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Curious Railway Statistics

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Sonie interesting figures about tlie nilroads of this country may be gathered froni the stcond aimual report of the Interstate (Joinmerce Commission. Beginning with the total rallway mileage of the U. S. In 1889 as 158,000 mile3 it shows that tlie average eqiiiutneut of the roads is 19 engines per 100 miles of lines and tliat 5S,444: passengers were curried by eacli entine during the year. Ittakea 459 employees for eacta 100 miles, as coiupared with 1,748 employees in Kngland. The Southern Pacific has tlie greates1 mileage, 5,908 miles. Por the year 472,171,!S43 passenger traveled an average of 24.47 miles per passenger, witli the average nnmber oh the train as 42. The reven ue per passender per mile was 2.16 cents, while the cost was 1.99 cents. The revenue per ton of freight per mile was 92 cents with the cost 59 cents The average cost of running u passender train a mile 's 83 cents and of freight trains $1.00. The commissioner's statistics are ander the care of two Ann Arbor men. Prof. Henry C, Adams and James A. Case as assistanl. Consequently they are being gotton up in good .simpe. Thelr alm has been to get unifonnlty of keepiug accounts aniong the railrotids, to better enable the gathering of accurate t-tatistics. These are not only very interesting but highly vuluable. The democrats are expressinsi great fear over the election bill that there wlll be Imyimrts at the polls. A stranger to hear them talk would imagine that they wanted quiet elections and never theniselve9 countenanced such things. ISut down south they led an election last January and this is what is sald by the Jackeon Clarion, the democratie organ of Misslssippi: The Raukln RangerswIU be here on Monday to see there Isa fair electloa. The Madlsou Guards wlll be here on Momday to see there Is a fair election. The Raymond Kifles will be here Mouday to see there Is a fair election. The Clinton Corps will be Monday lo see there Is a fair electloo. The Edwards Dragons wlll be here Monday to see there U a fair election. Who cares If the McGIll men (the republicana) don't llke it? What are they t;otng to do about It, whftlicr they hko il or nul? It shall be a democratie vlctory. It seems to make a difference to them whether it is democratie bayoneta to Intimídate or government bayoneta to protect all iu the exercise of their rights. What hypocrisy ! It does not look llke an off year when Hatne republlcaua elect their ticket by the largebt majority In years. Speaker Reed's majority is doublé what it was two years ago. Oh no, friend Argus, the people do not want English tree trade this election any inore than last time.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier