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I Wlll Never? Allow myself to suffer again vvliat I have Buffered for tlie last year. That vile disease, Dyspopsia, gave me no comfort. I could not cat or enjoy anything. The doctors atuouoted to nothing; notliing Peenied to relieve me, until I used a bottle of Sulphur Bitters. Four botíles made me well. - Joseph Batchelder, Master of Schooner C. A. Backer. Homcseekers' Excursión. The Mlch. Cent. Ity. will sell excursión tickets on Sept. 9th, 23d, and Oct. 14th, rood for 30 days to return to large nutnber of points iu Ala., Ark , Col., Dak., Ia., Idabo., Ind. Teir., Kans. La., Miss., Minn., Mout., Neb., New Mex., Tenn., Tesa, Utah, Wy., Missouri at one first clasí (are for the round txip. H. W. IlAYES. GRAND OPERA HOUSE GRAND OPENING OF THE 189O -SE 1891 THURSDAY, SEPT. 11 Limited engagement. ONE NIQHT ON'LY of the charinlng young aclress, tbe " ELECTRIC SPAKK," JESSIE BONSTELLE ! In the lotensely lnterestlng and amuslng musical comedy, wrltten expressly to meet the veruaüllty of thls glfted artlst, entitled " THISTLEDOWN " In whlch MISS BONSTELLE will Introduce new songs, dances, melorlles, duets, etc, and herceiebrated BA.N.TO SOLO3, In whlch she Is most posltlvely Unequai.ed. Supported by a first-olasg eompany. Selected from the best talent In New York and Boston. Tli mu.slc ably Interpretad by PROF. NEELY'S CELEBRATED MARINE BAND. And operatic orchestra. Open air concert at 12 uooii, and 7 p, m. PRICES, - 35c, 5Oc and 75c. Itfiserved seat on sale at Postofflce News Btand, ALWAYS THE CHEAPEST. pJEËEÏMILLEÜ Good Things Creating a Boom for a Big Fall Business. New Fall and Winter Cloaks, Jackets, Dress Goods, Silks, Underwear and Hosiery, at Specially Attractive Prices that will be Appreciated by Economical Buyers. IJÍ OCR CURTAIN DEPARTMENT We offer Curtain Shades, Plain and Dado Border, Worth 50c, for 35c, completo with rollers ready to hang. 5O Pairs AU Over Silk Ctienille Portiere Curtains at $5.50 and $C.5O a pair, worth $8 and $IO. 20O Pairs Handsome Lace Cnrtalns at 61, $1.25, $1.50, $2, and $2.50 a pair. IN OÜR DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT 25 Picces So-Called $1 Serges In Black and Cholee New Fall Shades at 50c a yard. lOOPleces New Drcss Goods in Plalds and stripes at 25c and 50c a yard. Newest Shades 50-lnch Ladles' Clotlis at 50c a yard. Newest Shades and Black Broadcloths at 75c a yard. Newest Shades 36-lnch ÏVooI SultIngrs at 25c a yard. One Case New Plaids to go at 5c a yd. One Case New Dark Plaid and Stripe Flanucls at 10c a yard. FIIÏE BLACK DRESS GOODS from Paris, London, Yienna and Berlín. A Grand Collection. Tnrkish Mohair Brilliantlnes, Pure Fast Dye that will not chancro color, at 35c, 40c, 50c, 65c and 75c per yd. Blace Cashmercs at 25c, 35c, 40c, and 50c a yard. Black AU Woo! Henriettas, Satín Finish, at 50c and 75c a ynrd. Special Sale Silk Warp lienrlettas, elegant quality, at $1, $1.25, 81.50 and $1.75 per yard. 10 Pieces Silk Warp Henrleltas, New Fall Shades, $1.25 quality, for 85c a yard. m OÜU CLOAK DEPARTMENT We ar showing All the Jiew Styles in Ladies' and Children's Cloaks. Latest Novclties in Shapcs. Blazers, Recfers, Paletots, Jackets and Capes. For a Leader wc offer 50 Astrachan Slioulder Capes at $3.50 each. 25 Plush Shoulder Capes at $5 each. 35 Plush Jackets at $10 eacli. 50 Seal l'Iush Cloaks at -iiï.r.o each. 100 Stockinette Jersey Jackets at $3.75 and $5 each. 75 Cheviot and Cloth Jackets, elegant styles, at $G, $7 and $10 each. Already Our Cloak Department is doing a Large Business and we are going to make headquarters for buyers of Cloaks during the Next Six Months. SCHAIRER & MILLEN ALWAYS THE CHEAPEST. ANN ARBOR. SEPT. 4, 1890. Valuadle - Heal - Estáte ! FOK SALE. Thefollowlng property belonglng to Lyinan D. Jaines: The Franlillii House. The ''Monitor" propertj. Sis Lots on the corner of Fon r Mi umi Washington sis. House and Lot on Liberty st. xrPi.Y to E U GENE E. BE AL. AGKNT. TRUGK AND STlSE! Now we are ready wlth a new Brlck Storehouse for the storage of Household Qoods, l'iano's liouks, Stoves, etc. PUNOSAS HOUSEHOLD -:- GOODS Ca.rofSa.lly 2o-vd.AU kinds of heavy and light Draylng. FREIGHT WORK C. E. GODFREY, Phone82. Res. and Office 46 N. Fourth Ave. Jerome Preeman ! POSTOFFICE BARBER SHOP 3 BATH ROOMS. Ei IWM ui HOT BATHS ! : Innruci, Real Estáte aai Loan Ágency HAMILT0N&, GREEN. OFFICES : NO. 1 AND 2 HAMILTON BLOCK FIRST I I.OOIC. I'iirt les dpslrlne to buyor solí Hoal Estáte vvlll llnil it. to Iheir advantage to cali ou us. We represont tho followlng flrst-class Pire [nsnraiice ('ompanles. havlng uuü aggregale capital of over $8,000,000 : The Grand Rapids Flrp In. 'o., The 'ií I aiiiiiT-' I ns, tu., (I n mu res oniy dweiling), The 4. crinuu Pira Ins. '., I'cople'H Flrc In. Co., Thc l'itlzcn'M Fire Ins. o., Tho M'KNtclioMter Flr Ins. ■., Tho Milwaukce mecbanlcs' Fire Ins. Co.. Tlie New llampsbtrc Flre Ins. Go., Thc IV'ortliwustern Flre In. f a. Ratea Low. i-iosses Uberally aüJUBted and pald promptly. S 'i' also issue Ijlfe and Investment Polloles in the ('■mu. Mutual Llfo Insurance ComI:my. Assets $,000,000. Persona deslrlug Accident Insurance, can have yearly Folíeles wrltten for them or Traveler's Coupon Insur anee Tickets lssued at low rats in the Standard Accident Insurance Company of Detroit, Mich. Money to loan at current ratea. Office hours írom 8 a. m. to 12 m. and 2 to 5 p. m HAMILTON & CREEN.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier