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libbard's Rbcuniatic and Livcr I'ills. These Pilis are scientifically comounded, and uniform in artion. No ;ripingr pain so commonly following the use of Pilis. They are aila)tcd to hoth (lults and children with perfect snfi-ty. We gurantee tliv have no equal in the ure of Siek Headucke, Üonstlpatlon, )y8)'p8ia and Biliousness; and as an apetizer, they excel any other preparaion. The foundation stoues of a oliurch are of a ffood deal more conspqnence tlian lie sieeplt'. Yon don't llave to be dUajireeable to e good, or look like a corpse in pickle to ie rlghteoue. Put ou the Brakcs f you flnd you are golDE down hlll In polnt rneallli. Kaillng streugth, lmpalred dtK slon aud a'slmllatlon are the maiks of delioe. Check these and otber Indicallona of ermuture decay wlth the grund vltallzer nd r. struining tonlo, Hontutter's Stomach fitters. Beginulng at the fountaln head.the tomach, the Bitters remedies lts lneUlclency. orrects Hh errors, and sets lt vlgorously nt work. rhediKestlveorgan Is thu enublel (ithoroughly separate from the food Hh nulrllve principies, which tbe b ood usstmilatlng, s enrlched. Thus Is the system nourlshed, nd helng nourlshed strengthened, and ubormal waste of ItstlSNuesstayed Appetlte ie power to rest well, a regular liablt are also e-establlshed, and the varlous functlons move once more In their natural and healthul groove. The Bitters, moreover, Is a spelflc for and preventivo of malarlal comilalnts, rehumatlsm, blllüUHness and kidney rouble. lí you could see 5"our own scalp tbrough an ordinary magnifying glass, you would be amazed nt tlie amount of dust, dandruff, and dead skin tliereon accumulated. The hest and mnst popular preparation for cleansinc the fcalp is Ayer's Ilair yigor. There was only one window iu tlie ark, hut it lor.ked toward heavcn. The Pulpit and tlie Stage. Rev. F. M. Slirout, Pastor Unitcd Brethren Churcli, Blue Mound, Kan , say8: "I feel it my duty to tell what wonders Dr. Klnjf's New Discoverv lias done for me. My Lunrs were badly diseased, and my partsliionera tliouglit I could live only a few weeks. I took live bottles of Dr. Kitig's New Discovery and am sound and well, gainlng 20 lbe. in wetght." Arthur Lobe, Manager Love's Funny Folks Coinbinatioii, writes: "After a thorougu trial and convincing evidence, I am m., Dr. Kinjr's New Discovery fiir ConsuinDtion beats 'eni all, and cures wlien everytbing dse fails. The trreattst kindncss I can do my many tbousand frlenda ie to nrre th'm to try it." Fre: trial bottles at Eberbaeh & Son'a Drug Store. Regular sizi-8 50c and $1.00. Woiucn wllh pale, colorlcss races, who feel weak and discouraged, will recelve botb mental and bodily vigor by using Cnrter's Iron Pilis, whicli are made for the blood, nérvea and complexión.


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Ann Arbor Courier