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Tlie Best Advertlsinar. Tlie most efficiënt advertising in behalf ot Hood's Sanaparilla is that which comes from the medicine itself. That Is, those who are cured by it, speak o fiiends sufiering similiirly, who in uro derive benclit and urge others (o ;ry tli is successful medicine. Ttius the circle of lts popularity is rapidly widen ng from tlils cause alone, and inore and more are becoming enthusiastic in behalf of Hood's Sarsuparilla as it actually denonstrate8 its absolute merit. All that s asked for Hood's Suisaparilla is that t be given a fair trial. If you nced a good blood pnrifler, or building up of medicine, try Hood's Sarsaparilla. Men who turn back when they see the lions, in any walk of llfp, will never licar the angels eing. Arreste]. C'imiles A. Diley was arrested Ia9t cvcniur forstealitiK from the drug store of SliiefniMii, a bottle of Sulpliur Bitters. Before the court tiiis morniiig, upon heilig asked wliy lie sliould steal, statcd tlint lila mother was troubled witli IUieumatlsm, and that it was the medicine that helped lier, and btinij out of mmiey and work was the eau! of liis steuliny:. As tliis was was his liri-t offence he was put on probatlon.- Xewark News. Every man's diily life is a prayer of soine kind, no maller vhat he may say with UU lips. Eupepsy. Tliis is wliat you oujflit to llave, in fact, you must have ií, to l'ully enjoy Ufe. Thousandg are scnruhliig for it daily, and niourning because thcy fiud it not. Tliousands npon tbotrgauds ot' dollars are spent aiiiHially by our people in tlie liope tliat they muy attain tliis boon. And yet ít may be had by all. We guarantee that Electric Bitters, if used uccordlng to directions and the ue perslsled in, will bring yon Good Digestión and oust tlie detuon Dyspepsia und install instead Eupepsy. We recoiumend Klectric BltLers for Dyspepsia and all diseases of [jiver, Stomach and Kidneys. Sold at 50c. and $1.00 per bottle by Eberbach fe Son'; drug store.


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Ann Arbor Courier