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There are 415 persons of school age in Manchester whieh is 10 leis thau lust year. R Kompf & Brn., the Olulsea b&nkprg, llave removed their quiirters to n w hik! oommodoiaa apartments. At the fiftieth anniversary nf the fnundinjcol' Beihels ihiirch o Freid"in tlie collection aniounted to $200. The Chelfea Union Airriciilturnl Srciety will hold tln-lr first aunu il fair at Chelsea Oot. 7, 8 and 9. A:id it will be a (jood one. Clielsoa will send two younsf men lo our university ncxt year. Win, (Jonlin will enter the dental department and Edward MoKone wiil study inedicine. AVÜÜ8 has a Lailies' Aid Society of 13 memoere. lts oilicers are: Presid'-nt, Mr8. Walters; vice-president, Mr. Holland; secretary, JMiss Peppiatt; troasuicr, Mis. Bethel. Mr. and Mrs. W, F. I,!irzeiere are no lonrer numbered among our residents, liavlng moved to Ann Arbor this weok, and taken ui their abodc on Packard at. The best wishes of their m.-iny Saline friends follow them.- Saline Observer. At the animal school meeting in Manchester C. V. Case and James Kelley were re-elected trustees for the coming year. The expenses of last school ycir were $5,084.23. It was voted to raise 12,800 by tax to meet the expenses of the ensuing year. Theie were a mmiber of very mad pcople over at Saline Tuesday of last week. They were waiting at the station to take the excursión train hut it wns loaded down and did not t k them They were somewhar. molliiled when the train returned froiu Ypsllanti and picked them up. Mr. C. D. 1 1 ames leaves for New Yovk, to-day to provide for supplies for the Ypeilantl and Ann Arbor lallrond, and expects to be back n about ten days to begin construction. He is contident tnat no aerious obstarle will be interpoaed at Ann Arbor agaiust entering the city. - Ypsiluntlan. The skcleton of a man was fonnd two feet underground af Rochester Wednesday Dioming. There was a bullet lióle in theskiill and the body luid evilently been dumped f8oe downward, coflinlcss in the grouml. It is supposed to be the remalns of a man named Watson who disappeared mysteriously about 20 years ago.- riymouth Mail. On Tuesday morning a telegram was received announcin? the death of Robert Tri pp, at Delta, Ohio, where lie had been working. His brother-in-law, Mil ton Ilcynolds, at once started for the remains and arrived here with tnem yesterday. The funeral oceured to day and the lnterment was made in Central cemetery, south-west of town. Deceased was a member of Wiltsie Post G. A. R, and a number of tliat order attended the funenil. - Saline Observer. Unadillaagain rejoices over her honors. Louis E. Howlett being elected to the ofHce of secretary of the board of school examiners. The office wa wholly unsolicitited by Mr. Howlett. lic would allow his ñaue to be presented only after repeated entieaty from nis friends. He is a very capable young man having the' ability and stability to make an excel'ent offleer. - Pinckney Dispatcb. Mr Howlett is a gradúate of our law school In last year'8 class and a nephew of our county clerk, Fred Howlett. Another example of the danser of diiving upon the highway when steam threshers are traveling was shown last Friday when Misses Sloat, Lnzell and Logan started out to drive to Saline to attend teachers' examination. As they crossed the east Manchester bridge one of those herse frighteners was in the road a short distance anead. Tlieir horse became frightened and unmanageable and they were thrown down the bank in front of John Wisner's residence and Miss Sloat's riglit collar bone was broken, tlit other young ladies escaping unlnjurod. She was driven home, Dr. K. B. Conklin redueed the fracture and slie is now doinjf well. - Manchester Enterprise. It is not an uncommon thing to $ee persons 85 years old, but we seldom flnd a pair of twins who have reached that age. Stephen and John Cummings, of VVixoui, twln broihers, have arrived to that age. John is somewhat feeble but Stephen is quite hale and hearty for one of his years, thinking nothlng of walking 8 to 10 miles in a day. After using tobacco for over forty years, and when over 70 years of njre, Stephen qult its ue, since which time ho bas enjoyed better heallh. liut old Mrs. Luoy Wixom, of of Wixom, has passed the ítánd birthday anniverary and has a twin sister, Mrs Wood, living at Grand Ledge. This is still more renmrkable than that of the Cummings. VV'ho can beat these records - Tri-County Plcket. PITTSFIEI-D. The following was reccived too late for insertion last week: Theexposition is beinglurgely attended by Pittstield people. Her. Beal, of Ypsilanti, very ably addressed the P. U. S. 8. A fine organ lias been purchnsed by the Sundiiy school of district No. 5. J. D. Allison has three acres of the flnest potatoes we have observed tuis season. A baby boy is asserting hls rijrlits lo tlie love and care of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Kathfon. Milton Begole and faniily are entertaining their danghter and sister Mrs. Wm. Turner, of Fenton. A coinmittcv to arrange for a picnic to be given in the ncar futu;e, wlll meet at the residence of VV. J. OunlicUI this Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Canfleld returned from ;heir suuim r outing mnong eastern filends last Saturdny. 'and were warmly welcomed by the P. U. S. S. on the Sabtwtb.


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