Stat HmikliiK Department are now authorizcd to do business as a Sstvins lïutik, and In purnuance thercof bave opened a Savings Department! Interest allowed In the savliiRs department on all deposits of $1 and npwards, Interest pald Juni; lst and Dec. lst, of each year. Tbe aavlnga deparlment Is open Saturday nixhts from 7 untlIXo'clook. M.mcy to loan in aamsof 25 to f."i.inn secured by unencumberetl real estáte or approved securitles. II Itl.iToitS Itiub.ii Kfmpr. rilan. I'. reene, K. Dully, AmlirciHc, Koarney, Win. v. Steven, W. V. Brt-ukey. J. K. Bral, John Hur, I. F. Sclialrer. K. i-k, lr-n. K. 1HJFPY, Vloo-Pre. F. II. BBIiBBB, ('HHliler


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