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Peculiar Many peculiar polnts in.-ike Hood's Sarsaparilla superior to all otlier medicines. Peculiar in pomblnallon, proportion, and preparatlon of iugredients,J Ilood's Sarsaparilla possesses .VVV the íull curativo valué of the Jr 'vS best known remedies. Qjrol the vegetable king--iQdom. Tecullar In its c,'strgth and economy- r_vnool's Sarsaparilla is ijgjytlic only medicine ofL wliioh can truly be said% C . ono Uundred Doses DSC& rollar." Medicines in L QVJlarger and smaller bottles Arequire larger doses, anddonot lirodl'ce as good results as Hood's. S Peculiar tn its medicinal merits, Hood's Sarsaparilla accornilislies cures hitherto unknown, and has won for itself the titleof"The greatest bloodiit puriHer ever dlscovered." J VV PecuUarln lts "good name S arA home,"-there is how r Vínore oí Hood's Sarsaparilla S i-k Xsold Ín Lowell. wheretpTtiSmade, than of all,. Totlicr blood purlfiers. % V ,ecuIlar ,„ ,ts VaI lecord of sales abroad Viio othei preparation ij QTrQvn atlainod sucli popu yr larity in so short a time, 1 g. r ani' retained its popularity and confidcncc among all classes S1 people so steadfastly. Do not be Induced to buy other preparations, but be sure to get the Peculiar Medicine, Hood's Sarsaparilla SoldbjalldruggUt,. l;.lxforgí. Prepired onlj by C. I. HOOD l CO., Apothecarlog, Lowell, Mas. IOO Doses One Dollar RINSEY & SEABOLT'S BAKERY, GROCERY, 'and Flour and Feed Store. We keep conetantly on hand, BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, ETC, For Wholesale and Retall Trade. We shull aleo keep a mipply of SWIFT & DEUBEL'S BEST White Wheat Flour! Oftborn'a Gold Dut Flour, Buckwlicat Flour, Corn Mcal, Fced, Etc, At Wholesale and Retall. A general stock of GROCERIES ani PROVISIONS Constantly on hand, which wlll be sold on as reaeonable tcrms as at any other honse in the citv. Csh pald for BUTTER, KGQS, and COÜNTRÏ PRODUCK eenerally. Goode dellverea to any part of the city withont extra charge. RINSEY & SEABOLT. ■ 18i - Grana knal Ope&ing Sais OF sJoTil AT IIKVIXfl AltTHIIS, WAHR'S BOOESTORE Mtéy, Snuiter 1, 1 We shall offer the best bnrgains on SECOND-HAND and XE1V SCIIOOL3OOKS ever given. Teachers wlll find our store headquarera for all Blank Books, Writing Pads and all School Supplles. We buy, sell and exchange secondinnd books. You will save mrmey by making yoirr mrchase at the oíd rellablc Bookstore. Iïemember we give a HandSOllie Present Wlth every pinchase of 3chool Books. (EIKE II '.III. Masonic Block. LTTMBER! LI7MBERÏ LT7MBEEI Jf you contémplate building, cali & FERDON Luier Yaii! Orne r Pourth and Depot 8ts., anci'.irp our figures for all kinds of LUMBER! We manufacture our own Lumber W Kuarantee VERY LOW PRICES 9-Ghc cali and we will make lt '.j VS4u Interest, as our lare and wcll graded stock lnffustiiTis our atsertion. Telcphone Contieen■rtthOffice. f. r. KBÍCCH Supt. AMKS TOLBHRT.r.op HANGSTERFERSÍ DELICIOTJS i I I I I Dellvered to any pnrt of the clty la any Suantlly. Agsorted flavors 1, 2, 3, or i ni. ricks. '. x. All SunJtty orden ahould be giveit thé daypreilous. ín Frcczer. ín ricks. 1 qt. 5Oc 1 qt. 50e. 2qts. 75c 2qts. $1.00. 3qts. $1.15. 3qts. $1.50. 4 qts. $1.50. 4 qts. $2.00. AUCTIONEER! GGO, B. DA VIS, the popular auctloueei can be had on ehort nollce. Terms satlsfacory Order by telephone or otherwlse fmm any pari of the state pnmptly fllled. Resllence and P. O. address, t'hclsea, 'I ñ-li.


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